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Everything posted by ATG

  1. I just heard the CBT is now not required. Anyway, whats up 18-05?
  2. That is for the info and good luck if you need it. Sorry for poor SA everyone - there is a whole forum dedicated to OTS on here.
  3. Good idea - a few from my squadron have just went through the new 8 week course. I can ask and post answers if anyone has questions or we'll figure it out the next couple of months. I do know for at least ANG a pre course CBT is now required.
  4. I should have clarified - AMS is no longer and now Guard combined with AD/AFR officer training. I wanted to make a thread moving on from AMS to TFOTs discussion and questions.
  5. Since Guard is now combined, what's the gouge on TFOT?
  6. New for them it seems.
  7. What is the low and high side flying hours wise at a Herc unit? Obviously dependent on the unit, but overall curious.
  8. 177th FW and 115th FW have board dates up to those interested.
  9. Roger, I appreciate the insight.
  10. That makes sense, basically what I was implying was a military pilot with 750TT and 50ME can potentially get hired by an airline because they meet the minimum requirements set forth by the FAA, but not those applying to meet the regular requirements set forth by the airline for those who are not military/prior or have lower requirements for age, time, and certain degrees. It is a bit of a stretch on my part, because for the most part airlines minimums seem to reflect the final rule going into effect. That is why I am bringing this up. Minimums might just be minimums regardless of having a restricted ATP via the military requirements, even though it satisfies the FAA to get into a 121 cockpit. As far as adding .3 to a sortie, I believe you can depending on the airline, and possibly to meet their minimums. Under that pretext, I would assume it is because of the definition of flight time in section 1.1, then the resulting requirements after set forth in part 61.51 (Pilot logbooks and logging flight time). The point being, monitor flight times separately, then combine and add if allowed by a certain airline. Corporate; no idea, I will ask around.
  11. Quick crystal ball perspective/question: Has anyone here with a restricted ATP with 750tt been hired at an airline recently? I ask because while it is the minimums, it might be helpful for a prospective Guard guy with previous flying time after seasoning to get eyes on. I am not sure that my aviation degree suffices the new regulations (I have to look that up).. Also, ME centerline thrust restriction to the add-on: if a civillian pilot holds a previously unrestricted ME does the centerline thrust time he would potentially log count as straight ME PIC (if it is PIC) in the eyes of the FAA? Or would it be/have to be differentiated (another column in the logbook basically)?
  12. Thanks gentlemen, I figured it was worth a query.
  13. What does not work like that? I can't find the "call a pilot" hotline that does not involve recruitment :)
  14. Hi, Are there any members here who are pilots with the 177th that would mind getting in contact with me? Thanks, Paul
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