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Posts posted by bfargin

  1. 3 hours ago, jrizzell said:

    The Harris/Biden campaign waited until many people had early voted before she posted this cute Twitter clip. “Equality of outcome, so we all end up at the same place”, is contrary to what has made America an environment which people across the globe seek out. I absolutely accept that many people, don’t start off on the small place. But if we start to expect the “Government” to ensure we’re all ending the same, that’s the opposite of freedom.

    Kamala needs to sit down and have some serious mentoring under the direction of Dr. Thomas Sowell. It is ridiculous for any grownup to think this is rational thought.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Negatory said:

    I assume you are referring to the socialist United States of America of 1936-1980. 🇺🇸 


    Trying to be a smartass, but stating the truth. FDR was a complete douchebag and a socialist to the hilt. Almost every policy that he advocated for and got passed by Congress was socialist in nature. He was the ultimate big government bureaucrat who didn't do anything but increase the size and reach of government. It took us years to roll back some of those taxes, but sadly, most of his programs are ingrained into our governmental fabric now.

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  3. You guys do realize that it's not the two numbnuts they put out front who are pulling democrat strings, right? The leftist are pulling all of the strings by using the "face" of the party (who are of course more than willing to do the bidding of whoever props them up). Both current parties are pro "big-government bureaucracy" and love spending tax payer's money which is why we continue to increase our federal debt. The leftist continue to dominate the democrat side and have all but pushed out traditional liberals who at least had respect for individual liberty and responsibility, the rule of law, etc.

    There really is a push by the emboldened left to reinvent our country but thankfully at the local level in most parts of the country we aren't buying it.  Sadly, many people in population centers are being fooled into embracing feces that will come back to impact all of us.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, BashiChuni said:

    a few months? hope doesn't pay the bills.

    UPT won't solve all your problems and your quality of life might not be the best. (12 hour days, lots of TDYs post UPT, deployments etc) job is good, but i'm concerned you've built it up so much in your mind that it'll disappoint.

    don't get me wrong it's a great career path. unsolicited advice: i'd keep your well paying engineering job until you have something concrete lined up. 2020 isn't the year to be hoping to find a random job to pay bills before UPT.

    have you started your PPL? maybe that can keep you fired up until the air force comes calling.

    2 solid, actionable suggestions

  5. 8 hours ago, Prozac said:

    I believe the feeling is mutual on the other side. So the question becomes: How do we bring politics back to something approximating the center in this country? I’m not sure as many political issues seem nearly insurmountable at present. Term limits and campaign finance reform would be a start, but those issues are a third rail for career politicians with too much to loose. I think the fact that you make the distinction between political actors and normal everyday folk is an important step that many, many keyboard warriors should consider. 

    For the good of the country we don't want it in the center of where it currently is. For the past 20 years plus Democrats and Republicans have both moved entirely left. We need democrats to be liberals and not leftist and republicans to be conservatives and not liberals. There have always been and will always be those on the extreme fringes (both right and left) but currently those voices seem to have more say in matters than the reasoned thoughtful people on both sides of the aisle.

  6. https://www.wsmv.com/video/3-air-national-guard-members-killed-in-plane-crash-near-mcminnville-airport/video_43e3f416-4769-5eb3-98fb-b2ecef61f019.html


    I thought one of the current members of the BNA Air Guard unit might post this but my hometown unit lost three of their members last week.Information from a couple of unit members, it sounds like they were well liked and respected. Sad news for Nashville and the 118th. They used to fly 130s but are now a RPA/drone operation.



  7. "I don't challenge her intelligence. I don't challenge her vision and her direction she wants to take the wing," one person testified. "... Col. Grant has definitely made this wing a better place in terms of its warfighting capability for the joint command downrange. However, [her] leadership style has limited her ability to take the wing to where it could have been."


    So is this posted because of the pissing and moaning of subordinates or her leadership style? They became better at their primary mission even if some feelings got hurt. I know I'm old, but that was standard ops back 30 years ago. I acknowledge that people don't have to be dicks to get the job done and there is a middle ground on holding idiots accountable and/or being a total prick vs. helping people achieve and excel through encouragement and mentorship.

  8. https://theaviationist.com/2020/08/14/icarus-aerospace-unveils-a-new-tactical-air-vehicle-family-of-aircraft/?fbclid=IwAR3gRTZCtbfNGqoCvtH60DZONzVVSxzm0IG6JBVWdygjDVl2nsVP1kybyx4



    I haven't seen this one posted here (at least couldn't find it). Forgive me if I missed a previous post about it.  Claims a ceiling at arou nd 50K feet.

    Their claims:

    -Up to 3 times more electrical power generating capability

    -Unmatched payload

    -Fastest cruise speed

    -Inflight refueling

    -360deg AESA RADAR

    -Network Centric

    -SWARM Capable

  9. Good stuff. I didn't expect to sit and listen to the whole interview when I saw it was over an hour long, but I did and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was starting UPT at Willie about the time Huggy was starting at Del Rio (I was 86-08 and since he started in June I'm assuming Huggy was 86-07). It was interesting to hear his story and to steal a famous line, I'm looking forward to "the rest of the story". Steve, thanks for doing the work to capture and record the stories you preserve and to you Huggy for sharing your experiences.

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  10. 22 minutes ago, Blue said:


    Not so much a defeatist.  I'd say it's better described as cynicism, brought on by seeing all of the previous "attempts" to fix acquisition.

    Stract, can you give some examples of things Roper has done to make things better (honest question - not trying to be a smartass)?  I've googled around, but didn't see anything concrete.

    I saw his bio as well.  Props to him for rising to that position at just 41 years old, but his resume seems light for the caliber of the position.

    Def not "light" on education (GA Tech BS and MS in Physics and PhD in Math) but perhaps a little light on advanced responsibility work experience. But, any ad hoc/think tank type experience gives you great visibility and has varying degrees of responsibility attached to them. He must have excelled where he was planted.

  11. 14 hours ago, Steve Davies said:

    None of the guys in that video is Scottish. Do you mean Paddy (the tall one?). He has a Lancashire accent. 

    Steve yeah, I meant the tall one. My bad (not sure whether to apologize to the Scots or to the gentleman from Lancashire). It's been a while since I lived in Scotland (1994-5) but in my memory, he sounded like the Scots I hung out with (slurred and muddy sounding). I had to listen pretty closely to understand 1/2 of what they said for the first couple of months. I spent a semester in Manchester adjacent to Lancashire but that was back in the Fall of 1992 snd don't remember that type accent (but I was in school at MBS so maybe the master's degree students I interacted with weren't quite as British "redneck" sounding).

  12. 14 hours ago, brawnie said:

    Just remember y’all (I know, that’s cultural appropriation), if we’ve learned anything from this thread it’s that “libruls” have bad DNA that predisposes them to rioting (and man buns I guess?), and that when you are figuring out how to deal with someone who has a different opinion than you, you should get your guidance from the rootin tootin time of the civil war.

    got it

    Leftist not liberals

  13. 10 hours ago, dream big said:

    There will be riots regardless of the outcome.  Might be a good time to buy stock in pepper spray. 

    Maybe this thing will come back? 

    If so, it will be leftist for both occasions. I can't imagine any conservative rioting. Now as Brick said, if they come for us we'll stand firm and kick their teeth in, but we won't riot because it's not in our DNA.

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  14. The sad thing is many of our amendments that "better" or "fix" the constitution were/are terrible (and utter disasters when interpreted wrongly). So even with a difficult bar to get over, we still have some turds that made it.

    Think 14th (somehow interpreted that if you illegally or just tourist visit the country (either one) and have a baby on US soil it is somehow a citizen. YGBSM the most ridiculous interpretation ever! Everyone knew the intent and that was solid, but comeon. Nobody can argue reasonably that is what that Amendment meant/means.

    The 16th is unethical at best. Tax consumption, but for the government to tax/charge someone to work is completely unethical. Passive income might be game, but not a persons labor!

    The 17th basically took away tons of state power and rights and pulled us slightly away from a representation democratic government and more towards the mob rule democracy. Our elected officials are supposed to be there for a short time and then come home to work again. The present system allows them to sit in DC for 8 years plus sucking gov teet and screwing us all. They are also supposed to show some restraint and wisdom with their decisions and not fall prey to the mob mentality (but that ain't happening either).

    The 18th - yep it was a thing once

    21 - because of 18

    22 should have been a part of 20 and should have included all elected officials. I guess FDR did one thing right and made us realize we don't want numbnuts in office more than 2 terms

    23 unnecessary. draw the district lines so that DC didn't have any residents but was just the land around the white house and capital buildings and have the white house residents assigned to one of the surrounding states for voting purposes.

    Not convinced 24, 25 or 26 was needed but I guess interpretation/clarification might have been needed to prevent idiots from proposing laws that would restrict voting rights/access etc.




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