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Everything posted by Waddlek

  1. I questioned the assertion that my survey was part of some anti-military conspiracy and was "revolting".
  2. You're right... I should have let the comment that my intentions were "revolting" go unanswered as unworthy of response.
  3. The Rokeach Values Survey is in there because my capstone advisor insisted. Cooperate and Graduate. I spent 32 years in uniform. My advisor did 20+. There is no nefarious plot here. My thesis is that autonomous flight is coming. Probably cargo first, and legs that are mostly over water. If it is coming, research needs to be done on customer attitudes and pilot attitudes. My research is not about drones, pilots or the military at all. It is about attitudes toward automation and the differences between pilots and non-pilots. The military just happens to have a large pool of pilots. It is also the culture I know best. Your opinion, which you are entitled to, confirms what most crew chiefs think about most pilots.
  4. Actually, that is my hypothesis... that drones suck. Intentionally skewed final question to favor drones to show that even if UAV are more reliable people want Chuck Yeager in the driver's seat
  5. Please look me up in the Global to discuss
  6. Hello, My name is Kevin Waddle. I am a retired USAF Chief Master Sergeant, aircraft maintenance, working on my Master's degree in aeronautics at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. As part of my graduate capstone project, I am researching generational and aviation experience related differences in attitudes toward automation in aviation: specifically, as they relate to future unmanned commercial aviation. No personally identifiable information is collected in this survey, only demographic and opinion information. To complete this research I need your assistance in completing a survey. The survey is located at https://waddleweb.com/lime/index.php/462867/lang-en Thank you, Kevin
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