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Everything posted by summe32c

  1. The 183d AS is currently looking for Rated pilots and UPT candidates. See the "MS ANG is HIRING" thread for more details.
  2. The 183d Airlift Squadron is looking for rated Pilots as well as UPT Candidates. All interested candidates are encouraged to send their Resume, AFOQT scores, PCSM scores, College Transcripts, and a summary of your flying history to 183ASpilothiring@gmail.com. All candidates must be able to hold a passport and obtain a security clearance. As always, visits to the squadron are encouraged. For any questions / comments please contact the email above and we will respond at our earliest convenience. Good Luck and we look forward to meeting you all.
  3. Any suggestions on better regionals? I hear compass thrown around at the SQ quite a bit. "I hear" is great, but actual hands on knowledge is better... Either way, I'm pretty excited to get a start and open a new chapter. Ready to get back to Texas if I can. Cheers to you MF's. Always been helpful since I was a wannabe till now... A rated wannabe... Edit: noted PSA, Compass bumps above.
  4. Using the regional as a stepping stone. Checking 2 boxes: ATP, 121 experience.
  5. Looking for some good info on interview and first year stuff. Standard questions... How do you like it? How is/was your tempo on reserve... Ect. Cheers!
  6. Whatever... good on him. She aint a troll that's for sure.
  7. Any scenario across the board, give it time, someone will bitch and complain.
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2014/09/23/world/meast/syria-israel-plane/index.html From report: "The plane penetrated roughly a kilometer (more than half a mile) into Israeli airspace." I guess "missile launch" was their work north call. Landed back in Syria after ejection. Blame the WSO.
  9. Bummer. Was hoping for a real total recall chick... https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2014/09/23/report-woman-who-claimed-to-have-third-breast-added-is-fake/#.VCIycUI-Mjs.mailto Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  10. Go guard early. I had a similar situation in which I was exploring alternative options for flying in the military. I pretty much exhausted all service options to get into pilot training. Primary was USAF but I was open to NAVY, Marines, and the Army. I had basically blanketed my application throughout including reserve components. While all this was going on, I was flying and going to AFROTC through a cross-town agreement. It was painful, but got me a set of wings. Through all of that, I was visiting at any guard/reserve unit that would allow me to. Met some great dudes and received some great advice from the guys that were once in my shoes. I ended up not going active, got out of AFROTC (because it was 45 minutes away and interfering with my class schedule (quibbling)) and pursuing the guard unit in which I fit best, and it worked out. It's not an easy process, but it's not cosmic either. At this point, you have options and time. I know that sounds crazy, but while you are going through the process of college and ROTC, you can explore the Guard and Reserves. 4 years is a substantial time to go to a few units, meet the folks and really have a feel for if you want to be there. You can then decide which route is best for you. At the end of the day, you will have a good handle on all of the options available to you. Like a few have mentioned before, the guard is like a club. Get to know the people, don't be a bag and you are pretty much there. I wish you the best of luck. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about the guard process. CHEERS
  11. Can it drive me home from the bar? That's the real question at hand. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  12. Yes, that's it. Start your military career off by going straight to the man. Yes, but you are not on their level. Wing CC's appoint appropriate positions within the wing/squadron to administer the hiring boards and make recommendations on who to hire. There is a process in place. What makes you think you are special enough to contact the man directly and circumvent his process for filling vacancies? You might as well spit in the face of those running the board. Going around them for your perceived benefit sends the same message. Depending on how the boss is feeling that day when he gets your letter may actually do more harm than good. Use the tips others have mentioned above. The absolute best way to gain a UPT slot is to go to the SQ and hang out. Meet the bros you will be flying with. You will benefit both in the hiring process and in the process of finding the unit/airframe you truly want to fly. Just a thought FWIW.
  13. Drink beer! It helps prevent stones.
  14. Let me clarify... No to two piece flight suits. nrodgsxr said it. I may be flying a heavy, but I damn sure don't want some 2 piece multicam old navy cargo pocket looking flight suit.
  15. This is sad. What ever happened to being able to work your ass off flying during the week and get blasted drunk on friday night because you earned it? Years back at SPS, a few of us were having some drinks at the club when we decided to walk on down to the parade field and have a discussion about the viper permanently parked there. Someone got the great idea to climb on the jet and declare victory over the past week of UPT when out of nowhere security forces starting rolling down the DV path shining that ever so bright spot light directly at us. I was too drunk to panic or care, so I just stood there holding the half gone pitcher I took from the club. As they got about 20 feet from us, just as randomly as they showed up, they randomly turned away and left us alone. Shocking, but 100% true. Good Times
  16. No.
  17. summe32c

    Booze Talk

    The aforementioned scotches above are all distilled off the west coast of ye olde Scotland; the Isles of Islay. They each have similarities in the peat/smoke, some more intense than others. Prices for Lagavulin are a bit steep (I have seen anywhere from 69-96 bucks). IMHO Lagavulin is just the right mix between all the Islay scotches. If you are comparing it to JW Double Black, you are not even in the same sport, let alone the same league. Not to say JW DB is a bad scotch at all, just that it's different. I have attached a link for some information on scotch from the area. It's always nice to get a new bottle of scotch you haven't tried before...its gives me the same excitement today as strange did when I was younger...https://www.islayinfo.com/islay_whisky_distilleries.html
  18. They're probably thinking that they are now on par with the US air capability.
  19. summe32c

    Booze Talk

    A big on Lagavulin 16year old single malt. I try to always have some in my decanter at home. A friend of mine introduced me to the great single malt on the night of my bachelor party and have loved it ever since. Additionally, fall beer season is here. I found SHIPYARD Pumpkinhead last year and have been waiting for it to return. If you see it while you are out, I highly recommend it for a seasonal brew.
  20. HA! now thats funny right there....
  21. You do not need to bring any furniture. The dorms come with a couch, computer desk, computer chair, and 2 chairs for the kitchen bar. It's definitely not much, but it works for the time you are there. There is no hassle, and when I was there, it was like going through college again with the parties and having your bros close by. I did buy a memory foam mattress topper...the beds are hard and very uncomfortable. I also bought a TV. We had to stay in the dorms until a certain percentage was occupied. Depending on where you stand on the wait list to get out, you may have to stay in the dorm until close to graduation. Adding on to the question if there were houses for a few bros to get together, we did end up getting one of the new houses on base. I don't know how it got started due to me coming in after it had already been established, but I'm sure it had to do with the amount of vacancies at the time and it just worked out. I dont know if it made any difference, but we were all guard dudes. Balfour Beatty is generally pretty good. Just ask em.
  22. Saw this one as well. Might place an order. Anyone else?
  23. Considered for tryouts....dont step on your dick.
  24. Spank you Helpy Helperton!
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