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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. TO HELL WITH THE BRITISH!* *historically speaking, of course
  2. Those guys in Guam are from Barkatraz. If anything, they would double their no-notice NSIs...they should pray Minot expands!
  3. I asked a person about this just a couple days ago. He went from medical to being a navigator, so it is possible. PM me with any questions and I'll pass them along.
  4. A broken dam in Canada is a false rumor. Considering we're forecast to be 5-7 FEET above the all-time record, it's pretty bad. In the next 24-48 hours the Army Corps of Engineers are saying it is going to rise an additional 8 feet. For those following the flood's progress: http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/hydrograph.php?wfo=bis&gage=mion8&view=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1%22 It is going to hit the community pretty hard, but the base is still fully capable of hacking the mission!
  5. Nothing but a pipe dream and unsubstantiated claims
  6. A little bondo and it'll be good as new...the rest will buff right out...
  7. Another POV recognizes a key point about the board that some people (see previous) don't know: you have the right to write a letter to the board. If you want to get out that badly, write a letter to them expressing your desire. They may still not let you out of your commitment, but at least you expressed your desires. I'd rather have 100 people that want to be in than 95 who do, but 5 that don't but have a lot of experience.
  8. I stand corrected. I made a mistake and was thinking of the Air Force Cross.
  9. "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent" Quigon to Jar Jar Binks in Episode 1. Actually, it IS a V device and is perfectly applicable. I can also guarantee you that you have NOT seen it on DFCs and MOH's (at least those worn correctly). Those awards are, by definition, "with Valor". Bronze Stars can be given without Valor for leadership in a combat environment, but can also be given for valorous actions.
  10. any increase from zero is an improvement...
  11. A commendation medal with valor is a very good thing, especially for a single day's actions (warranted too!)
  12. A post like this would be a good thing for bringing up in "Instant Justice"
  13. overspeeds and upgrades owe a bottle to the squadron
  14. Awful attention step and it shows how highly we think of our officers. Now I don't disagree that your record at the board is what is considered, not you personally, but I'm pretty sure that if I get a promotion, I get to wear the oak leaf and enjoy that pay raise, not some folder at AFPC.
  15. Midvale School for the Gifted Here's a picture of our class valedictorian:
  16. This is a PERFECT example of wasting thousands of man-hours (6,000 ppl in attendance x 30 min = 3000 wasted minutes hours). Just have the Wing Commander tell the squadron commanders to have their people complete the CBT before they leave on Friday. Then check on Saturday (you CAN check that online through ADLS, sir). Anyone Sq/CC who doesn't have 100% compliance comes back into work with the offending person(s) on Saturday morning. I guarantee you will have 100% compliance with all personnel by Saturday instead of a colossal waste of time for thousands of people... ..welcome to the 21st century... EDIT: Off by a mere factor of 60
  17. Yeah, but it's different now... [/shoe]
  18. I saw the same thing at the 'Deid in '05, but in their defense, the bottled water was past its expiration date and, therefore, unfit for consumption.
  19. looks kinda similar to the Comanche's tail rotor blade assembly.
  20. It isn't paranoia if they are out to get you... :M16a2:
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