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  1. Yes because we all know that more troops, more time, and more money will fix Afghanistan, just not this year.
  2. I'm at Travis now and have to say I enjoy it a lot more than RONing at Dover. I'm not sure what you're thinking job wise? I'm assuming something C-17 related? They're both single squadron C-17 bases so there's not much difference as far as the work end if you're C-17 aircrew. I've been in 3 C-17 squadrons and there's a lot more similarities than differences. So basically it comes down to location. if you enjoy skiing in the mountains, surfing real waves, eating good food, and drinking fine wine, choose Travis. if you enjoy Nascar, guns, and Amish furniture, choose Dover. Also unless you are a rock star, you probably won't be offered a choice between the two...second assignment conversations usually involve something more like this: CC: Well they're looking for IPs at Altus... You: I'll go anywhere but there, anywhere! CC: Well I have this slot to Dover I could probably swing for you You: Dover sounds amazing PM if you want more details about Travis, in all honesty there are pluses and minus to living in California, but I feel that the pluses outweigh the minuses.
  3. The silence on the lastest attack brings up a larger point about the Afghanistan war in general. No one is talking about the post 2014 plan. Last I checked we still don't have a succesor to Karzai, or a SOFA signed by whoever it will be. Without a signed SOFA I don't think we'll be keeping 10,000 troops in the country for another couple of years. Is this going to be a repeat of Iraq, where we decide to pull out everyone at the last minute? Personally I think we should have cut our loses years ago, but pulling out all troops brings its own problems as we will feel responsible for the inevitable civil war that will follow. Might be another missed Christmas for us mobility folks.
  4. Lists like this are always a bit contrived, but this list takes the cake in terms of outright stupidity.
  5. I was trying to get some basic info to make sure it was something I was interested in before taking leave and heading down for a visit. Sorry for the vague general questions, I'll shoot you guys a PM next time. I'm Still trying to get more info about options for next assignment so I'm still figuring out if I'm going to apply, the timing, etc. Huggy you make a great point though, if I end up applying I will definitely come down and check out the program, no point wasting everyone's time without having a clear idea of what you guys do. Also do you guys still do carrier qual? Would I get that before or after the astronaut badge? Does the spacesuit make your hips look big? Do selfies from space get a lot of social media clout?
  6. It's somewhat ironic to me that the Air Force spent half a billion dollars on C-27s, then mothballed new aircraft in the name of "cost savings." It's also interesting that we spent $500 million on the same aircraft for the Afghani Air Force. Apparently that didn't go well either, so all told about a cold billion spent on planes that no one's flying. Now I get that the Afghani story is probably more complicated, and I'm sure corruption in their ranks is partly to blame, but us buying brand new planes and sending them straight to the bone yard is unacceptable. Sure it's a drop in the DOD budget, but with $500 mill put towards hiring some support staff for flying squadrons, we could boost pilot morale Air Force wide and alleviate some of the coming hurt when the mass exodus for the airlines happens. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/12/12/probe-launched-over-500m-spent-on-afghanistan-planes/
  7. Thanks Spoo, I'm looking at applying for the U-2 this summer! So I'm guessing the 60 on 90 off is standard for the first couple years, then maybe lessens as you get wing job, instructor job, etc? Also curious what the non flying duties are like. Obviously every Air Force gig has it share of queep and office work, but I can say in the C-17 community it seems to be the biggest source of griping. We have lost almost all of our civilian support staff, and seem to have more than our share of paper pushing. I know everyone's situation is different, but how is the lifestyle when you're home?
  8. Is the TDY rate for new pilots still about 60 on 60 off IE 180 days a year? Is this expected to be the standard for the foreseeable future?
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