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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. well, let me be the first: Here, here ...Best thing I've seen from an NBC affiliate in a long time (more like this one Mr Jeffrey R. Immelt!!!)
  2. Different excitement. At least now the Combat Wombat folks will have something to shoot back with (Sorry Cobra Ball folks...)
  3. Thanks! Figured someone had to get a professional zinger in there.
  4. I guess you've never dealt with the Cobra Ball or other BIG SAFARI projects...
  5. Well it seems a little pilot centric in here... ("and the nomination for Understatement of the year...") A few non-pilot, but aircrew acronyms: SN: Student Navigator IN: Instructor Navigator EN: Evaluator Navigator (an instructor of an IN; also handles checkrides) EWO: Electronic Warfare Officer (usually jabbers on interphone incessantly, but when he mentions a missile launch, his voice suddenly becomes God's...) TOT: Time on target ATCAA: Air Traffic Control Advisory Area (an area, usually above a MOA, that is sometimes used by military aircraft) SWAG: Scientific Wild Ass Guess WWLMD: What would LeMay Do? Falcon 232: Pardon me, Nav. But if it's not too much trouble would you mind telling us where the f*** we are?!?! see http://tailspinstales.blogspot.com/2007/08/faclon-codes.html for more Falcon codes
  6. What Herkdriver said... On top of that, an explanation might be easier to swallow (sts). There are plenty of decent policies out there that have great rationales, but without an explanation, they seem stupid and obnoxious. Oh, and stating, "I'm LTC XYZ. Let me see your ID... Ok, you need to leave this area because of policy ABC signed by Colonel Jon Baggadoughnuts" rank≠common sense
  7. Don't worry. I never met a "cool" CTA... BTW, I guess you young 'uns went to other places, but my FT was at Lackland. The insanity there isn't new, but it seems to get a fresh coat of paint with each new commander...
  8. Geez M2. Did an A&M grad piss in your cheerios when you were a kid? The parallels between Lackland FT buffoonery and any military school are certainly analogous and apropos for a discussion here. These same shoeclerks are the ones "leading" the charge about pointless regulations and rules. When I was at FT there were several <s>BQs and CTs</s> <s>Agggies</s> <s>Aagies</s> <s>Aaggies</s> other students from my school (this is why we resort to two letter acronyms...spelling is a graduate course at A&M...), Norwich, Citadel, and VMI guys/gals. All of us were bored especially of cadets a year older than us with nearly 2 weeks of "training" in how to be intimidating trying to be tough on us. We openly laughed about it and the other flight members said, "Why do you do that? They're gonna make us do more PT." We told them, "Yeah, it doesn't matter what we do, we're going to be doing PT. The fact that they need to find an infraction to justify it is pointless. They'll make stuff up if they have to and chalk it up under 'We're teaching them that life's not fair'." (see stories above). There was one week that I got through without getting a single 341...up until we were marching over to "pay up" at the end of the week. Once they looked at the clipboard, I got 14 demerits between the dorm and PT fields for various "infractions" to include "hair out of regulations (it was a #4 all over and got it the day before along with 3 others in my flight), shoelaces untied, shoelaces not completely tucked in, shoelaces being too dirty, etc.
  9. LOL (for what it's worth, being called a band queer is quite a compliment at A&M...at least I never started Yell Practice without a date...In any case being a BQ is far better than being a Corps Turd! ;-) Must be nice to get any bag-ins during the fall semester; I'm sure we never got them. And what's up with making all your freshmen address everyone twice? Ahhh...good natured rivalries...) As for the donuts, that may be true during the fall semester, but they also run out of the good food earlier too (grapefruit, the cereal bar). But somehow, when the spring semester rolls around and the BQs are after the CTs marching into chow, they seem to run out of donuts and the good food before the Qs ever get there; we get stuck with runny cackle, deal, and battery acid. I wonder why... What we need to do is unite as a Corps and stop blaming each other when we know the real culprit: The DVs (Duncan volunteers...for non-Aggies, that would be the waiters)! Those f***ers are there before EVERYONE! (always did like their "chant": "Best of the best! We cook your meat! F*** with us and you don't eat!") Do you know why A-Battery classes '99-'01 wasn't allowed to know/use the term "donut"? If you do, for the love of God don't post it here. Some practical jokes go WAAAAAAAAAAY too far...
  11. Clearly NOT a shoe clerk. I agree with you in principle that we should follow orders, BUT that doesn't make them all gems of wisdom. Being able to vent is an appropriate thing to do and may lead to changes that make the USAF a little less painful. Duh. Safety. When in the jet, you have to have gloves on and sleeves velcroed for engine start. You can't do that with your sleeves rolled up... ...now why it applies OUTSIDE the jet I have no fvckin' clue, but, as stated, it's probably a "we can't trust them with using common sense!" issue and the response from on high (emphasis on high) said, "Well, just make 'em wear it sleeves down all of the time." <grumble> effin shoe clerks... Sorry, no beer for that one. also no beer I can't top that at Field Training, but I did go to a military school and at one point we spent about an hour doing PT for "unauthorized pets in the dorm" Our pets were dust bunnies...
  12. ...because someone with more brass than you or I thinks it is unprofessional. That's it.
  13. This is one instance of the mind's ego winning in a battle with the body. Mind: "I think I can grease this one in" Body: "Are you nuts? Go around!" Mind: "Naw, I got it." Body: "Right." Meanwhile the eyes are saying "DUDE! GO AROUND!!!" Mind: "Oh sh**" Body: "One involuntary chocolate stain coming up!" <CRUNCH> Edit: typo
  14. Person A: Blah blah blah Fact XYZ blah blah blah Person B: Uh actually that isn't correct. It's more like ABC Person A: Fact XYZ + source, Fact ABC + source shows a minor grammar difference Person B: You are such a dork. Ok, you win. Person A: <mumbles without typing: "jack@ss."> Person B: <mumbles without typing: "jack@ss."> Can't we all just get along? Besides...it's 24.5 million, not 25 million... When was the last time Kim Jon Il said anything publicly? Perhaps one last hurrah before he follows his father? The South would undoubtedly prevail with the U.S.'s help. N Korea doesn't have the capacity to sustain a conflict. Without China and Russia, they are on their own and they can't sustain the military growth at the expense of their people. Personally, I think the populace is beyond saving. They cannot possibly mount a revolution because they are so beat down and tired.
  15. I'm not trying to push you guys out of your dream, but can you put in requests to switch over to other airframes?
  16. So true... ...some of us got a FOUR day weekend...[/typical clueless American]
  17. Funny thing I heard the other day: NOBODY in America likes hockey, ok!?! You're one step above soccer!
  18. I was at Keesler and an O-3 walked into that O-Club after playing golf; still had his hat on. He walked over and talked to one of his buddies about something and a butterbar ran up and rang the bell. Everyone stopped and looked at the person who rung the bell... ...and then at the person she was pointing at... There was a made rush to the bar shortly thereafter, but the guy refused to pay!!! ...that is until an O-8 pulled him aside and talked to him for a couple of minutes. After which, he dutifully left his credit card at the desk. I kind of liked the rules at Keesler. You were obligated to buy a round at the O-Club if you did any one of a number of things (all the usual suspects: put your hat on the bar, put your wallet on the bar, spouse calls you at the O'Club, wearing your hat inside, ringing the bell with no cause, etc.), but they put a $50 cap on your tab. On top of that, you had to get another of the drink you were currently drinking. You couldn't get a double Grey Goose martini when you were just drinking a coke, you'd just get another coke. It cut down on abuse of the "fun" of the O'Club and let the Os hang out and still have a good time.
  19. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/28/world/mi...cairo.html?_r=1
  20. They are just flexing their muscle. Sure, they have the nuke and it's a great deterrent, but we don't plan on invading them anyway. They know they can't sustain a war against the South and the U.S., so we're just waiting for their regime to collapse. It can't hold out forever; their plan for their country isn't sustainable.
  21. Figured I'd throw an image of aircraft in here just to harken back to the beginning of the thread...
  22. ...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I have a new Avatar...
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