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  1. I got this beauty today; "The MPS is currently closed for sports day and will reopen Wednesday 23 May 2018 at 0830. Due to the high volume of emails, please allow 5-10 Business Days for a response. Thank you for patience."--11th Force Support Squadron Meanwhile, I still don't have orders to make arrangements for my family. Nice.
  2. Directly related to the topic: "For years, about 65 percent of the service’s pilots consistently signed up for service beyond their initial 10-year commitment in exchange for a bonus. But in Fiscal 2015, only 55 percent of all pilots and 47 percent of fighter pilots took the bonus. Lt. Col. Robert Butkovich, chief of rated force policy, said the total take rate is expected to drop to about 49 percent by the end of the year." "Col. Farley Abdeen, chief of the Total Force Aircrew Management Integration Division, called the situation a “crisis” during the interview" Article: https://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pages/2016/May%202016/May%2023%202016/No-Quick-Fix.aspx
  3. Additional duties? They are quickly becoming full-time jobs.
  4. Nope. You Print. Sq/CC signs. You fax it in direct to AFPC. Wg/cc nor og/cc see it. However, anyone can see your ADSC on SURF after it's approved. It does take simple detective work to figure out if you were eligible and did not take it.
  5. Not that obvious. Because of unique design characteristics, the C-17 in landing configuration flies on the "backside" of the power curve and the controls are "reversed"-- that's why you flare with power. I think this guy did what most crossflows guys do when they are still getting used to C-17... he reverted to flying "frontside" when the aircraft was configured for backside.
  6. The Japanese should create an ADIZ too.
  7. https://www.economist.com/news/business/21589866-firms-keep-grading-their-staff-ruthlessly-may-not-get-best-them-ranked-and-yanked This sounds familiar: "Ranking and yanking is more logical in investment banks, law and accountancy firms and big consultancies: their business model is, in a sense, built on recruiting large numbers of junior staff and motivating them with the prospect of becoming a partner, even though in practice only a few of them can ever make it." And even more familiar: "If a large proportion of the workforce doubt the fairness of the grading system, and fear being among an arbitrarily imposed quota of underperformers, many may try to jump before they are pushed: staff turnover may thus be higher than is desirable. Worse, employees may look for ways to game the system, as happened at Enron, where workers conspired to inflate their results to secure their bonuses or escape the axe."
  8. You should see the one they implemented to teach aircrew how to use the new AirCard (formerly known as the white fuel card)...and the AFI that goes along with it. We seriously need an audit to quantify the amount of supercilious CBTs-"training" that are being dished out to end users...I don't know if the bosses are aware of what the average crew member is required to complete.
  9. In the C-17 it's in the handheld checklist "Snagged finger rings have caused many serious injuries. Unless specifically allowed by safety procedures, removal of finger rings during all phases of flight operations is required." It's also in the mission briefing guide. My guess it's to provide justification for some married smuck, "but honey, I'm required to remove my wedding ring when I go fly/TDY" As an EP, would I q-3 someone for forgetting to remove their ring? No. A simple professional reminder would suffice. When flying multi-million dollar aircraft with a complex mission set such as the C-17, you have much bigger fish to fry when it comes to determining whether or not someone is qualified.
  10. That was the movie...in the book it was Muslim extremists.
  11. That may not have materialized, but the new rumor is that only 1 IDE candidate in all of AMC got picked up for school this year...so much for the 15%... candidates getting to go in-residence is now a thing of the past.
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