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Everything posted by bfargin

  1. We've gone so far left overall that the current American "conservatives" are at best classical liberals. I tend to lean further right on government intervention and power issues, but I'd be tickled to see rational players from either party step forward. In my dream world I imagine a Nikki Haley / Tulsi Gabbard team trying their hands at the helm. Further left than I would prefer, but would definitely be a huge improvement compared to what we've had for many, many years. But, who knows where they would actually land once in power?!
  2. Carson was the greatest ... and Dangerfield was a classic. Back then they couldn't get too obviously risqué on TV, but still managed to be risqué.
  3. Sorry, didn’t mean to seem like i was questioning your word. i just thought it was gone/eradicated and nobody was still needing that shot. From more looking, it seems like it’s virtually eradicated but that there is still a slight possibility of contact in some places around the globe.
  4. I had to google to see why you got a smallpox shot as an adult. I'm old enough to have gotten that as a kid but in my quick 5 minute research saw that the US stopped smallpox shots in 1972 except in certain situations. It appears even in the military, only certain people receive it.
  5. Again, as I've pointed out earlier, I was not defending the use of that slur or any ethnic slur. I was commenting on the insane shiite that others were posting that got my attention (e.g. denying service to fatbodies, smokers, drinkers, anybody else that does things they don't approve of). It is the willingness to join the power hungry mob by some here, that surprised me.
  6. What? Did I accidentally tag you or something? If you've been reading in this thread you should have a good idea of who's posts and all around dumbassery I'm talking about.
  7. Holy shiite this thread is scaring me. I can't believe this group has so many authoritarians in it. I assumed we were all Americans and mostly military members or at least members who served and swore an oath to defend the constitution. Some of you are straight out militant on your authoritarianism. Hopefully you are talking shit like you are sitting at a bar, otherwise you should be separated immediately and not placed any any senior level position.
  8. Your Fantasy: Reality:
  9. Sadly that sounds like US policy too. we spend millions/maybe billion each year on cheap China crap so we can shop at the dollar store and Walmart at prices that seems too low to be true on many products. It ends up being cheaper to ship raw material to China and other asian countries for processing and assembly and then ship it back than for us to build it here?! No wonder we don't make jack shit anymore. I read recently that there is only one US facility that still makes nails. Even most of our ammo is made/assembled overseas now.
  10. Yeah I had a couple of friends do JJ and same reaction, but the few people I know who did others said the actual shot didn't really hurt. So I'm not sure what was in the formula for JJ.
  11. I did the J&J and that son of a gun hurt like all get out going in. I've had tons of shots, but that was by far the most painful jab so far (not knee buckling pain but def uncomfortable).
  12. I know we can all come across as condescending when we argue our point at times, but your posts about this topic make me think of Cartman. There's enough BS in the vaccine efforts (roll-out, news reporting on Covid, governmental communications, mandates, etc) to make anyway pause. Do I think the vaccine has been effective in reducing severe complications in many people, yes, do i think it should be mandated for any portion of the population, no.
  13. Funny, I found the same to be true in the opposite direction. Quote with appropriate edits... "The staunch vax mandate dudes I know are invariably the squadron shitbags, who spend way too much time publicly arguing politics on Facebook, and who will not be missed by anyone.. least of all the commanders who are relishing this excuse to get a complete liability out of their organization."
  14. You're just proving humans are pretty much morons. An individual's perceived risk is the exact wrong reason for them to put on a mask in the first place. The only potential help mask wear offers is to help hinder/prevent passing on germs to others. I grew up in Asia and people wore masks when they were sick and had to go out, otherwise no masks. But now since we have all gone full retard, even in Asia they are wearing masks almost all of the time.
  15. Well, it sounds like you were directly ordered, so according to what you said "I said I would only do it if I was directly ordered.", it's now time to get the shot. If you're worried about the efficacy of the relatively new type of vaccine technology you could get the Jansen/J&J (old school vaccine).
  16. I'm not on twitter but that tweet is very Trump-ish. Posting feces, just to get a reaction from people. Is that the norm for twitter?
  17. You might have listening bias ... listen to the portion of the MD's speech starting at 2:22 ... he specifically said the virus was causing errors in recipients virus response I(immune system) and causing the summer outbreaks/issues not normally seen in these type viruses. So the vaccines actually cause issues.
  18. Is DOR like the old SIE (quitting UPT) or is it failing /washing out?
  19. He earned them all
  20. Taiwan is the country of my youth. I lived there from the time I was 8yo until I graduated HS. I was there when Nixon established trade ties with the commies in 1972 and then Carter finished the deal and formally recognized them as the one true China and publicly hung Taiwan out to dry in 1979. I have friends and family there and returned in 2013 for two years but am back in the US now. The KMT ruled harshly for years in Taiwan and always had the public stand/position that China was "one" and Taiwan's government (ROC) was the true government of all of China, but realistically Taiwan has been an independent nation since Japan was booted during WWII (1895 to 1945, but formally Japan didn't give the island up until 1952 in the Treaty of San Fran). China doesn't really have any legitimate claim over Taiwan and through the years has only sporadically ruled over the island. I think the Taiwanese would fight, but lets be honest a shooting war between the ChiComs (1.3 billion) and Taiwanese (~23 million) would be over quickly, unless the world intervenes.
  21. It took the world hundreds of years to eradicate smallpox. I've never read much on polio. Even with laws on the books in the mid 1800s to forbid the small pox vaccine (the UK) and then to mandate it (also the UK) it took until the early 1900s for industrialized countries to almost eliminate it. It was around in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) when I lived there as a kid, but eventually it was eradicated everywhere once vaccines were available to everyone. It was brutal and even with a much smaller world population back then there were 50 to 100 million cases a year and the more severe variant had a 30% death rate. Not exactly an apples to apples virus comparison, if that is the attempt.
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