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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. fair nuff (sorry for the quick retort; I've been a little paranoid lately)
  2. If you are being sarcastic, suck it If you are sincere and actually interested, electronic warfare was the basis for silicon valley:
  3. It's amazing what a little electronic warfare can do. http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/service_pubs/afd2_5_1.pdf (read the section entitled "deception")
  4. Dunno, but I've got a nomination for the RIF board...
  5. What was she doing out of the kitchen!?!? [/chauvinistic comment]
  6. Apparently you didn't watch the last scene...
  7. First thing that popped into my head too.
  8. It's time to start doing less with less. Commanders at the Wg level need to start saying "ENOUGH! We can't do everything you want and still retain aviators."
  9. How cute was she? What do you mean by "he"?
  10. Couldn't have happened to a "nicer" guy!!!
  11. Your rationale sounds fine to me.
  12. Some video that didn't make the final cut:
  13. It was a specially modified tanker...apparently carries JP-Starbucks...
  14. If you need to sell a home in the Randolph AFB area, a friend of the family's is the 2010 Realtor of the Year in Texas and I'm sure she'd be happy to help. PM me for details. Additionally (and this applies to ANY installation), I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend Dave Ramsey's Endorsed Local Providers. I've moved 6 times in 8 years and have NEVER been disappointed with them. http://www.daveramsey.com/elp/realestate/
  15. I'm at PME and, yes, we still have to fill this crap out
  16. ...but they are Navs with G-series orders... :-) Nice to know that a few of 'em get command
  17. Isn't it already that way in Libya?
  18. Heard this recently as well in two separate commands from reliable sources
  19. I think you actually see all 180+ flares coming out of the BUFF in that video On a related note, here's a picture of the ol' girl with bomb bay open and punching out chaff at a VERY low altitude while being "shot" at by Smokey SAMs: Happy Birthday
  20. Good to see they are keeping up with most AF bases...
  21. Boeings that stay airborne despite a major problem?
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