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TarHeelPilot last won the day on May 7 2013

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Crew Dawg

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  1. I was active duty all of 2015. I pulled my 1095-C from mypay, and it shows I was covered for all of the year, but my spouse was only covered for January. This is clearly an error, as she was covered by TriCare. Has anyone else discovered a similar error on their 1095-C?
  2. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this one. A last-look Major is selected for ACSC + 2 years SOS instructor to follow. He'll have 16 years TIS when he starts ACSC next summer, due to being prior enlisted. He'll be at 19 years and hopefully PCS's back to a flying squadron to finish out. If he goes to staff, that will be 5+ years out of an airplane trying to get hired at the airlines (what he wants eventually.) Or he 7 day opts at over 15 years active-duty. To me, this sounds like a lose-lose, for the Air Force and for him... unless SOS is hurting that bad for instructors.
  3. 4.5 hours per month at home to be CMR.
  4. For 1/3 of the operating costs, what's the catch?
  5. Hell, a free once-a-week rental at the Aero Club would be better than nothing! The metal is already on the ramp.
  6. $50K /year for 5 years, anyone? Would it change your mind? Hardly a drop in the bucket.
  7. And the C-130? Let's write off the J model since the C-130 has been around since the 50's. All of the current U-2S's were built in the 1980's except 3 aircraft...a few years older than the B-2, to offer some realistic perspective.
  8. ^That's a Long EZ!
  9. The Air Force already accepts this constraint with the RQ-4. Northrop has done well hiding the info, but here's a glimpse from the Block 10, still flown by the Navy. https://www.navfac.navy.mil/content/dam/navfac/Specialty%20Centers/Engineering%20and%20Expeditionary%20Warfare%20Center/PDFs/ci_tech_data_sheets/TDS-NAVFAC-EXWC-CI-1406.pdf
  10. The ULTRALORD aka Cory broke 3,000 hours of U-2 time this week in the desert. HAIL DRAGONS!
  11. The two are not mutually exclusive. I'm proud and honored to serve regardless of the job I'm in. Even on the worst days, I'm proud to wear the uniform. I expect our RPA brethren probably don't love life, but are still proud to serve. Have I enjoyed non-flying assignments (CAOC)? No, but I performed to the best of my ability regardless. When your commitment is up, your quality of life is a huge factor on whether to stay or go. Attack me all you want, but like I said, had I still been stuck in my previous assignment, I would have departed-- like the 75-100 VSP applicants from said airframe. Is it hypocritical to love serving but consider separation/VSP when you're trapped in an airframe with a PCS freeze and funding only through 30 Sep 14? I'd argue that's common ing sense. So back to why I'm staying in-- I enjoy serving in the active duty capacity for now and for me, the mission outweighs the queep.
  12. I'll bite. I love my job. It's one of the small corners of the Air Force that still values airmanship, camaraderie, and selflessness. I enjoy serving my Country. Strapping into a jet at 0600 for a pattern-only sortie is worth dealing with the queep. That said, had I been stuck in my previous assignment any longer (ACC multi-engine Tactical ISR prop), I would have applied for VSP or separated at the end of my commitment.
  13. I was told witnesses signed non-disclosure agreements.
  14. I heard he was approved for VSP last week.
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