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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. Bullshit Stay the fuck in your own lane until you have something close to a clue about what other careers do. Let me guess? You have penis envy of Pandas? Many of us here have PLENTY of knowledge of how space works. Sure, we don't know everything, but we know a LOT more than you give us credit for.
  2. That attitude will change when you get RIF'd because you aren't "ahead" of these shoes...
  3. Bullshit. It at least partially has to do with reducing expenses. Chip on your shoulder? 1. I could do my entire job as a navigator without you space pukes. I don't need you for navigation. While SATCOM is nice, it isn't essential for Command and Control; we DO have other options like HF. In AFSOC, we used commercial satellites & services/other options when MIL SATCOM services were down. 2. We ALL come in for whatever the mission needs on our days off. 3. My squadron was deployed for Christmas...at least you got to go home later. 4. We don't get any "special privileges" as flyers 5. We get SOME incentive pay to retain us and we get flight pay because we are literally risking our lives. If a satellite crashes or a computer goes down, you have exactly ZERO chance of dying. 6. "we do it without appreciation" Perhaps if your technique was a little better 6b. Oh come on. EVERYONE appreciates the military and most don't have a clue between aircrew and ground dwellers In short, STFU! Quit whining and get back to work. I'd kill to be in your shoes and actually have a job that means something! 2!
  4. Coincidence? I think not! One of the wierdest tankings I had was with some -135s with B-52s in a 4 on 3 (sts). Lead tanker asked for tail numbers <standard crewdog gripes about tail numbers go here> and then responded with, "Well sir, it looks like we're the youngest jet here. Our tails are 65-6969, 62-0023, and 62-0069". Not a single jet was less than 45 years old.
  5. 1040's a good jet. Flew her many times.
  6. Complete shack on divert options (overall). BUFF options are relatively small since they have a 140+ ft taxiway requirement thanks to the tip gear. However, there are some places in Europe that can do the trick as well as Lajes. Well, that depends... [/WIC mantra] If volume was an issue, MORE B-52s might have been preferable as they could be split up to take out more DPIs over a wider area. With 4 BUFFs, you could cover more locations, but with fewer bombs. I'm just saying that there are other ways to look at it. This problem would have been solved with internal weapons carriage upgrades the BUFF has been complaining about for 20+ years. As for the 4-ship comment, BUFFs do train for 4-ship formations. I've personally been involved in a 4 bomber on 3 tanker mission Pretty sure AFRICOM/EUCOM made that call with some ACC lobbying. I don't think AFGSC said "Don't use our bombers! Take the ones that ACC has!" (though I've been proven wrong in the past...)
  7. It's never too soon as long as it's funny
  8. Hey, Navigators don't lick windows! (usually we don't even get a window...)
  9. If you always send the bottom 2 to preds, you will have a perpetual problem with finding quality pilots
  10. Back to the actual topic, it appears there were NO fatalities on the ground. Truly amazing given the quick destruction of 5 buildings
  11. Sadly I have to agree, but it shows just how hypocritical they are. Runway is present when the guys build houses and apartments. The traffic pattern hasn't changed appreciably. People move into these houses/apartments KNOWINGthey are both in an active flying area on approach/departure (a known accident area) and still purchase/rent anyway? WTF? FWIW, I lived near the departure end of Eglin and was HAPPY to hear 8-ship F-15 takeoffs at 6 AM. THE SOUND OF FREEDOM!!! I was also not stupid enough to live along their intended flightpath or within their standard pattern. I also didn't complain even once
  12. <insert snide comment about the Navy and the aforementioned comment>
  13. If it's beer, I've been working in the wrong portion of the Air Force...
  14. I'm quite surprised we haven't heard any half baked 9/11, Obama-kooky, or chemtrail conspiracies yet. I'm also surprised that none of these yahoos has yet caught on that a 2-person F/A-18 isn't a standard configuration and started yaking about how it's CLEARLY a conspiracy...give it time.
  15. Wow! What would have happened if they'd been carrying live bombs!? or missiles!? or nukes!?!? [/sarcasm]
  16. 2 chutes confirmed. No word on any injuries on the ground, but it doesn't look good. Looks like they crashed into an apartment complex. http://rt.com/news/navy-jet-crashes-virginia-475/
  17. How stupid are the people who keep electing this MORON!?
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