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Everything posted by nsplayr

  1. Fuck me dead do not speak this into existence. About to start an attached flyer staff tour and I swear to Jesus if I have to wear blues everyday I don’t fly I will kick a puppy. I will also fly for 30 mins every single day, sim or combat line 😁 Perks of RPA… Seriously though, what about changing people’s daily uniform makes them more lethal, more ready, better leaders, or better stewards of our limited resources? Which ALQ encompasses dumbfuckery uniform Chiefing, sock measuring, shaving waiver inspection and duck walking so I can give some of our leaders who support this high marks?? I wanna defeat & deter aggression from our geopolitical adversaries - any focus away from that toward excessive bellybutton gazing is misguided.
  2. This. My best unpopular opinion is that we should pay our elected leaders significantly more; it would cut down on corruption and also attract better folks to those positions. Right now you either have to be independently wealthy, a real political zealot, or corrupt (or any combination of those!) to run for office. I, a dickhead O4 in the Guard, make more than the two United States Senators from my state, how wild is that? Top it off with the fact that I don't have to talk to reporters, maintain a household in my state + live part-time in DC, get a load of shit on social media (I do that part for free! 😇), etc. These people are making extremely important, impactful decisions for our country and we have not set up this system well for them. It's then no surprise why so few "normal," down to earth folks are in elected office - the pros/cons just do not work out in favor of going down that path unless you fit any or multiple of my three criteria above. Edit to add: same story re: cops & also teachers (to cross-post from another thread). Low comp + tough environment = shitty people and/or "true believer" / martyers. The good ones get burned out and leave, the bad ones stay, some good ones who stay are fighting uphill in the snow both ways. This is America and money talks...you wanna pay $60K for a super full-time gig wrangling feral children or the dregs of society out there tweaking on drugs? Sane people say no and become project managers for construction companies or sell insurance or fly airplanes instead.
  3. They're blue, just like our beloved Falcon 💙
  4. It's almost like we should end our extensive, poorly-functioning drug testing regime and actually just focus on the relatively few people who are causing problems with their substance abuse (drugs & also alcohol) rather than regularly collecting gallons of piss from > 35 year old career officers & NCOs... Just don't ask about the 3x Zyns I have shoved up my butthole so I don't fall asleep on another Mids shift 😇
  5. Update: Ho Lee Fuk, the matrix is broken man. So now that the calculator is up my home zip code (where you get BAH for as a DSG guardsman) up $399 from 2024 🥳 BAH now pays literally $600 more where I live (suburb of a bigger city, and not even the nicest one) compared to the city itself where my base is located. Having lived in both places, housing is absolutely cheaper where I am now. My home zip also changed MHA codes from last year to this year 🤷‍♂️ I would love to see the formula here because it is extremely whack…bank error in my favor I guess! I reiterate that champagne and pizza will be available for all the homies.
  6. The calculator isn't updated yet but the PDF is out. Up $114 let's goooooo. Champagne and pizza for all my homies.2025 BAH Rates.pdf
  7. I've owned three different EVs and they've all been great. A VW ID.4 that is my wife's vehicle, I owned a Tesla Model 3 RWD for about 10 months, and now own a 2023 Launch Edition quad-motor Rivian R1S. Very few issues with any of them (most serious was on the VW; covered by warranty). If you want a commuter car it's hard to beat a Model 3 IMHO. The range estimator in the Model 3 and my R1S have, for me, always been nuts-on accurate when you use the in-dash nav to go somewhere both in the winter and the summer. The R1T is a fantastic truck and if you need a truck, and I would recommend either that or the F-150 Lightning. You can get a Lightning Flash or Lariat for under $60K now with the deals many dealers are running - that's an amazing value for what you're getting. The R1T is also great and would have been my choice if I needed a truck rather than a three-row people hauler. I've driven my EVs halfway across the country, in snow & ice and in > 100 degree WX, etc. If you can A) plan ahead more than the average idiot on the street, and B) charge at home, they're fantastic vehicles. An order of magnitude cheaper to operate cost-per-mile than most ICE vehicles and a lot of fun...my R1S does 0-60 in 3.0 seconds with my entire extended family of 6 on board 😁 That same vehicle costs $0.05 per mile in fuel, and that's in a big-ass 835hp brick-shaped SUV. The Model 3 would be about half that price because it's about twice as efficient compared to the big Rivian, so $0.025 per mile in fuel...you're not gonna beat that in any ICE vehicle, let alone something in the same class of performance.
  8. The sooner you understand that the Department of Defense is *the* biggest, fastest, most efficient way to spend taxpayer money, and that that's the purpose, the sooner it all makes a bit of sense 😄 Only sorta kidding... If there's a more expensive, more jobs-intensive way to have an effect on the battlefield, gosh darn it we owe it to the U.S. taxpayer to do it that way. Ask yourself this, how can I expend more of my SCL on this operation? Couldn't this CONOP call for more versions/personnel/fuel/airplanes in the stack? Anytime you try to make a DoD mission more cost-effective you're doing it exactly backwards. "Giving" weapons to Ukraine/Israel/Saudi/whomever-the-fuck = middle-class manufacturing jobs in 50 unique states + territories.
  9. Iran ain’t sending their best here…😄 Personally I think it was too round, needs to be pointy.
  10. https://abcnews.go.com/US/us-air-force-academy-cadet-avery-koonce-death/story?id=113468548 Terrible news at the AFA, RIP to the cadet. Is it bad that my first thought was, “Please god let this finally end Fat Tony’s miserable career…” ?
  11. RIP to Matt, if y'all can, please donate to help his family out. Luckily I just saw that the Special Operations Warrior Foundation will be taking are of all of his kids' educational expenses from here on out. SOWF is one of my absolute favorite charities to donate to and support, and I encourage you to do that too if you can.
  12. You old retired fucks are just haters, no worries 😎 I landed one plane downrange, took off another one, drove home & now I tucked in my kids and am watching NBA on my couch. If I’m lucky the airplane I took off will be minus a couple of hellfires when I go back in and land it tomorrow 🇺🇸 All title 10 orders, no deployments, no PCSing, part of a great squadron. Life is good. Hit me up if any of you poor bastards on active duty want to rush the unit, we happily accept bottles of whiskey and cases of beer every drill weekend from pilots looking to be a part of one of the best deals out there.
  13. Indeed. Working weekends and shift work is the downside. Still, our unit (and I think most) work 16 out of every 28 days, which is noticeably less than Mon-Fri. Plus on later shifts there are about 10 dudes in the building and I’m often in charge, so it’s a more chill type of work day. I can complain because I’m aircrew and it’s our god-given right, but not too much, it’s a good deal. Coming up on 10 years homesteading in a place I want to live and I’ll (inshallah) still get an active duty retirement out of it, staying at the FGO level in a flying squadron, no staff, etc. There are way worse ways to spend the back half of your career than as a Major/Lt Col line dawg IP occasionally getting to sling hate at our enemies all while sleeping in your own bed every night.
  14. Yea they're jammin' more than Bob Marley out there in a somewhat-successful attempt to defeat Ukrainian drones and other GPS-aided munitions. Thanks a lot Vlad!
  15. I mean yea, that would be awesome, but it's never gonna happen, at least during the remainder of my career. There was some excitement about that possibility when light attack was seemingly going to happen, but that program was about 15 years too late and obv it didn't happen. The AF really put the whole community into a box canyon with the 18X program. That should have ended YEARS ago and everyone should have been sent to UPT. Copy the limited capacity of UPT as we have it constructed today. But the tradeoff is that if/when the MQ-9 goes away, unless there's a similar platform in terms of how we operate it (doubtful IMHO), all those rated officers are going to be hung out to dry. ~2,000+ people currently trained in AF flying, WX/pubs/class A international and CONUS + tons of weapons & systems experience. The only way out of the canyon is an 18X to 11X transition course, but that for some reason has gotten zero traction. It won't affect me, but all my my young LTs who are 18Xers are going to have to figure things out when the mighty Reaper heads off to the boneyard. A companion trainer of any kind would go a long way to giving RPA pilots the airsense you gain from actually being in the aircraft, but again, zero traction. To piggyback on a comment I made in another thread, give me the gov AMEX and I'll buy about 50x DA-62s, give RPA pilots the FAA instrument rating equivalency they deserve, and I'm betting 96.9% of them can be made in to competent manned pilots ready to be assigned elsewhere in Big Blue when the time comes. The biggest problem is many of them might just punch and go to the airlines if they had a manned mil companion aircraft to build time on 😅 And maybe while you're at it you can consider what's left of the RPA pilot job for warrant officers, seems like a perfect fit.
  16. It says directly in the article that was linked: Bellingham International Airport in Bellingham, Washington George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas Syracuse Hancock International Airport in Syracuse, New York Cozumel International Airport in Mexico
  17. It's not rocket science to look out at the civ aviation world, find a decent multi aircraft that you can buy at scale, and just buy it. Then send all your non-fighter, non-helo pilot studs to train with it. Wham bam, done. I or anyone with half a brain could do it in a couple of weeks if Uncle Sam will loan me the gov AMEX Centurion w/ no spending limit. Too bad it "doesn't work that way" for...reasons.
  18. Guard MQ-9. And you don't even have to give up the rank! We have, right now, 5x Lt Cols who just fly the line full-time on T10 orders and have for years. Shit, none of them are even IPs! It's wild. Best kept secret I've seen in my career so far. No leadership/management required, yet get paid (almost) the same as the AGR SQ/CCs and DOs who are busting their asses every day and twice on drill weekend. Not a bad gig if you can get it.
  19. 🫡 you too bud
  20. I have given lengthy, insanely lengthy, explanations and justifications for my views on numerous political and non political topics over literally 15+ years posting here. If this is what you take away, it’s more proof that it was all a massive waste of time! Thank you for confirming my belief that this is all a bad habit that we’d all be better off doing less of. The truth is my beliefs have changed over time just like anyone else, but also that my values remain relatively stable and those values lead me to overwhelmingly support liberal, Democratic policies rather than ones proposed by the conservatives, libertarians, socialists, etc. Believe it or not that’s a perfectly reasonable POV to have, just like it’s perfectly reasonable to be 69% consistently conservative GOP, libertarian, or grouchy contrarian and “politically homeless” like most of y’all here are. Also believe it or not all of this type of conversation is much more effectively had in person. It works so much better when talking to my friends of all political stripes in person, over a late night shift or a beer. As you pointed out, too many people are miserable assholes online even more so than in real life. I try not to be too often, but hey, sometimes it’s hard (sts). My resolution, although it hasn’t always been kept, is to stop typing political stuff here and to take those thoughts to places where they’re more productively heard and where I can better appreciate other peoples points of view - in person. Or just to STFU and talk about normal stuff like cars, airplanes, kids, sports, etc. Politics is a new national pastime 24/7/364 and honestly the whole country is worse off for it. Back to step 1 on my BO.net AA journey, “I am powerless over my desire to talk politics with you miserable bastards here, and that waste of time and effort has become unmanageable.” 🤣
  21. Good thing you’re not a mil officer then! You seem to genuinely not like America very much. No mention that Russians have no rights under Putin other than what he allows. The brazen murders around the globe. Invading neighboring countries, etc. 🇺🇸 I for one find is to be the good guys the vast majority of the time despite our faults and I have hope for an even better future. I plan to work toward that rather than wallow in our faults and apologize for enemies. To each his own I guess!
  22. Hold on, let me check JuannaBlowMe.net for the latest “unfiltered truth data” from the battlefield… Or maybe there’s another 4 hour podcast with 3 blurry guys from Cyprus that has some intel I’m not seeing at work? F off man, this is not a debate worth having with you Chang. I hope you can pay for your next set of knee pads in rubles once your current set wears out.
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