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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. That's kind of impossible as Wi-Fi is designed as a receive/transmit system (you send information through the network in order to download something back to your computer). But if they aren't picky on antennas, I highly recommend making your own: http://www.oreillynet.com/cs/weblog/view/wlg/448 Turns out that the signal for Wi-Fi propagates extremely well in a metal object the exact diameter of a Pringles can. The metal-lined interior is ideal as an antenna.
  2. Now THAT'S the Rainman response I expected! It was funny the first few times, now it's just lame
  3. Why?...because somehow your name would change from the one on your outprocessing checklist? In order to sign off on those, all they have to do is log in and sign you off. They could literally cut & paste the name from VPF to check it! Sounds like some old bitty didn't want to use that new-fangled com-pew-tur
  4. This is BaseOps...so, no Rainmain, you already have credibility in my book, but after a scathing 2 volume response, criticizing brevity?...really :-) STS
  5. To OP: yeah, there are assholes out there like this guy too
  6. The best way to handle it is to not let them know it gets your down or that you felt it was in any way an unfair hit. It's all part of the game. If anything, just make it part of your vocabulary. "Yeah, that was more stupid than eating tuna in the flight room." At our squadron whoever gets voted as the "story of the week", they get to carry a stuffed animal around. He has a logbook and the bros usually expect pictures of what you and he did during the week (the more outlandish, the better). I've gotten to carry it around and so have numerous squadron commanders. EVERYONE makes mistakes (no matter what your IPs say) Like someone else said, sooner or later someone else will prop their baffoonery up on a pedestal and it will top this and/or the story will pass. It's pretty minor and the story will die off. In a few months, it'll be nothing but a memory.
  7. Whatever, China's team has been admonished by their SEA association for violent outbursts/brawls at games. This is just their most recent. Was it a foul? Yeah. They didn't have to team up 2:1...then 9:1 when the bench cleared. Ron Artest eat your heart out.
  8. Oh, it matters, but it won't sell any newspapers... ...what do you mean the base paper is free?
  9. To quote the new AFI: Females. Appropriate undergarments are required to be worn with all uniform combinations. Wear bra and underpants with all uniforms... Really..."underpants"?
  10. Yup! But to be fair, he got the velcro sewn on his flightsuit large enough to match and he had big shoulders/arms, so it didn't looked ok, just obnoxiously patriotic. A+ for reading the fine print! I would expect similar restrictions to follow on the next uniform board just because some shoeclerks are butthurt that they don't wear a bag (we've had 98 in 64 years, sooooo...the next one should happen in September?)
  11. How about both? I know quite a few who proudly sport their wing patch plus an American Flag tab patch. On a related note, my dad finished his career at the Wing level and the numbered Air Force didn't have many clear regs, so he wore an American flag on the left shoulder. Since there were no specifications as to the size allowed, he went with 4" x 6". It was "stick-it-to-the-man"-ostentatious and he got nothing but compliments from both superiors and subordinates...until he visited Randolph prior to retirement. There was a SSgt at AFPC that mentioned his patch was out of regulations. My father (a full bird Colonel) asked the little pipsqueak what regulation that might be. He quoted the latest version of our not-so-humble AFI 36-29OhSuckIt verbatim from memory (what a shoeclerk!) regarding wing patches; it turns out he wrote the damn section for the latest uniform board in response to some wings' patches being bigger than others (it wasn't "fair"). My father calmly pointed out that the regulation regulates wing patch sizes, not the size of the American flag (which at 3 inches by 3 inches would be woefully out of compliance with US law...). My father retired shortly thereafter, but the next uniform board capped American flag sizes at 2x3 inches. Coincidence?
  12. Sure 8.4.7. Left Sleeve. Normally wear the US flag, emblem of appropriate wing, group, or center, positioned no lower than 1 inch from shoulder seam in accordance with MAJCOM supplements to this instruction. The AFI states that it is an OPTION to wear a flag. I am aware of no MAJCOM instructions which prohibit American flag wear. Just because "an enormous portion of the USAF flying community...doesn't wear the flag" doesn't mean a squadron commander can order you to take off a perfectly valid patch. Honestly though, if my Sq/CC asked me to remove an American flag, I would be disappointed in him, lose respect for him, and comply with his request. It isn't worth any sort of fight. On a related note, I wore my Nav School patch today (still an authorized patch in a certain MAJCOM supplement!). A high-ranking officer saw it, smiled, and said, "Nice. I like it." No criticism. No reading the riot act. No E-9-esque temper tantrum. Truth is, I think they'd rather have us express ourselves through extremely-low-grade insubordination (we all know we are breaking "the rules") and have higher morale than have low morale and look pretty. One of the two will get us through the next war and looking pretty ain't a winning tactic in any AFTTP... ...maybe the Thunderbirds...
  13. CLCU - Carrier Landing Currency Updated
  14. There's so many things that could have been going wrong (brakes, engine not going to idle, hydraulics, steering issues)...glad to hear the pilot's ok.
  15. BQZip01


    I've run out of gas and had car troubles. In each instance, I called USAA roadside assistance and I got a tow from them for free. Got a crack in my windshield from a semi? Also fixed for free (I don't even know if these are options now, but they were back then). I have had 2 accidents in my lifetime in which I was the driver. In the first, a lady rear-ended me (sts) while we were both at a stoplight. We both came to a complete stop waiting for the light to change and, for no apparent reason, she decided to hit the gas (In a bit of irony, I was in San Antonio and just dove by USAA Blvd). We exchanged information and went our separate ways. I filed a claim and the truck got repaired in a few days. The plates were stolen and the ID was a fake, but USAA found the culprit, sued them AND refunded my deductible! In the second instance I was rear-ended by a drunk driver (again while at a complete stop...again in San Antonio...near USAA Headquarters...perhaps I should avoid that area of town...). The passengers of that vehicle sued me. USAA stood up and defended me in court. The judge threw out their claims and again, USAA refunded my deductible when the driver's insurance paid for the repairs. Yes, depending on the state, USAA may be more pricey, but the freebies they throw in are phenomenal and their customer service is better than everyone else!!! Even if it is slightly more expensive, it is worth every penny.
  16. Please stop giving the shoeclerks any more ideas...
  17. The only information missing is names and addresses...
  18. 2 Sure it is home to other things too, but that doesn't make it any less the "Home of the Fighter Pilot". If you want to note that it's the home of the Thunderbirds, erect a sign (sts) and state it. If you think it's the home of every warfighter, do that too. But there is no reason to remove a sign simply because it doesn't include everyone. If you think everyone is a warfighter, you are sorely mistaken. Of course the fighter units didn't deploy. They are there to train OTHER fighter units. That's exactly as accurate (and ignorant) as chiding the CSAF because the CSO schoolhouse or pilot training squadrons don't deploy.
  19. 4 keep the updates coming (sts). I too think he would make an EXCELLENT CSAF
  20. C'mon...that was one of the most useful parts of the course... sad, but true...
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