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Everything posted by nsplayr

  1. I know someone from my ROTC Det. who "failed" ASBC...still on active duty as far as I know after some light facebook stalking. Not sure how that's even possible based on what I heard about how difficult the training there was.
  2. You're wife's looking wonderful these days...tell "her" I say hi!
  3. I hadn't open this link earlier and when I got to work I read the email from Gen. Fiel notifying AFSOC of another warrior lost. Can't believe Hurlburt has lost another good dude in such a short period of time. Lt. Col. Loftis was an instructor at the USAF Special Operations School and taught a week-long class that I took last summer. Former space & missiles nerd, spoke a really difficult language, really knowledgable about about Afghanistan and security studies in general. Good dude, he'll be missed. Left behind a wife and two young kids too... Those Afghan cock-suckers who killed him deserve to be hunted down, killed, and rot in hell. They can have their piece-of-shit country to themselves as soon as practical if you ask me...declare "victory" and let's chunk up the deuces on that place.
  4. Come on..."Holy crap, I've got about 5-6 guys squirting in every direction!" It's gotta make ya laugh just a little bit...even if you end up killing them all after the fact. Despite the 31% on rottentomatoes.com, will definitely be adding Act of Valor to my "to see" list.
  5. I think it's perfectly valid to be immature enough to still chuckle at "squirters" being used in a normal, serious conversation.
  6. Saw on the news this morning that we're pulling all ISAF officers out of their positions embedded in Afghan ministries.
  7. "2" to what Cooter said, good send off last night. For anyone who knew the guys or is involved in base activities on Hurlburt, the base memorial will be Tuesday the 28th at 1000 in the Freedom Hanger on the East side of base. The U28 Heroes website is legit and we've had a lot of generous donations so far, thanks to anyone who has donated already. I'm sure the families will appreciate whatever help is available.
  8. Freakin' sweet app...great way to kill some time on some international flights I just took. The app is "free" and gives you a few pics, the rest will cost you $6.99. Money well spent IMHO since it gives you all the pics from the magazine plus extra stuff only in the app.
  9. Tough, tough weekend for our community. Great guys, they'll be sorely missed. Gone too soon but never forgotten. Here's a toast
  10. Oxymoron...by definition vampires are already dead.
  11. I may have visited each of these a few times
  12. It was like that for RJs when I went through...then again we had a scarf drop/track select for nav or EWO earlier so it was obvious. Were they not doing that early on at P-cola? My limited understanding of that community is that while some navs are able to transition to EWO, the EWOs there would not fly the nav seat so it's really two different crew positions that would need to be identified from the start. Anyone out there that can speak more intelligently on that?
  13. Are you not still in AFSOC?
  14. Yep, recommend.
  15. Interesting and I thought relatively well-done survey on military compensation done by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Includes interesting options and lets you weight how strongly you prefer each separately and then some in packages. Found here; takes IVO 15 mins.
  16. Oh where, oh where have the neocons gone, or where or where can they be? Guess we have a large contingent of Ron Paul foreign policy types here and not so much George W. Bush followers. No freedom agenda eh? Anyways, yea, intervening around the world is a shared pursuit among democrats and republicans, don't pretend otherwise. I'd argue we have a national interest in Assad not slaughtering his own people but then again maybe that's just me. Plus he was an asshole to begin with and sponsored all kinda of bad guys in Lebanon/Israel/Palestine. Does that mean I think we should full up Iraq their ass and takeover the whole place? No way, it's not that vital of an interest, but we can certainly help them and if it came down to a Libya-type operation I'd be for that as well. There are many, many steps along the way before you start conducting airstrikes and it can start with trying to gather a coalition of other states who want the same things we do. Just sitting back and letting those trying to overthrow a violent dictator kinda sounds like ceding world leadership to me...
  17. Yea, 'cause fuck 'em, the Syrian people are on their own. We don't stand up for freedom or civil rights or fighting against brutal oppression or anything like that... In other news, we closed our Embassy and pulled our diplomats...sh*t's gettin real...
  18. Took ya three shots there to get your response right, eh rainman?
  19. Une page dans l'anglais, s'il vous plaît ?
  20. I've heard Whiteman is pretty nice, glad it's true. Too bad for AFSOC dudes getting hit up with preds...condemned to Cannon. At best we can hope for it to finally be BRAC'd this time around like it should have been in 2005.
  21. I have a FC1A (nav) so YMMV. I honestly don't know the details for pilots since most pilots I know already have excellent vision and I am not one so I didn't pay close attention to pilot-specific stuff. However, I do know one pilot who got LASIK and I know she wasn't DNIF for a year...I'll ask her what her experience was.
  22. Oh really? Please do tell. Good on the guys who made this happen...no credit needs to be taken, political or otherwise. The ones who deserve credit already have it. To them
  23. A) I've worn ones that aren't any heavier than my ABU-color two-piece, so that's not a universal downside. They also had a better pocket layout in my opinion. B) I don't need to be camouflaged in the airplane, no one does (they're generally grey on the inside anyways), but I sure as hell want to have the best camoflauge available if, god forbid, the one little spinner carrying my ass around decides to sh*t the bed over a bad place. Same goes for any dude flying over hostile territory. If I was in charge I'd want to give every aircrew the absolute best uniform for a bailout/evasion situation as possible depending on what they fly (i.e. one-piece or two). Why have an inferior uniform when good ones are right on the freakin' shelf?
  24. Go to your base's optometrist and start the process. They will stop you there most likely if you are not eligible for medical reasons. It's possible to go to the surgery center and have then turn you down for some reason, but the tests done at your own base will be extensive and will likely result in a solid yes or no answer as to whether or not you can do it. The final LASIK vs PRK decision happens at the actual surgery center too just FYI, it's up to you and the surgeon, although I guess it's possible that you would only potentially qualify for one or the other, IDK, not a doc. In terms of time, I was DNIF for exactly 3 months after having LASIK, however this could have been cut down to 1 month if medical wouldn't have pussy-footed around with my paperwork. The no-sh*t recovery from LASIK is extremely quick, your full medical recovery (i.e. you could go fly again) is about a month to a month and a half depending on how your Doc is feeling, however your paperwork recovery can be lengthy (I've seen 3-5 months). I'd say the "average" from a small sample size of dudes I know is 3 months for LASIK, 5-6 months for PRK from date you're cut to flying the line again.
  25. My squadron recently had a pred billet to fill and the Boss said that if CSOs were interested (and had a PPL) he would ask the Wing King to consider them. Not sure what the whole process would have been, I'm assuming it's still a package and RND and a new 6 year commitment. Honestly I would be sorta interested but the slot was to Cannon and I am determined not to go there. I can ask him what the full deal would be if you're really curious.
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