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Everything posted by bfargin

  1. I think ilhan omar said that too in one of her speeches
  2. FL and UConn was a tough close game.
  3. Couldn’t find an NCAA brackets topic. If one exists, feel free to delete this. Who do you think wins it all in 2025? I’ve got the FL Gators taking it this year.
  4. Arg, sadly this not that surprising from a leftist nutjob. They’ve gone completely insane with rage and hate
  5. Looks like he also “earned” a Purple Heart with oak leafs?
  6. Thanks leftist douchebags for letting them in illegally by the millions (e.g. DNC-the puppet masters of braindead Biden, dems in congress, Mayorkas) If they can’t provide evidence of entering legally (stamped passport and declaration receipt) they should be sent home as soon as they are captured. No trial/hearing necessary since it’s guaranteed they entered illegally. Non citizens don’t have all the protections of the constitution. The gang member scum could have been dispatched with far cheaper with a 35cent 9mm round to guarantee they don’t murder or rape again. A plane ride was extremely generous.
  7. If he’s using these tariffs to bully neighbors into doing the “right” thing, some targeted tariffs might not be a bad idea. If he’s using them to incentivize US companies to bring more industry and manufacturing home, targeted tariffs might not be a bad idea either, as long as he recognizes that prices will rise for consumers. If it’s a long term strategy to make the country stronger with full knowledge that’s it’s going to hurt middle and low income citizens in the short run, it may or may not be a great idea. We’ll know in 5+ years more fully the consequences. Personally I’d love to see more manufacturing return to the US. Last I checked there were only 2 companies that actually make nails and screws here in the US. There are only 2 or 3 aluminum smelters still here. 2 ship builders and they take years longer to make ships than many intl shipbuilders. I have no idea how many steel producers are still around, but I’d guess very few. I’m not positive this is the right move on Trumps part, but what we’ve been doing for the past 40+ years has gutted our industrial/manufacturing base.
  8. Mayorkas should rot in a federal hard-core pound-in-the-butt prison (in gen pop) with the murderers and rapist for what he did to our nation. That’s not weaponizing the DoJ, that’s being just and punishing him for his treason.
  9. Negatory: words… Plenty of policy discussions have happened in this forum. Nothing off limits … from international relations (trade, agreements, diplomatic ties, etc), insane gov spending, the Fed Reserve, fiscal policy, social policy, education, and plenty more have been discussed. How do you not consider the offspring and future of our country not a policy issue. Between government (academia, grants, research funding) indoctrinating everyone to be homos (can’t procreate) and/or tranies (destroy themselves) we’ll end our nation (no birth rate). Add to that our welfare system rewarding fatherless families, we’re doubling down to ensure our downfall. Social policy matters and encouraging rational sane policies supporting and fostering strong traditional families is important if we want our nation to survive.
  10. There is no such thing as a “trans”, just delusional people that need serious help pulling their craniums out of their rectums.
  11. I’m def more conservative than she probably is, but she’s not a leftist. I’d probably place Tulsi more as a classical liberal with nuance on a spectrum of topics. Even i am probably not completely predictable on some topics though i am fairly consistent on desiring government to foster an atmosphere conducive to human flourishing putting the traditional family in its proper place as the bedrock of society. That doesn’t mean outlawing other structures but it also doesn’t mean encouraging/celebrating destructive behavior and ideologies. Encourage normal while also allowing for (not encouraging) some of the “abby normal”.
  12. The "intelligence" swamp trying to prevent a little spot light being directed on their lies and manipulation/circumvention of our laws. I trust her more than I trust any of our agencies.
  13. So, its looking like around 440,000/700,000 wounded or killed Ukrainian Solders and 700,000/750,000 wounded or killed Russian Solders. Plus a few million Ukrainian refugees and almost 50,000 wounded or dead Ukrainian civilians. Thats ugly for both sides. Yes, the best thing for the world is to end this craziness now. Biden's puppet masters haven't done shit for the whole war to try and end the bloodshed. Shame on Russia for starting this and shame on us for not ending it asap. Ukrainian forces 35,000 killed (24,500 conf. by names), 15,000 missing, 3,400 captured, 90,000–100,000 wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 14 Nov. 2023 Museum of Military History[125] (Book of Remembrance) 700,000+ killed and wounded (5,962 foreign volunteers killed) 24 Feb. 2022 – 29 July 2024 Russian Ministry of Defense[72][126] 80,000 killed, 400,000 wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – before Sep. 2024 WSJ citing confidential Ukrainian estimate[2] 57,500+ killed, 250,000+ wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 10 Oct. 2024 US estimate[94] 60,435 killed (incl. non-combat,[100] confirmed by names) 24 Feb. 2022 – 6 Nov. 2024 UALosses project[15] 60,000–100,000 killed, 400,000 wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 26 Nov. 2024 The Economist estimate[96] Ukrainian forces (ZSU) 43,000 killed, 370,000 wounded <55,000 missing, 8,000 captured 24 Feb. 2022 – 8 Dec. 2024 24 Feb. 2022 – 26 Sep. 2024 24 Feb. 2022 – 30 Oct. 2024 Ukraine[97][127][128] Russian forces 462,000–728,000 killed and wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 5 July 2024 The Economist estimate[83] 115,000+ killed, 500,000 wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 10 Oct. 2024 US estimate[94] 700,000 killed and wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 10 Nov. 2024 UK estimate[129] 141,506–197,564 killed 24 Feb. 2022 – 15 Nov. 2024 BBC News Russian estimate[130] 753,370 killed and wounded (550,000+ wounded) 24 Feb. 2022 – 8 Dec. 2024 Armed Forces of Ukraine[131][97]
  14. So, Assad made it to Russia. Is this another example of us doing regime change with no real plan for long term stability? Is there any hope for Syria anyway? I've seen a couple of reports that now the 10% Christian population is completely screwed. Why do We the People have no clue on what we are trying to accomplish there (not detailed plans but at least a 30,000 foot plan)? I know Assad was/is a Russian asset but what if (like pretty much every time we've done this) we get a worse turd in leadership that causes even more destruction and harm to Syrians in general (and makes the situation in the region even worse)?
  15. Taiwan cut China off from its more advanced/sophisticated chips. At least temporarily. TSMC Pauses Chip Shipments to Chinese Customers The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com › business › tsmc-ai-chips-china
  16. Another dumbass comparison to WWII. Seriously? Even if your comparison was valid, none of our plans/thoughts could be worse than fdr’s. He completely had his head buried deep on pretty much any and all important policy positions (except got to extend and strengthen a depression). We didn’t do anything for years during WWII. If I remember correctly after Dec 7, 1941 we declared war on Japan but not Germany. Germany ended up declaring war on us!
  17. Self loathing?? Where do you see self loathing in anything written by people here who’d like to see an end to the war?? Im advocating for an acknowledgement that both Russia’s leadership and our’s should take a minute and see if peace can’t be arranged.
  18. I’m just amazed at how leadership is so happy/eager to get back into a Cold War (or worse) type relationship with Russia. We’ll never trust each other totally, but there really is no need to be actual enemies. We’re like the dumb ass tourists you see at Yellowstone walking up to a Bison or a Grizzly just for shits and grins. Negotiate peace and stability!
  19. Are you a fifth grader?
  20. Ukraines taken over Trumps cabinet.
  21. Interesting summary presented. https://x.com/LionelMedia/status/1858588723488678073 i still say we should help negotiate a ceasefire immediately and treat Russia with a little more respect. Putin was wrong to invade, but in my opinion we are also more than a little bit culpable in how all of this has evolved.
  22. To hear Senator Pocahontas Warren calling Tulsi Gabbard a Russian Asset and Spy pisses me off beyond recognition. Unless she can actually prove it isn't that slanderous and legally actionable (even towards a public figure)? I'd love to see her charged and tried.
  23. I think Tulsi was a great pick. Gaetz might be entertaining at times, but he ain't right. I wouldn't select him as dog catcher. I hope he steps up and does his job appropriately, but that appointment might bite trump in the butt.
  24. Yeah because McNamara's resume was so stellar. I can guarantee Hegseth won't dick things up as much as ole Robert or Lloyd did (I might be missing some other turds in the line too).
  25. I'm tempted to send him a hat with "All Hail the Mango Mussolini" on the front.
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