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About FlyAF

  • Birthday 08/30/1986

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  1. I don't know where the hell to put this, so here it goes. CAP Virtual Fighter Weapons School:
  2. I almost cried. "The enemy fears him. West Virginians revere him."
  3. Rainman, How well does the A-10 usually fare in BFM? I'd imagine with that straight wing you could maintain a pretty tight turn radius at low altitude, but couldn't make much use of the vertical for very long.
  4. Not to my knowledge, no. As far as I know, only Airbus puts side sticks in their flight decks - except for the A300 and A310. Here's a picture of the A330 cockpit. [ 14. January 2007, 21:09: Message edited by: FlyAF ]
  5. FWIW, I knew that I wanted to fly military since the fourth grade... and went back and forth between the Navy and AF zillions of times. Most everyone here will tell you to go AF (Save HD's sarcasm), beacuse we're biased. If you go ask the same question over at www.airwarriors.com they'll tell you to avoid the AF like the plague. Either way, both services train the best pilots in the world and you'll get to serve your country doing something you'll hopefully love. I chose the Air Force beacuse flying is its primary mission, they have the best aircraft (or at least the most to choose from), and you don't have to live on a boat regularly. I'm sure carrier operations are cool, but so is an unrestricted climb to 20,000ft from a 10,000ft runway. Good luck! PM me if you have any further questions. [ 02. January 2007, 00:21: Message edited by: FlyAF ]
  6. There ya go...
  7. Just finished " F-15C Eagle Units in Combat " by none other than our Steve Davies. Really good book that details select kills of the Eagle. The Desert Storm accounts were particularly interesting - never realized just how unreliable the AIM-7 was. [ 15. May 2006, 17:44: Message edited by: FlyAF ]
  8. Hey all, I'm finishing up my freshman year of college and AFROTC, and have 20/40 to 20/50 vision in both eyes. While I can see well enough to do normal day to day activities, I hate missing out on some of the finer details of life. The only thing stopping me from wearing contacts is that I heard that if you wear them, they act as a "crutch" for your eyes, so over time your eyes will worsen (more than they would naturally). With my vision being close to the 20/70 limit, I haven't wanted to risk it. Is there any truth to this? Also, if I do get contacts and wear them regularly, will this only complicate things for me when I go for my pilot slot / flight medical? I can go without correction for now if there's any risk to things being more complicated down the road. Has anyone been that close to the 20/70 limit and still worn contacts and received their pilot slot? I'll be 20 in September, so I'm hoping that my eyes have somewhat stabilized by now... Thanks! [ 17. April 2006, 17:07: Message edited by: FlyAF ]
  9. Would it even be possible to get a M.S. in Physics with a B.A. in Philosophy?
  10. Hi Everyone, I'll commission from AFROTC with a B.A. in Philosophy, but would really like to earn a B.S. in Physics or Engineering after UPT sometime so that I could possibly apply for TPS. Would this be feasible to do in the said amount of time? I know that you can take courses online, but those seem to mostly be for non-technical majors like history, management, etc. Plus, I'd imagine that getting a Physics degree would be pretty challenging for a pilot that has 10-14 hour work days as it is. Thanks for any input or advice. [ 05. March 2006, 23:26: Message edited by: FlyAF ]
  11. I noticed the two "tanks" towards the rear of the jet. I've never seen those before, but I'm guessing that they're baggage pods? I didn't know that the E model could carry stores back there. Does the C model have the same setup?
  12. Do fighters ever practice intercepting airlines, or are they allowed to over the CONUS? I remember seeing a site a while back where French Mirages routinely intercepted USAF flights travelling over their airspace, and have also seen pictures on airliners.net where they'll fly on the wing of an airliner as well. Thanks
  13. Where did you get your oxygen?
  14. I wonder if the ROE were any different this year. The ROE are a major consideration, and this was beat to death last year when the F-15s flew. If I remember correctly, the USAF had both hands tied behind its back.
  15. I think that I remember hearing that the speed for the overhead break is around 350 knots, but do fighter guys ever go above this speed "for fun?" On airwarriors, they talk about how they usually do a minimum of 500 knots, but maybe that's because they're at the boat. Just curious...
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