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Everything posted by bfargin

  1. Exactly like the squadron bar, when you talk shit, someone's going to flip it back at you.
  2. You seem to be dedicating a lot of time and energy for "not here to change everyone's minds"
  3. it's easy to spot the blowhards on the left too.
  4. I know I was put in "time out" back in the day for calling Obama Bin Laden a dumbass, but hopefully it's OK now to bash the current dumbass ... but wow, this guy really is a moron. https://www.air.tv/watch?v=Efv56sxhQlSYKmBshA-szQ
  5. I'm not a tax expert but am a CPA so know a bit about depreciation. If it's used more than 50% for business you can usually doing a MACRS (modified accelerated cost recovery) and depreciate over 5, 6 or 7 years depending upon all of the ownership and use details. If it doesn't meet that standard (50% business use), you can still depreciate straight-line (ACR) over a longer period of time. Even whether the asset is operated under Part 135 or Part 91, has an impact on how you can depreciate.
  6. Not every pilot needs ACE time if you go with the idea of young guys needing to gain valuable experience. So, say all the LTs and maybe through first year captains for fighter guys (first 1000 hours of AF flight time). Back in the SAC days it was until you upgraded to AC in the Tanker or Buff. So maybe for fighter bubbas once you get upgraded to 2 ship lead (or whatever experience level you guys see the value in this program), you roll out of ACE. For the heavy guys you get to fly ACE until you upgrade to AC/left seat. If you wanted to save money each base could have three or four guys who might have been FAIPs or at least aren't your patches and have an interest in being IP qualed in the T-6 as well as qualified in the primary aircraft. They fly occasionally with the guys to check them out but most of the flights could just be the Cos and wingman who need the time. Most of my ACE time wasn't with an IP. We had 3 or 4 rides to get checked out and then once a year for a form 8 with the ACE IPs, the rest of the time was just us Cos. Though I did have to take my SQ CC up for a couple of sight seeing tours of Montreal.
  7. ACE was the best thing to happen to me as a pilot. I gained more confidence, even in the big jet, from my hours in ACE. I flew the crap out of ACE and ended up with almost 500 hours in the tweet after UPT even during a time they were trying to limit the number of hours we got in ACE. There was nothing like the experience gained from you and another Lt. galivanting around the US in your own Tweet (or if you were at the right base, the T38 ) for 4 or 5 days. I flew into most every state in the contiguous 48 while flying tweets and managed to hit 3 of the 4 corners on different trips (Key West, Miramar, and Loring). It wouldn't fix the fighter pilot primary mission issues, but would give good basic aircraft skills enhancement and consistency, even to those guys. The fighter guys could fly locals doing formation work reinforcing tactical. The TASS guys were probably proficient at tactical flying when they made the jump from 250 knots flying OA-37s and OV-10s to 500 knots flying F-4s, F-16s and F-15s.
  8. When I was in Plattsburgh he always took his Christmas ride on the B-47 at the front gate.
  9. That's funny, but ole Hunter is a slimy douchebag who even makes Trump look responsible, even tempered, and credible. Yep, I know he's not the president (and therefore he doesn't have the same standard to uphold as the trumpster) but still his actions are significant in that they apparently pulled creepy Joe into conflict-of-interest situations.
  10. Would you say POTUS was behaving more like this hippo or this gorilla? https://tenor.com/view/hippopotamus-hippo-poop-rapid-pooping-gif-16021276 https://tenor.com/view/angry-poop-monkey-throw-mad-gif-17790027
  11. As an alumnus I can confirm this to be 100% accurate. Pre 1948 we had game, after that not so much. Coach Franklin gave us a brief glimmer of hope (until he left us).
  12. Since you are the only forum member who responded to this article, I'm guessing you're flabbergasted that you're arguing with yourself about this article.
  13. The only way I'd go back to that part of the world is with a fully nuke loaded B-52/B-1/B-2 but I know a couple of guys who enjoy it over there.
  14. Plus Negatory is comparing mainstream democrats to "right wing" extremists who aren't conservatives. Talk about total nonsense. There have been no conservative groups rioting and robbing!
  15. I didn't see any feedback on "We Go in at Dawn". Did anybody see that? Thoughts? Comments? Is it worth watching? Sorry if posted and I missed it.
  16. I'm guessing and hoping he is totally trolling us and laughing with scotch in hand, otherwise serious concern right now (and not just for the vehicle).
  17. Maybe its appropriate for the WTF thread to go completely WTF
  18. Plus the dems are waiting for the rest of the dead votes to be counted. Landslide for Biden!
  19. Kamala needs to sit down and have some serious mentoring under the direction of Dr. Thomas Sowell. It is ridiculous for any grownup to think this is rational thought.
  20. Trying to be a smartass, but stating the truth. FDR was a complete douchebag and a socialist to the hilt. Almost every policy that he advocated for and got passed by Congress was socialist in nature. He was the ultimate big government bureaucrat who didn't do anything but increase the size and reach of government. It took us years to roll back some of those taxes, but sadly, most of his programs are ingrained into our governmental fabric now.
  21. You guys do realize that it's not the two numbnuts they put out front who are pulling democrat strings, right? The leftist are pulling all of the strings by using the "face" of the party (who are of course more than willing to do the bidding of whoever props them up). Both current parties are pro "big-government bureaucracy" and love spending tax payer's money which is why we continue to increase our federal debt. The leftist continue to dominate the democrat side and have all but pushed out traditional liberals who at least had respect for individual liberty and responsibility, the rule of law, etc. There really is a push by the emboldened left to reinvent our country but thankfully at the local level in most parts of the country we aren't buying it. Sadly, many people in population centers are being fooled into embracing feces that will come back to impact all of us.
  22. Some interesting thoughts on current events and the actual battle for the soul of our country.
  23. yeah that was pretty much a complete clusterflock
  24. 2 solid, actionable suggestions
  25. For the good of the country we don't want it in the center of where it currently is. For the past 20 years plus Democrats and Republicans have both moved entirely left. We need democrats to be liberals and not leftist and republicans to be conservatives and not liberals. There have always been and will always be those on the extreme fringes (both right and left) but currently those voices seem to have more say in matters than the reasoned thoughtful people on both sides of the aisle.
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