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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. 2 Every DO and CC I had the pleasure of working with always had the back of his crewdogs as long as they played it straight with them.
  2. The more I read this thread, the more I'm convinced an IG investigation is warranted. Being pressured by HHQ to make illegal decisions is known as unlawful command influence
  3. Saw that yesterday...things aren't getting better in the Middle East...
  4. That's the glory of all pictures you take "in the course of your duties" while on active duty. They automatically enter the public domain as soon as you take 'em and ANYONE can use them for ANYTHING...even REMFs. As for the guy in the picture, if he isn't a CGOC member he actually has cause for a lawsuit as this image doesn't give any context and implies he is a member. Certainly worth an IG complaint! :-)
  5. Point lessons learned: 1. Make the hard decisions to NOT do a mission when you aren't supposed to and expect "leadership" to be disappointed, criticize you, and second guess your decision. 2. Fly when you shouldn't and expect "leadership" to be disappointed, criticize you, and second guess your decision Overall lesson learned: Too many REMFs are don't actually care about the line flyers and have no problem being disappointed, criticizing you in a no-win situation, and second guess every decision. What you have isn't leadership: they are sniveling, second-rate managers. Less than a year after this?!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqnrkvl9MNg&feature=related
  6. I offer the following: Pretty Good The Glass Cockpit Ground Effect The Sideslip Tap Zero AGL The Slant Range Hypoxia Simulator All weather fly in Warning Horn Buzzer and Chaff Tactical Approach Aux Fuel Station Line Abreast (highly dependent upon the shape of the bar, but makes sense if everyone is sitting down at a straight bar on the bar stools) Tumbleweed (Brevity Term that is HIGHLY applicable in a bar...) Not so good, but potential for improvement Throttle Back Accelerated Stall Adverse Yaw Off the apron Deadstick MilliBar Turn & Bank Where is it going to be? I'd LOVE a ride!
  7. I have rescheduled/cancelled 4 flights in my limited career due to a lack of adequate sleep and in every instance, leadership around me backed my call 100%. In 3 additional instances, my crew rest was pretty cleanly busted due to official duties interfering with the required 12 hours of crew rest. In each instance, I felt fine to fly, but let my leadership know the situation and let make the call as to whether we would attempt a waiver from the OG. In two instances, I didn't take off, but in the third, I did (I was dealing with redeployment issues and got a call about an hour after my crew rest started...hadn't even had dinner, much less slept). Just be honest and, no matter how much bitching a REMF does, you can sleep well at night knowing you did the right thing shacked
  8. roughly 60,000 officers and their familes...and only 3 "likes"...
  9. BQZip01


    From the album: Misc

    AFCGOC...well-liked by...no one?
  10. BQZip01


    Misc Images for board use
  11. Same thing attempted at Minot, but the Ops Gp commander got an earful from the Wing Vice...who decided to invalidate the election. Three cheers for Putinism!
  12. Thanks for the info. My unsolicited two cents is that the commercial market already has enough knee boards out there that accomodate the iPad/iPad2. Creating an attachment for aircraft is certainly a possibility, but these seem to be aircraft-specific (what works on a C-130 isn't going to work on a B-52 or an F-16). Something Kindle-sized is indeed very close to the size of a standard appch plate and I think it would be more ideal than an iPad for smaller cockpits. So, in short, Good luck on the iPad attachment for the -130 world. So far, they look good. Keep us posted on any snags you guys hit, but there's little I can do with respect to hardware. If we are talking about how to use them, then I can certainly write software to assist, but realize all of the appraoch plates we use already are available via pdf-formatted files and are viewable on the iPad. Using Jeppsen seems to be overkill. Now using an iPad for charts would be good for some folks, but a lot of charts include PFPS-specific stuff (i.e. threats) or are generated in SIPR systems and aren't transferable to iPad. More than that, they are not exactly EM-silent or EMP hardened, so there are further restrictions potentially out there. If someone wants to get together and come up with a flight-following map app based on GPS inputs, I'd be happy to help. While I think the iPad is a good idea in General, I'm not so sure the full-blown ramifications ahve been completely considered.
  13. I suppose holes cut in runways are MC-130 arresting devices too?
  14. Can I assume that 1 of 200 times is for long-range flights or flights to unfamiliar airfields?
  15. "Semper Quibalus" Always Quibbling
  16. "Sitting on our butts since 1947"
  17. Ok, so getting RIF'd does have an upside
  18. This might work well on cargo planes, but not ejection seat a/c
  19. How would the Figher-types feel about a pair of velcro straps that could attach it to your leg like a checklist? It seems to me that it would be usable in every airframe. Thoughts?
  20. I do not trust anything Schwartz says any more. The report specifically faulted Maj Haney and assigned blame to him despite other major contributing factors (some arguably causal). There was a single pilot and "we" didn't lose control, the pilot did. He's trying to save face here and take some heat off the board and its results, but his claims defy logic. Then he says the report is complete, but they are still working hard to find a cause?!? I'm confused as to how anyone could trust his opinion at this point.
  21. Hell, I've done the same thing with my nut huggers shorts. Unfortunately I didn't realize it AFTER the PT test (sadly, they didn't fit any better wearing them the proper way) The reason he was giddy was that it was the highlight of his week. It justifies his hours of studying/memorizing AFI36-2903 and all its supplements
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