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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. I first heard it as a version of "Throw a Nickle on the Grass, Save a Fighter Pilot's Ass. First verse: I'd like to tell the story about the Thunder Thud, The bad you heard about it, is just a bunch of crud. It took a lot of us up north and brought us back again And the man who speaks against it will hear our mighty hymn. HYMN, HYMN, F--K HIM!
  2. New book about the air war over North Vietnam by a F-105 fighter pilot who flew 144 1/2 missions. It's the memoirs of then Capt. Billy Sparks. He flew as a strike pilot and a Wild Weasel pilot. https://www.amazon.com/Takhli-Tales-ebook/dp/B00BIP28YC There's some typos in it but overall it a good insight into the life of a fighter pilot during the war along with some comments about the leadership.
  3. Funny thread, lol, almost lmao. I had an uncle who was a Navy recruiter, I went Air Force ROTC. Tells you a lot, huh?
  4. Strike 2. They tried this about 40 years ago. Same result, they pulled the plug because it didn't work.
  5. I don't recall anyone in Thailand wearing a scarf during Vietnam; too hot and humid.
  6. Looks like they forget to check the refueling method earlier. Now there is a problem. Maybe they'll subcontract the refueling to the USAF.
  7. Back in 1964, Captain Eugene J. Devlin, Thunderbird Two, was killed when the fuselage of his F-105 broke up, The memorial of this was misplaced but recently found. Here is the story of the restoration.
  8. My father flew with Captain Randolph. Randolph AFB was named after him. As a kid, his widow would send me a present every Christmas,. At the time I didn't realize what a big deal that was. During WW II, dad worked for Curtis-Wright and flew test flights of C-46's coming off the assembly line. Me: BUFs, Destroyers, Thuds, Phantoms. Maybe one of the grand kids will be a UAV flier when they grow up.
  9. Being old school, I have to ask, wouldn't they have entered the coordinates for MacDill in the system - GPS has been very accurate for me. A crosscheck would have told them that MacDill was miles ahead.
  10. Chuck DeBellevue did it in the Air Force. Probably a special case.
  11. They're both inactive now but I wonder if they would be told to change their patch if they were activated.
  12. It happened. How will this affect the REMF/shoe clerks? ...flight crews? A-10's probably get hit with small arms fire, so they could be covered for the month.
  13. Read the lease. What rights does it give the owner to break the lease? If none of you three have done anything to trigger her right to evict, she is in the wrong. Check with the JAG office for advice (if the JAG still does that).
  14. Traditions
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