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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. BQZip01

    Tab patch idea

    From the album: 69th BS

  2. BQZip01

    69th BS

    Images of the 69th Bomb Squadron
  3. I just thought about this: What if the Deid ever came under attack at night? How wise would it be to have about half the people wearing reflective PT gear? The jarheads may not do everything correct, but they have this one right for sure!
  4. Reminds me of Bill Cosby's sketch about the American Revolution. "Suppose way back in history if you had a referee before every war, and the guy called the toss. Let’s go to the Revolutionary War." [Referee speaking] "British, Settlers. Settlers, British. Shake hands. Call it in the air. British call heads. It’s tails. What do you do, settlers? . . . Settlers say that during the war they will wear any color clothes that they want to, shoot from behind the rocks and trees and everywhere. Says your team must wear red with a white cross on your chest and march in a straight line." Good on the guy, but I don't see PT gear anywhere in the picture. Epic fail at the Deid (elsewhere SOP).
  5. would love to get a patch or two

  6. THAT'S the kind of stuff I've come to expect from my compatriots on BaseOps! Keep 'em coming! (sts)
  7. You've obviously never heard a gunship...
  8. It entirely depends on the "wisdom" of the people at AFPC. For our class it was about 75% to Minot and 25% to Barksdale. The class behind us was 50-50.
  9. Just got a RIP today. Looking for some ideas for a morale patch. <poster now sits back and watches the creative wheels of BaseOps start spinning...in a sophomoric sort of way...> EDIT - Sorry, that would be the 69th Bomb Squadron.
  10. Let's all take a breather and analyze this a little bit. Of the U.S. Air Force, the Navy and the Army, who has the largest number of personnel? The Army (they need bodies more than quality/expertise) Of the U.S. Air Force, the Navy and the Army, who has the largest number of boats? Also the Army (realize most of these are not ocean-going vessels) Of the U.S. Air Force, the Navy and the Army, who has the largest number of airplanes? Also the Army (helicopters are indeed airplanes) Guess who is number two on all those lists? The Navy...and for all the same reasons (except the boats), but you have to realize the Marine Corps is a sizable chunk of their airpower. On a related side note, the Marine Corps is just a department of the Navy... ...the men's department... ...leaving the rest as "lingerie and sporting goods", I suppose... Anyway, if you phrase the questions differently, you get different results: Of the U.S. Air Force, the Navy and the Army, who is the most selective of their personnel? The Air Force Of the U.S. Air Force, the Navy and the Army, who has the largest number of large airplanes (not counting helicopters)? The Air Force etc.
  11. My time at Maxwell wasn't as "fun" (but then again I was married). When I went to ASBC, there was an emphasis on passing the newest tests. When the test came out, there were large chunks of questions that no one prepared for ("Do we need to know this for the test?" "Nah. But it's good information to know I suppose" were extremely typical of the interactions with instructors prior to the test...only to find out that, yes, indeed they were on the test). On top of that, there were quite a few questions that could have more than one answer because they were so poorly phrased...with some coming directly from the texts we were given. [On a side note, because of the "new question" fiasco, I put in a detailed suggestion on implementation in the future: add a few "these don't count" questions to the end of the tests to see how the students see the questions and work the bugs out before going live with an inferior product...It's been in use every class since mine! :-)] Anyway, our class was pretty stoked about everyone passing despite the question SNAFUs and we went back to our dorms to celebrate. For those that have been to ASBC, there is a large quadrangle just south of the Golf Course. That night, it was filled with 2Lts, beer, and what seemed like entire bars of alcohol...all free! I had a great time and my wife came to visit, so I had quite a good night... ...until the following Monday when I learned some "genius" knowingly threw a beer bottle at a Major. After that, we were all told that there would be no more parties on the Quad if alcohol was involved. So, the grills and pavillions out there went largely unused.
  12. No bets here. ...and that would make the photo completely worthless and would make even less sense... Seriously, these folks need to lighten up. It's not like they didn't do any training the fact they combined a photo op in is miniscule part of the mission and a miniscule part of the $300,000
  13. Poorly planned my @$$. They contacted the police and city officials and they didn't bother to tell their citizens. No matter how you feel about Obama, this one's blame resides with New York City officials. As for Mayor Bloomberg's comments, "The good news is it was nothing more than an ill considered, badly conceived, insensitive photo op - with the taxpayers' money.", that's bullshit. Every official photo op is done with government tax dollars. This one was done in conjunction with other training and wasn't exclusively "Let's take a picture of Air Force One" day. Ignorance is bliss...
  14. It states how to salute and when to return a salute, not when to give one. The "six steps" comes from the parade guide which is, by definition, a more formal setting. General advice and other services show this is a common practice. http://books.google.com/books?id=UB5i40J-A...lt&resnum=6 http://books.google.com/books?id=cxW9F2B__...lt&resnum=1 http://www.lejeune.usmc.mil/2dfssg/med/files/102.htm In short, use 6 paces as a general guideline. If you have a policy outside that, go ahead, but make sure people know before you berate them. If you aren't good at estimating paces, wait until you are well inside of 3 paces before stating anything. If someone makes a mistake, correct them, but do it quietly and not to embarrass them. If it happens again, find out where they work and talk to their superior. If it happens a third time, talk to their flight commander/commander and let your commander know what is going on.
  15. I used to wear subdued rank on my BDUs, but, given the perspective, I wasn't harsh on anyone who didn't salute. I might call them aside, but I wouldn't berate them in front of their peers/subordinates/superiors. On a related topic, you are a DOUCHE!!! if you smack ANYONE around for not saluting at night. Shame on you. It can be REALLY hard to see that rank in unlit areas.
  16. On a related topic, Barksdale AFB was hit by a tornado the Thursday before Good Friday. Took out the golf course, so PT tests for the Air Force personnel are out for a few weeks as we cannot accurately measure drive distances...
  17. So there I was... ...walking down the sidewalk as a student (I was a Captain at the time) chatting with a 2Lt. There's a Navy LT walking up to us. Knowing ROTC doesn't always prepare young O's with every Customs & Courtesies moment, I whisper, "Salute the El Tee." "What?" "Salute the Lieutenant" "What?" Just then the LT passes us, whips around, and nearly screams, "Am I not good enough to deserve a salute?!?!" He goes on berating the young butterbar for about a minute not realizing I'm a Captain. Then he turns to me and says, "and why didn't you salute!?!? I don't want to hear any excuses either." "Um...we're the same rank." He pauses and looks at my shoulders for my rank. Mulls it over. Then says... "Then why didn't you tell him to salute" "I did" "Why is there any confusion over proper D&C [Drill and Ceremonies] and etiquette?" "Because Air Force regs aren't entirely clear on the subject." (what consists of a "detail"? We were two guys going to do a job for our Flt CC) The guy reported me and the 2Lt to my flight commander anyways. He had a 3 minute chat with us over the situation and told us not to let it happen again. I don't blame the Flt CC; he was under pressure from some Navy higher-ups to make sure proper D&C were being followed. But by the same token, the guy could just as easily have pulled aside and let us know instead of intentionally trying to make us look bad in front of our superiors. So, what I took away from that was 1. Just let people know if they aren't doing something correctly. Give them the benefit of the doubt. One team...one fight... 2. Some people will be dickish over the littlest things.
  18. I guess I'm think more of the Cold War days when the Cobra Ball was on alert 24/7...no booze...
  19. ROTC regs allow them to wear the flightsuit, so I see no problem with wearing it. The rest of these guys are just "well, I had to EARN mine." So what. A reg is a reg. If they want to change it, then change it. The Academy pukes wear 'em all the time. So do casuals. As for getting ahold of one, I recommend contacting a local AF/Reserve flying unit and seeing if your unit can exchange one (a size they need for a size you need).
  20. What if she never threatened anything and just did it? Attempted assault would seem appropriate.
  21. My votes go for... #1 Fairchild AFB SERE School - I'm thinking the 'Deid looks pretty nice during those three weeks! #2 Earickson Naval Air Station (formerly known as Shemya AFB) - 100% truth: there is a pretty girl behind every tree...then you arrive and realize there no trees on the 4 sq mile island surrounded by the Bering Sea and the North Pacific. 50 knot sustained winds and zero visibility fog are relatively common. #3 Thule - For crying out loud, a bomber carrying nukes crashed out there and the guys said, "I don't care if the whales start walking upright. It's just too damn cold to go do anything about it!"...sentiment is ongoing since the 60s... #4 The 'Deid - Wait a minute...didn't you just say... Yes I did, but the administrative bullshit is over-the-top insane out there. It is the best spot in the AOR for amenities, even when we were living in tents, but the insanity has to stop before it's pulled off of MY list. Step one: prevent the Wing Shirt from sending out any more e-mails starting with "Fellow shirts: seven of us are going over to the living areas to inspect people for uniform violations. There's still room for more if you want to come with us!" Solution: cut the base population by 30% and make people work 12 hours a day 7 days a week! They'll be too tired to make any serious trouble. #5 Any AETC base: Apparently they are taking cues from the Deid....
  22. ^^^ Well, if she didn't actually spray the intended victim, it wasn't assault and she should be let off of that charge and the prosecution admonished/berated/charged with prosecutorial misconduct. If that's the problem, she's got a case for a mistrial. All this wouldn't have happened if she'd just used a piddle pack instead of a diaper. Fighter pilots everywhere would be saying to themselves, "Now THAT'S a good use of government resources for a long car trip. Why not? I already use them for trips across the ocean." Meanwhile the heavies would be saying, "Good night! Just install a toilet in the damn thing!!!"
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