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Naviguesser last won the day on February 19 2017

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    Back in Oklahoma
  • Interests
    Leaving Oklahoma

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  1. The same thing happened to me when I got out. They sent me a bill in the mail some 6-9 months later for the amount they overpaid me.
  2. As long as this thread is still here... What do you consider a "commuter" when it comes to TRs? How far away does a guy have to live before he's no longer "local?" 1-2 hours drive time? 3? What if your unit is in the middle of nowhere, but you still want to live in a city? I understand there is a Reasonable Commuting Distance, but what is the "real world" answer?
  3. Who in the AF has been saying that (besides pilots)?
  4. They don't want to fix it.
  5. Do a barrel roll!
  6. I read that as Congress didn't want ABMs (13Bs) in Georgia. Which is understandable.
  7. Vance class start dates are now delayed six weeks. 19-07 and 19-08 will be ghost classes.
  8. But, apparently, not today's airplanes...
  9. If you want to fly, do it. Flying is the best job in the world. Everyone I know has had good days, bad days, and days where we've wondered if we've made the right life choices, but no one has regretted it. Sport bitching is just part of being aircrew!
  10. "They're dumb shit...They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people...They're the freakin' lowest of our low." Pot call the kettle black much?
  11. I'm living proof that in can be done. I was an active duty nav and was 30 when I interviewed with my unit. Now I start UPT in March. I recently met another active duty nav in a similar situation who is even older than I am. He's on his way to a Reserve unit via UPT, too. Age is a total non-factor for some Reserve units right now. Getting the ETP waiver for age and TFCS was the easiest part of the entire process. If you want to go to UPT, don't give up and don't think you're out of the game just because you require an ETP waiver. If the unit wants you, they will make it happen.
  12. Chances are good that those millennials willing and able to serve are already serving. We're not missing out on anything by banning mentally unstable "transgenders" from service. This generation has a lot more wrong with it than just a few people who are confused about the differences between boys and girls. Source: https://time.com/2938158/youth-fail-to-qualify-military-service/
  13. Depends on the meat...
  14. Bending over backwards to accommodate a tiny percentage of the overall population while doing nothing to address the pilot exodus. Nice work, Big Blue. I'm glad we have our priorities in order. My DOS cannot arrive fast enough...
  15. '08 guy here. I just found out from my Sq/CC that I made it. Funny thing...I wasn't nearly as excited to get this news as I was when the Reserves told me last month that I got picked up for UPT... Or when my DOS was approved 48 hours after that...
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