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  1. After about a day in deployedland your tan and coyote boots are the same color anyway. I deployed with unauthorized (at the time) coyote Rocky boots and a tan bag, and nobody noticed.
  2. You got to pick? We passed our sizes along to that one civilian who runs the squadron and she ordered them for us... Sounds like Pops is the winner. Glad to be rid of that terrible pleather smell too.
  3. So today I noticed my ~2 month old issue jacket has little leather flakes/rolls coming off at the front of the collar. Any fixes, or do I go straight to Pops?
  4. They're always just about to drop a Growler straight out of Pensacola next fiscal year. True this upcoming year, this year, this year, the year before...
  5. With the BUFF, it's dropped as a Nav/EWO position. It says "CSO", the only other aircraft that say that are the U-28 and (I think, I'm pretty sure I've seen it both ways: CSO and Nav/EWO) the MC-130J. There's a push from the flt/cc for the grad to be Nav or EWO based on proficiency/request/personality/the phase of the moon, but it's dependant on what the FTU class needs from what I understand. Like if there's only EWO slots left in the next B-course... But you enter the FTU knowing you'll be living upstairs or downstairs. Also I'm pretty sure that was a Talon EWO drop, not a Nav. Edited for clarity. Amazing how bad your writing is when you've just woken up.
  6. C-130s is exactly right. 4 guard/reserve, 2 AD Yokota. The slide at the end of the drop was wrong, there were 4 F-15s. Dunno why it was bad. I was impressed at the sheer variety of this drop. Lots of the rare planes, only like the 2nd or 3rd time seeing some of these this FY, and some that haven't been given out for a few months.
  7. 14-12's drop night 3 F-15Es 5 B-52s 1 B-1B 2 EC-130 navs 1 active duty C-130 to Yokota 1 MC-130J to Kadena 1 HC-130, Guard
  8. Yeah, he wasn't thrilled, he's ok now. Kinda the initial shock type of thing. One other student wasn't thrilled initially, but they're loving their assignment too by the end of the night. Glad you had fun. And yeah, we almost all got what we wanted. I'll be here for a while, so I'll report drop numbers while I can. 14-10 3 Strikes 2 B-52s HC Nav to DM EC Nav to DM MC EWO 2 U28s B-1 KC 2 guard/reserve C-130s 14-11 3 Strikes 6(!) B-52s U-28 EC Nav EC EWO MC EWO KC 2 guard C-130s
  9. Will do! Yeah, most everybody was thrilled with these last two. We were a little worried that the last class took everything and we would be left holding the bag.
  10. So my drop night was last night, 14-09 (08+1) 4xF-15E (me) 2xB-1B 1xU-28, Cannon 1xRC-135 Nav 2xRC-135 EWO 1xEC-130 Nav, Compass Call 1xHC-130J Nav, to DM 2xMC-130J Navs, both to Kadena 1xKC-135 1xHC-130P, reservist 2xC-130 slicks, guard/reserve I'm trying to remember the last class (14-08), very similar numbers in an even smaller class. MC130 EWO to Herby HC-130J to DM RC-135 Nav and EWO 2xB-1B 4xF-15E AC-130U Nav U-28, not sure where Compass Call, I think Nav That should be everything from those two drops. Had to make a correction or two.
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