I was selected as a navigator in college and also as a pilot alternate, which means they sent me to Brooks. We got the same "98% make it through here" speech. Unfortunately, I was one of the 2% and lost the possibility of becoming a pilot. I was also close to losing my nav slot. When I went to Brooks there were three individuals, out of rougly 20, who were going to be DQed from pilot. One was for depth perception and the other two (I was one of the two) had color vision problems. I still have my nav slot, which I'm in the middle of training, but I remember all the personnel there were secretive about everyone's results. Leaving Brook's there were a lot of people who were unsure of what the status of their physical was. I found it very frustrating that they wouldn't let you know how you were doing medically (ultimately they collect the data and then flight surgeons will decide if you are fit to fly), so just be aware of that when you go.