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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. That's doubtful. The whole lot of them are going to need to start working on their re-election bids now if they are going to have any chance.
  2. In all seriousness, sounds like an emergency handled pretty darned well given the situation. A few things that bugged me were: "they had to rely on backup instruments"...um, duh. That's why they are there. It's not like we don't practice doing that. The translation that said "Safe souls onboard and fuel remaining" instead of "Say souls on board...". They also neglected to mention that this is standard radio comms in an emergency. Then the choice to give them an approach to a closed runway? Either they didn't read the NOTAMs, the NOTAMs were wrong, or the controller forgot. In any case, lesson learned: CHECK THE NOTAMS!!! No reason was given as to WHY they went off the runway. I'm interested to hear the after-action report
  3. The 14th Amendment. Please realize that the age which you are allowed to drink by Federal Law is 18. Only states and territories/districs restrict it further in order to get federal funds. Base commanders fall in line with the restriction outside their base by prohibiting sales to those under 21 in order to appease local officials. As shown, that can be repealed at any time (Laughlin AFB is a prime example).
  4. If they are 18, then they can drink on base (the constitution states that laws can't be that selective). Then you also have to consider if their sponsor takes a hit as well
  5. 18 y.o. H.S. senior (a military dependent) invites his friends over and buys the booze at the Class 6. It's not just the purchase of alcohol that is an issue, it is consumption. Who do you blame? The parents? He's 18 and a legal adult.
  6. FWIW, I understand the rationale: if it is legal to drink at 18 on base, you WILL have a bunch of airmen who sponsor civilians onto the base just so they can get hammered. While that might be good for the morale of some, it causes friction with the locals who can't get on base and get smashed. Throw in the inevitable lawsuit and it's just easier to alter local regulations to comply with local civil law.
  7. Still allowed it at Andersen AFB until late 2010 When I was at AUAB, the drinking age was 18. As an Lt, I had to personally walk over to Personnel with a copy of the local regulations just so my 18 y.o. Amn could get a ration card (wouldn't take my word over the phone...or look up the reg himself) 2 You want equality? You have to take the good AND bad.
  8. "What's the worst they can do?" Chances are they thought of it...and it's next...
  9. The Air Force is still flying them at Hurlburt Field
  10. Didn't she shoot your sorry ass down in Red Flag... ...twice?
  11. What Champ said! However, I DO have a credit card with a zero balance solely because USAA will give me reward points for using my DEBIT card. I've never charged a dime to it!
  12. He may just be from somewhere like North Dakota where we have two seasons: winter and road construction. In all seriousness, waterproof and LOTS of dry socks are absolutely key. I went trudging through a swamp on our last day of evasion (the instructors later told us they knew where we were, but "there's no way I'm gonna wallow through that sh**". I paid for it later when I didn't change my socks in a timely manner; comments about albinos on the beach are apropos.
  13. Actually, he DOES kinda look like Marlon Brando... Marlon Brando
  14. 2. Had the same feeling when the B-2 rolled in and the BUFF was left behind. Those in Guam on the Continuous Bomber Presence mission may disagree...though you certainly have a point in the tactical sense. On the Strategic Level, that's what those heavy bombers are there to do: dissuade our enemies and reassure our allies. Hey rescue, just as long as you don't forget about the fellas other than the pink bodies in the front seats...
  15. Swing and a miss. You are supposed to be 1000 feet above the nearest obstacle. If he was 16 feet above the press box, he was 984 feet lower than he should have been.
  16. When they have one that can go supersonic, then I'll be concerned...40 years ago...
  17. "What do you do with an elephant with three balls?" "Walk him and pitch to the rhino." - Ramona (Hot Shots: Part Deux) I sure hope MY engines never "pitch out" (does ANYONE have any idea what that means?...other than the idiots in the media have absolutely NO F***ING IDEA what they are talking about...)
  18. Sounds like both are ok and, yes, I wish the media would just shut up when a jet goes down during wartime ops.
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