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Everything posted by Skyclops

  1. Read the following article about BACN: https://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/485153/battlefield-airborne-communications-node-ensures-warfighter-connectivity.aspx Seems like the program is continuing to be funded through FY15, with the idea of making it a permanent cape. Anyone in the know have word on what they're going to do with the E-11s after the drawdown?
  2. Reminds me of a certain South Park episode (NSFW: scrotes): https://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/269217/its-like-a-hoppity-hop
  3. I don't know if you're speaking on the PACAF E-3s or old gouge, but currently at TIK it's 6-months on, 6 off since Odyssey Dawn/Unified Protector. The 30-60 days for counter-drug ops is also extended based on manning. That said, with what's going on in Libya, this could likely change within the next year.
  4. He'll be tac airlifting in survey teams to check out the effectiveness of our nukes. I might be breaking OpSec, but ICBM > IADS Inevitrable
  5. Emotional overreaction over nothing? I've seen this show. Spoiler alert: she's pregnant.
  6. If you want to give your bros a notice or feeling of change in rolling over the 1Lt mark, take them to a bar or the shopette and demand free drinks. They'll feel the change when they wake up with a hangover and check their bank account. Hold them accountable!
  7. Damn, I need to learn how to read. I even went through recent posts for reviews, must've skimmed right past it... I'll try and check it out this week.
  8. 2. Saw this movie yesterday. It's not only good, but has a cool style about it. Cool camera angles, interesting flashback scenes; makes you feel like you're going crazy with him. I thought it would be like Castaway or something, but I really can't think of a movie like it. Just a well done movie, worth the buzz around it. Has anyone seen 'The Fighter'? I'm on snow day #3, and going to the movies is a sweet alternative to reruns of Tyler Perry's House and the Nth Sports Center of the day.
  9. This movie could've been so much better. The trailer made it look like a new kind of horror movie, but the execution made it a lame-duck. Same with Pandorum.
  10. Skyclops


    In Bush's memoirs Decision Points, he had some interesting stuff to say about Egypt and the Middle East in the context of his Freedom Agenda. Sounds familiar. He goes on to talk about democratic failures in Russia, Venezuela, and other known dictatorships. He goes on to talk about democratic reforms and progress throughout the Middle East and how far it has come during his presidency. I can get behind that (sts).
  11. Follow-up: problems have been addressed, but doesn't say which ones. AF: Some Gorgon Stare Probs Fixed
  12. Congrats, sir! I've been told by several people to pick your book up and was planning on grabbing it this weekend. Looking forward to the read
  13. Yeah, I wasn't following the rambling at the end of the article about testers being super meticulous and getting in the way of deploying it. 2 fps, inability to track man-size targets, etc. seem to be legit reasons not field it and they're doing the Pentagon a favor by doing their job. It would be useless and a waste of resources if the powers-that-be put this system out there as is. Along with not being a mature technology, the article makes it sound like shoe-horning it into the Reaper, a plane that wasn't designed to carry it, isn't the best mate for the system. Obviously they're trying to use what they got. But putting a mature Gorgon Stare into some of the next-gen UAVs (or that Hindenburg carrying SkyNet) being tested out in CA has awesome ISR potential. Not a Global Hawk expert, but it seems like that would be a better platform. Even the MC-12.
  14. Its really the only sensible thing to do.
  15. "What about helium not being flammable do you not understand?" "Obviously the core concept. I didn't go to space camp." Don't act like it is
  16. That's nice that they gave a name, e-mail address, and number to send complaints to. On the bright side... at least it's an AMERICAN plane (or a plane at all, what is it we do in the Air Force again?).
  17. I knocked out George W's "Decision Points" over the past week. Great read! Nice to see things through his point-of-view and past the distortion of the media. Iraq and Afghan were pretty interesting, but I enjoyed other topics like AIDS and education which I wasn't as familiar with. Cool to see the process it took to reach the decisions he made, as well get a behind-the-scenes look at the oval office. I thought he did a good job of recognizing mistakes he made, what he could've done better, and in general debrief his presidency.
  18. Practice safe sex, leave your gun on safety. Oklahoma man says wife's death was sex fantasy accident Hot
  19. CIA, known for their humor... CIA responds to WikiLeaks: WTF
  20. I started laughing before I even clicked on it.
  21. That's actually kind of impressive.
  22. ?
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