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BQZip01 last won the day on March 11 2012

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  1. Ditto. I'd lawyer up.
  2. That's why I'm looking for clarification. He mentioned not performing certain actions.
  3. 1. Props to you for outing yourself on the matter. It is a sign of maturity to accept responsibility for your actions. To be clear, you did NOT completely run the boldface, correct? Your reasoning was that you wanted to give the engines a chance to relight on their own; did you discuss this with anyone else? Was this common practice or something you discussed prior in training or on the ground/in the air? Was this a SEPT discussion? 2. I'm out, so I can't read the SIB. I'm sure it's informative. (I've been involved in 14 AIB/SIBs...as local support, not as the subject) and, while the actions of the AMC/CC seem grossly unfair, they are within his discretion. As stated above, if a commander finds through an FEB that a pilot is routinely performing prohibited maneuvers, he can clip the guy's wings. 3. IMHO, at some point the AMC/CC needs to look at himself in the mirror and ask "What could I do differently?" These spectacular accidents seem to be happening at an all-too-frequent rate in AMC and not elsewhere; or at least it seems that way.
  4. Thanks, Butters. Sometimes there are releasable portions, but I wasn't holding my breath
  5. Unable to access AFSAS; anything releasable?
  6. Am I not the only one who finds severe irony in "distinctive camouflage uniform"? Camouflage's stated purpose is to try and blend in, not be distinctive. "Uniform" means the "one form". "Distintive" means different Who the f*** came up with these ideas!?!? I'll give the Marines props for creating their own uniforms when uniform board after uniform board refused to make a better pattern, but the "no, we won't share it" rule was BS. Either we are a joint force or we aren't.
  7. Looking to do a practical joke here. Where can I get a pallet of rubber dogshit? The chowhall, you say?....
  8. MUTES are only as good as your scenario. If you know what's happening/going on, then nothing's gonna be a surprise and it's same ol', same ol'... ...but if you take the time to contact them and ask how to set up a scenario, you can create one of virtually any length/complexity. I created one for the 5 BW that had 7 emitters working simultaneously and gave the EWs a run for their money.
  9. Can't it be both?
  10. Nish was in my group of 7 at survival training. He'll be missed. :beer: :beer:
  11. To be fair, it looks like the DIA report had a paragraph mislabeled as unclassified (U) when it shouldn't have been... ...stand by for Classification Markings CBTs and a 3-hour presentation/lecture by the CSAF via teleconference at every installation
  12. Equivalent
  13. There are few things better than surprise morning sex ...unless you are in prison
  14. Gotta admit, this is PERFECT justification for keeping the B-52s. How else could WE fly such missions? Use a B-2? Not so much: use a stealth plane that can't be seen on radar to intimidate a country that won't see it? The B-1? Doesn't really have the legs...and isn't part of the nuclear triad. A Sub? see the B-2. An ICBM? That's one shot that isn't coming back.
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