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Danny Noonin

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Everything posted by Danny Noonin

  1. Exhibit A for why tanker dudes get scoffed.
  2. Nothing. Because the plan will change again before you're done with UPT. It will probably change again next month at this rate. Just do your very best at UPT and put yourself in the position to get what you want if it's available. Don't waste brain cells at this point worrying about the rest because there is nothing you can do about it.
  3. Yes. UPT, IFF, ALO, UAV, aggressors, etc. Ops to ops are few and far between.
  4. You're kidding, right? So are the aggressors going to start using blue air-to-air tactics or teaching bomb dropping, HARM slinging, etc, that a "regular" F-16 squadron would teach a young pup? Learning how to "fly and fight" gomer-style isn't really "learning how to fly and fight". I'm not shooting the messenger here. I understand the big picture problem and the difficulty of finding solutions. I personally don't have a big problem with sending young guys to the aggressors. But I just hope that there is no expectation within the AF that a guy who has flown red air on the wing for 3 years will suddenly be at all capable of going to combat (on our side) after that assignment. He'll have some experience in the air, but they by no means will be remotely competent at blue air combat skills. They will be starting damn near over again once they get to an operational squadron. So is this really a benefit? Did we really produce more fighter pilots by doing this? Debatable.
  5. They're not. Langley only.
  6. Not the case here.
  7. Yes, F-22s can drop bombs.
  8. What about the right of life to those he was plotting to kill? At what point do their rights begin to matter? This fucker left this country with no plans to return (unless he was to return with explosives in his shorts). He declared war on these United States and we have evidence that he was actively involved in past acts of war/terrorism (not going to get into semantics) against us and was plotting future acts against us as well. This is was not a criminal that we could send the cops out to arrest and then try before a jury of his peers. This fucker is was an enemy of the country operating from foreign soil. Period dot. By the way, there is plenty of precedent for this. For example, there were American citizens of German descent in WW2 that went to fight for Germany. We didn't try to arrest those guys, did we? Fuck no. They were enemy combatants regardless of citizenship. American lives were just saved and no one should miss a wink of sleep over that.
  9. Really?
  10. Valid point on the cost. I just want dudes to understand that they probably shouldn't make career decisions under the guise of getting a bunch of type ratings that are really only useful in a pretty narrow set of circumstances.
  11. I think maybe some guys overestimate the value of a type rating. Airlines (for the most part) don't give a crap about your type ratings (unless you are applying to SW, in which case you need a 737 type). Type ratings are relatively easy to get--all it takes is a 1-2 week course to go from never having seen the airplane before to being type rated as a captain. They don't indicate any real degree of proficiency or skill, so they are not enormously impressive to hiring managers. They are going to train you up the same way whether you have zero type ratings or a dozen. If you're interested in corporate, then having a type can be somewhat useful...but really only if you are current in that jet and try to get hired by someplace that flies that very same jet. But corporate hiring is going to be slim/none for a while for the most part. LOTS of those dudes got laid off in the recession and will be first in line to get those jobs when they come back. Many corporations are going to be pretty reluctant to do much expansion in their aviation departments because having a fleet of corporate jets became a symbol of excess in many of these companies as times got tough.
  12. There were. Two got rolled to the next class, two won't get to come back based on age.
  13. Craptors have a black box, sts. The initial assessment of what went wrong was done without it since they could not recover it from the remote location in the winter. Translation: it was a total fucking guess. This summer, they found it and the container had lots of data on it. Turns out, actual data may lead to different conclusions about a mishap that are not even close to what everyone assumed before they had any good data...no more guessing. That's what he's talking about.
  14. you have got to be shitting me pyle.
  15. nope. Neither does anyone else right now. So anyone that advocates sending all the pilots off to do something else for 179 or 365 is not thinking clearly or just trash talking. What happens when the jets become un-grounded and no one is here to fly them?
  16. Just how long do you think the jet is going to be grounded?What happens when the jet is un-grounded and no one is left to fly because they're all pulling short tours with your brilliant plan?
  17. Danny Noonin


    What did you have before and why was it insufficient? 3M for uninsured motorist sound like a lot.
  18. Agreed on specific activity based costs but the real stuff that's eating the DoD's lunch financially are long term personnel costs--including health care and retirement. From the long range scope, the ARC is a relative bargain.
  19. Totally fukking wrong... in most cases. There are obviously dudes who work the system but it's still cheaper in the end especially when you take into account the cost of benefits
  20. Younger folk cannot send unsolicited emails to a general without looking like a retard. Same for the vast majority of older folk.
  21. There is a hiring freeze/slowdown on DoD GS jobs which is making ART job hiring difficult because you essentially are filling two different jobs...the mil/TR job and the GS job. The TR part is easy. Guys are running into real problems getting the civilian personnel crap solved to fill the GS part. Civilian job means dealing with civilian bureaucracy/laziness which is 1000 times worse than military bureaucracy
  22. Sorry to break it to you but "t-shirt...is...t-shirts" is not proper grammar there. Read the whole sentence. Nice try though.
  23. The hiring freeze is for GS jobs. If you have an ART job you may be caught up in that for the civilian part of the ART position.
  24. Wow, now that I think about it, the weapons school, the gomers and the Thunderchickens don't deploy. You're right. Great point! SA much?
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