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Everything posted by nsplayr

  1. More importantly, where does it say you can't have a flashlight attached to your zipper? And just for clarification, this question is rhetorical...they can take my photon light from my cold dead hands... Better yet, who said you could have a knife clipped to the pocket rather than fully inside the pocket? Who said you could roll your sleeves up once or twice so long as they still looked all the way down? Who said you could tie your boots in regular knots rather than wrapping the laces around? Where are you damn flyboys getting these ideas from?!? We need another uniform jihad to rid our ranks of the regulation infidels!
  2. Yea, that checks, but what I'm asking is that does that make them any less dangerous? Does that make them any less deserving of an ass kicking?
  3. What?? Nigeria is sort of in western Africa, where terrorism is a problem, and the LRA operates in Uganda South Sudan & CAR, all of which are in central and eastern Africa, where terrorism is also a problem...which of these is unimportant again? Does the LRAs non-Islamic ideology somehow make them any less terrorist-y than other groups?
  4. SOF guys going around the planet killing people who are assholes...man, who knew...
  5. Man, those Iranians are really starting some sh*t these days...I mean the Saudi Ambassador is totally understandable, but trying to take down BO.net, now that's provocative!
  6. Wow, cynical much? There's no way this could be a legit successful effort at foiling a plot that honestly fell in to the FBI's lap after DEA informants tipped them off... /sarcasm...
  7. Not an issue...had once ever since I was 15. I only got the nav physical but I know numerous pilots who have them as well.
  8. NYT article about the legal memo that authorized the strike on Awlaki.
  9. Yea, that is shitty man, flight suits are expensive and you can't exactly go out to walmart and pick one up. GL getting your stuff together and don't sweat the hat.
  10. Dude, you can get a 3-color tan boonie cap for like $10 bucks online to go with your desert bag. I think I paid about $13 for one at the BX in A-stan to replace one I lost... I've also seen the ABU boonie with the desert bag, and while you look like an idiot no one I've known got chiefed over it so I'm guessing it's authorized. Those have been in stock at every uniform shop I've seen.
  11. ...and stated openly that he would not pull the trigger if ordered to do so on that particular target. Looks like someone else had the night shift in the GCS...good on em'.
  12. That is a kick ass drop, congrats to all.
  13. To me the problem is there was not a reasonable way to arrest him and bring him to trial. If he presented himself to authorities in the United States, I have no doubt he would have received a trial. He chose to hide on foreign soil, in what I would consider a battlefield, and actively plot and participate in operations. That decision was an active forfeiture of his rights to a trial or other due process. It is a tricky way to go about things, but we need to adjust out laws and mindset to the threats that are out there. Like someone else said, this wasn't a snap decision to kill joe blow citizen while he was out at starbucks, this was carefully vetted by both political and military leaders from all stripes and in that context, I support similar operations in the future.
  14. I know there has been at least 1 dude who dropped U-28s from P-cola, is he not at the 19th yet I take it? Good luck and kick ass, thanks for posting truth.
  15. America, fuck yeah! Well done gents.
  16. Based on this job description from the linked page, "ISR Pilot for Beachcraft King Air 90/200" I don't imagine it's much different at all.
  17. Exactly.
  18. Years, really? As in plural? You sat casual for at least 2 years in addition to your CSO training? Was this related to the schoolhouse move, a phenomenon that will not affect students in the near future? Maybe a touch of hyperbole...
  19. Seriously? Way to go ass hat, enjoy TIB while your bros continue endless deployments hacking the mish. Maybe he's a good dude, but if he thinks anyone in AFSOC, or the AF as a whole, actually enjoys TIB downrange he's been going through life with his eyes closed.
  20. All I know about Tachyon beams are they are used in Star Trek...
  21. From the article (formerly) linked above... Holy f*cking sh*t what did they buy for $2,850 per person, per month on "food and liberty" while on a deployment?!?
  22. Ironic that you highlight Netflix as an ideal to look up to when they've recently pissed away much of their customer good will in the last few months. Perhaps they're really geniuses and think that they are cutting off their soon-to-be unprofitable and obsolete DVD mail service before it drags down the whole company. Only time will tell, but in the near-term their stock has taken a royal beating and their customers are pissed off. To your point, I think we (the government) could learn a lot from the most creative and innovative businesses that consistently attract the best talent in the country, but then again it's a different ballgame. The reason we're a 1-mistake Air Force is because some of the mistakes we can potentially make are much more serious than sending the stock price down the tubes.
  23. NO.
  24. I could be wrong, but I'd bet all TPS applicants are instructors in their aircraft. What it takes to accomplish that also totally depends on what you fly. Know your goals (TPS, etc.) but keep your focus on the near targets.
  25. You're right on, your follow-on location depends totally on the airframe you get. You may go direct to where you will be long-term, there may be 1-2 stops in between depending on what you get. WRT to where to live, don't screw over you wife just so you can live 5 minutes from your squadron. Happy wife = happy life. Trust me, the commute from West Pensacola to Eglin is brutal and will not work out well for either of you. Even Gulf Breeze to Eglin is pretty far so just keep her in the front of your mind when you choose where to live. Nunya's advice is sound, split the difference.
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