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Everything posted by nsplayr

  1. AMU is regionally accredited FWIW. Don't put out info that is false. Yes it is online and yes a lot of it us BS (trust me I know) but being accredited is not AMU's issue. Is Harvard more of a pain in the ass than Sports Management at FSU? Sure, but it can be worth it depending on what you want to do later and how much value your future employers put on a top-tier school. If you can afford a degree from a good school do it I say.
  2. From my perspective I agree. There are some very capable dudes out there who fly and fight the sh*t out of their single-seat jet, but when you have to aviate, navigate, communicate, weaponry, run a pod, and talk on several radios with potentially broken comms, it gets to the point where we can add more technology to a jet than one person can effectively handle. Of course there are single-seat platforms out there and in the past that have done it and done it well (No rainman, I'm not knocking a Sandy 1 here), but there's also a long history of the two-seat setup and I think with good reason. Plus the fact of the matter is that all the platforms we're realistically looking at here have 2 seats so that seems to be a foregone decision. +1 to the ability to bring the GFC, the J2 or J3 up in the jet with you as well; that can pay huge dividends toward how much they trust your decisions and advice while airborne.
  3. Yea, obviously RPA are out there killing bad guys and there have been WIC papers and the like about RPA as FAC in the past but obviously I meant manned. More manned platforms is good pretty much out of principle IMHO. That's true, I'm just figuring since the Super T, AT-6, and OV-10 as well as many other wanna be competitors for the program all have 2 seats. Gotta put someone in that seat...
  4. ...or just put another pilot in there or maybe a nav type. ABM in a light attack plane is about as likely as pigs flying...not a knock it's just reality. I'm dreaming of the opportunity too as a nav but am not exactly holding out hope. If we as a service can get something, anything in numbers with decent light-attack, armed recon capes to supplement the fast-movers and Gunship/Dragon Spear-type platforms we already have that would be a win.
  5. Owner of Killer Bear Chokes to Death on Sex Toy. Has to be one of the best headlines ever...
  6. GL man...do you know why it's Tyndall rather than HRT or Eglin since those are closer? Just curious...
  7. I have to say, bridesmaids was actually hilarious. 90% fresh on rotten tomatoes is no joke.
  8. That dirty whore can rot in hell! She drugged her husband, tied him to the bed, waited until he woke up, cut his dick off, then threw it in the garbage disposal and turned it on. HOLY SHIT I hope she gets it good when she's in jail...horrible thing to do to a man.
  9. Let me be the first to say AMF. You certainly had interesting things to say and controversial views but you went about engaging others all wrong. Threeholer, I like your idea to get back on topic. Here's who I'd want leading night one: My previous flight commanders (the flight was broken down into 2 parts technically and for rating purposes because it was too large for one person to handle, but we still treated it the same). Both are EPs and former fighter dudes and are excellent pilots and officers. Both are mid-level captains who, despite their focus on the mission, have also done the queep and told their young lieutenants to get it done because that's the game we're all now playing. Young, accomplished leaders who lead from the front and exude tactical excellence, that's who I want leading night one and realistically the way we operate, that's who'd be doing it anyways because in all likelihood the Boss would be in the TOC/JOC.
  10. Nice, very lucky for both parties.
  11. I recently had LASIK corrective surgery at Keesler AFB and had a great and very successful experience. 20/15 in both eyes, quick recovery, back flying as soon as the paperwork goes through. If any guys on Active Duty, especially flyers, want any recent feedback feel free to PM me. I'm not a doc obviously and don't know the rules in all situations (cadets, civilians, etc.) but I can at least relay what I learned and pass along the good info that was imparted to me pre-surgery.
  12. nsplayr

    Gun Talk

    NRA to sue over multiple gun buy info collection.
  13. There are clearly two different methods at play here: Method 1 - Stand up for what you believe in at your current level and fall on your sword over any issue that goes against those beliefs. The system isn't worth supporting and should be burned down from within in order to enact radical changes. Method 2 - Play the game to a certain extent but don't lose who you are. Kissing ass is not necessary but job performance is, and the rewards are often greater opportunities to help improve the system from within. Of course these are my characterizations, but it's how I read what's being said here. One of those sounds like good advice...and is the path most "good dudes" I know have followed. As much as it's easy to complain about the clerks and the practice bleeding and the BS and the queep, everyone who I look up to has both a sh*t ton of combat hours and expertise in the jet as well as has pushed through and completed those queepy thing in order to continue serving and to do good things for the service and the country at the next highest pay grade. They have, in my view, done some outstanding service for their country without taking the Boyd-inspired maverick approach to career planning. To me, that rare warrant-officer-like flyer who said to the game and shot from the hip while flying the line and retiring as a captain to me is just not a sustainable model to follow and that path is fraught with both personal and professional peril as well as the big gamble of hurting your unit. It would make more sense to have a WO career path so you could have the benefits of the no-nonsense, non-careerist technical officer without having captains burn their careers down when if they are truly good dudes, they could do more good at higher levels of responsibility later down the road.
  14. I'm holding out for Mexican drug war to spill over big time. We can base out of DM in Tuscon, get TDY money for flying in "combat," and hit up the bars on the weekend. Perfect setup.
  15. Perhaps this one?
  16. nsplayr

    Gun Talk

    Sexy gun man. Funny you mention that shop; I was taking a trip from Navarre to Lowe's in Gulf Breeze and stopped in there to see what he had. Actually didn't have a 336 in 30-30 which surprised the guy and he said come back in a month or so and he's probably have a few or could get one transferred there if I really wanted. I'll be sure to check back.
  17. nsplayr

    Gun Talk

    Anyone have a Marlin 336 in 30-30? I'm sure some here must and I'm looking to get a used one at a fair price. Never owned one before so any advice on what to look for (other than functioning obviously) or reasonable prices for the NW FL area is appreciated.
  18. GA = General Atomics, maker of the MQ-1 and MQ-9
  19. My god...the photoshop options with that photo are endless.
  20. What's a music store? I heard they have those on the interwebs now...
  21. I think I'm one of the lucky ones, didn't do ASBC and now it's history. Booya.
  22. So how do you guys do this; I've done it twice as follows: Rent truck from rental place, drive to weight station. That is your gas full weight. Drive truck home, fill with sh*t. Drive to weight station. That is your full of stuff weight. Am I missing something here? The OP needed an ASAP response to getting his PCS weights figured out and that's what I offered up. The way I do it is both faster than constantly stopping at the gas station and, bonus, it ensures the government pays me *less* than what I would be due if I had filled up my tank just prior to weigh-in each time. Like 3-holer said before, you're gonna max gain like 200 lbs from trying to game the system so really there's no point when I'm hauling way more weight than that. Save yourself some time is what I was "implying." I've literally seen dudes fretting over "well the tank said XX before and now it says XX;" for f*cks sake weight the truck and get on the road. Note: My comments here are not responsible for dumb people and their actions
  23. What if we could hold the whole course online, using emerging internet technology like blackboard and such. Then a majority of people wouldn't even have to physically go TDY to Maxwell and could complete the course much faster. This would allow for greater ops tempo back in the operational squadrons, less man-hours lost due to travel and etc., and thousands saved in travel costs! Man, I'm gonna submit an AFSO21 proposal ASAP...
  24. Just heard about this today at the sq...sweet, now with 75 days home per rotation it's now literally impossible to do SOS in that time block when you factor in CTO and re-deployment spin-up. That should be good for our careers... At least ASBC went away, on that one Big Blue!
  25. Worth what? Lighten up francis. I'm not gonna purposefully not fill it up, but I'm not making an extra stop at the gas station just to top it off. Same goes for when I weight it full, not gonna stop at the gas station with a truck full of my sh*t and pulling a car on a trailer. It all comes out in the wash man.
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