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snoopyeast last won the day on January 18

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    Shermer, Illinois

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  1. There was a guy at the Deid that had flashing lights on his reflective belt. Got told to remove them as it was making a mockery of the reflective belt... Who remembers the C-17 crews with the light up shoes 🤣
  2. I just had flashbacks to The Rat flipping his lid over untucked zipper pull tabs at the Deid.
  3. That's how you spell it after too many Mythos
  4. Passengers or groundfire?
  5. Bird in Hand purchased by MoD. https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/24683074.mod-purchase-bird-hand-beck-row-raf-mildenhall/
  6. Do you like the 80s, synthesizers, and Cold War aesthetics? If so, this video is for you. Oh and don't forget Brooke Shields.
  7. I think we're pretty close to the 'Swan Lake on TV' part of the playbook.
  8. A great post by TheNewGazmo. This is great info for anyone trying to go from ANG to AFRES. One other note for others. Being on a ANG promotion select list does not transfer over to the reserves. You must be pinned on (federally recognized) before transferring. Three big takeaways. 1. The process takes a long time. Plan accordingly. 2. Be sure to get your good points year in before your planned transfer date. 3. Be cognizant for any promotion window, board, pin on date etc.
  9. https://www.usdebtclock.org/
  10. That's a weird place for a microphone.
  11. Warning: Nerd level bitching ahead. Discovered after a long deployment and lots of time in front of a govt computer. Go to the USAF bios https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/ Scroll down and click on a random letter in the last name search. Look for bios with an old-ish looking picture and pilot wings. Then check out the total hours and what that person did. Then look for some more recent bios and note the drastic difference.
  12. Historical dark humor.
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