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Posts posted by bfargin

  1. Waving the BS flag on this one, no F-105, F-4, or P-38 and a 747 and DC-3 ahead of the F-15 and Buff. Obviously some cool old birds on the list, but Brabus nailed it, Pop Sci has no clue what bad ass means.

    • Like 1
  2. It is hollywood so should be an easy write. Trump finally admits that he is a KGB operative planted in his family when he was a baby and recently activated to rule the USA. There is obviously much turmoil and Hillary agrees (of course for the good of the nation only) to ascend to be President in an emergency session of Congress that throws out the constitutional chain of command and line of succession bypassing everyone. Meanwhile Russia has been plotting with Cuba and Venezuela to finally end capitalism and the evil of free will and individual freedoms in general. Bernie, AOC, Booker, and a few others align with Venezuela which results in the entire Northeast and West coast voting (they again fell for the ... you can keep your freedoms if you want them) to join the new Socialist World Government.  Most Naval forces in CA evacuated but because of a minor coup by high ranking military leaders in the West some forces remain behind with questionable allegiance to either side of the now split USA.


    • Confused 1
  3. Escalating quickly with the UK now. I still can't get inside the heads of foreign leaders who want to piss of the big guys like this. They're like chihuahuas around Labs and any other larger breed.

  4. 3 hours ago, brickhistory said:

    At first, I thought this would be a cliched movie; brash, hotshot 2Lt Benny Jones graduates from Army flight school in 1969 and gets selected to fly the hot new AH-1 Cobra gunship.

    Arriving in-country, his gray-haired squadron commander recognizes himself in the young pilot, but knows that the stakes are for keeps in the 'Nam in 1969.  So the arrogant Lt is paired with the grizzled CWO4 Snake McArthur as his co-pilot/gunner in the lethal Cobra.

    At first, the confusing chaotic situation of troops in contact, smoke, haze, humidity, fast jet movers overhead also dropping ordnance, all seems too much for young Jones.

    But he quickly gets the hang of it all under Snake's tutelage; maybe too well.  Snake soon finds himself in situations that are hairy even for him thanks to his a/c's willingness to hang it all out for the grunts under the gun on the ground.  

    Soon, Jones' finds his favorite weapons are the various flavors of rocket pods that can hang from the stub wings.  In particular, the 2.75 HVAR and the flechettes are his favorite.  His skill is such that he can fire singles and, more often than not, score a shack with that shot.

    He's become "Rocketman."



    Which would be a much better movie than the ode to over the top celebration of the homosexual life combined with the age-old story of rock star comes from nothing, gets famous, goes through every drug known to man, gets used by the hangers-on, then sobers up, and Oh, and his daddy didn't love him epic that is the Elton John biopic of the same name.

    Which I had promised my wife and artsy daughter that I'd take them to.

    I need whisky and a couple of hookers to get my man card back.




    There are some things that even a father and husband should just say NO to. I have to give you an Unsat for situational awareness, I hate to, but you should have seen this coming (sts).


    • Upvote 1
  5. The service organizations are quite experienced at filing VA claims. Reach out to the DAV, PVA, or AmVets. The PVA usually does spinal cord injured vets but I know people who they have represented who weren't paralyzed. Their service officers are usually excellent.

  6. Not a new movie but I didn't see it posted here. I recently watched this movie and found it a bit disturbing (made me examine my heart/take stock and see some of my selfishness in decisions I make). It is interesting to see him struggle with his selfish desire to climb without safety equipment against the risk to his loved ones of dying in pursuit of his goal. A few times in the movie even the camera men had to look away in fear of watching him plunge to his death.

    • Upvote 1
  7. On 4/3/2019 at 7:18 AM, matmacwc said:

    She is impacting more that NY, this guy is making sure the left goes full retard.  I guess they have no where else to go, beycha they’d do better if the “blue dogs” came back.  They are putting their eggs all in one basket, good luck with that.


    I like how they want to move us further left while acknowledging that one, of a bunch of democrat run cities in ruins, is their target for "leftover funds".

    Gavel campaign spokesman: "....all leftover funds will be donated to get Flint clean water,”

  8. On 3/6/2019 at 7:54 PM, matmacwc said:

    I liked this one on Prime:


    I was so pissed by the time that movie ended I wanted to dig Johnson and Mcnamara back up and kick their ass just for good measure. As many of them pointed out, that was a complete shit-show from the beginning. Respect for the men who fought with their hands tied behind their backs!  I became an AF pilot because of those men who fought in Viet Nam. In 1973 as a 10 year old I got to sit in an F-4 (18th TFW deployed) at CCK Air Base in Taiwan and speak with one of the pilots and it was game on from there.

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  9. 6 hours ago, Vertigo said:


    Actually he is (not even close to a conservative - but maybe partially a modern day repub). We're screwed from everywhere. As mentioned if Congress had the stones to do their job and if the Prez had the stones to veto a bill he didn't want, we'd all be better off. At least then the government would be doing its job as far as process anyway.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1 hour ago, katdude said:

    Is this even for real? This seems like just in time for me! I was so much worried about how I can go active duty from reserve during UPT. Trying to be a pilot physician ultimately and I know that program is Active Duty only.

    Does this mean I can apply to AD directly without a waiver? I'm 30, took AFOQT and TBAS already! ..PCSM 82 and AFOQT pilot 86. However I am not already an Air Force officer but enlisted Army Reserve. Any help is appreciated.

    You're a medical doctor and also an enlisted Army Reserve dude? That seems like a weird/unusual position. And, yes it seems this is perfect timing for you to go for your wings.


  11. 4 hours ago, MooseAg03 said:

    I’m wondering if the rate of unprofessional relationships is higher at Laughlin than it is at Vance or Columbus (both are much closer proximity to university campuses). If so, too bad we didn’t keep Reese instead of Laughlin.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    And Willie was a gold mine for local talent, but the above still happened at times.

  12. On 9/13/2018 at 9:28 AM, Lord Ratner said:

    The pixel phones are awesome. I've been on Google phones (starting with the Nexus 4) for years, and the pixel phones are the first that are true iPhone competitors.

    Personally, I would never buy Samsung because I don't like the Samsung apps. Google apps are very very polished now, and the camera and photo album app are better than anything else out there, including Apple.

    If you are already tied into the Google ecosystem (Gmail, Google calendar, search, YouTube, etc), the pixel is a no brainier. Free uncompressed photo and video storage is pretty awesome too.

    Lord Ratner, any issues with getting it set up. I'm on Total Wireless now and have read about tons of issues with Total Wireless SIM compatibility with the Pixel devices


  13. 1 hour ago, Kiloalpha said:

    Let's not conflate the drastic changes in technology and global trade between those time periods with your desire to say "See! Socialism did that!"

    2, and I would say that in spite of that trend we are better off now. Most scholars agree that FDR's policies (well intentioned as they might have been) prolonged the depression.

  14. 47 minutes ago, Prozac said:

    So...public schools, the interstate highway system, hospitals, fire departments, police departments, the military, public water systems, electric systems, and utilities, NPR, PBS, etc, are all telltale signs of our steady march into socialist dystopia and should be abandoned immediately? Or just those things on the list you don’t agree with?  If your ideal capitalist society is a completely “free hand” with no government involvement or oversight in anything, where everything is privately owned and operated and no one pays any taxes, well, you’re right that we are pretty far down the “socialism path”. Some of us like fire departments though. 

    Yes, many of the things you list are definitely towards the socialist end of the spectrum and I agree that not all of them are bad (the highway system for example has been beneficial to the whole country and every citizen supports its existence through fuel taxes (consumption tax not a tax on labour). Others on the list would probably be better served with private entities being paid directly by the citizens for services rendered (some utilities are even private companies here in TN). Schools should definitely be taken over by private organizations and controlled at the local level rather than federal or even state. There's a reason your average Catholic/Private school kicks even the best public school's ass in every measured category (immediate accountability to parents). Since the 1910's and definitely after FDR (1930's on) the country has trended significantly away from the idea of free markets with oversight by government to the idea that government (legislators) should control and tax to support most aspects of our lives (while at the same time legislators are passing the buck of actually legislating).  Legislators write laws like the ACA, Federal Tax Law, etc that have no real substance and then rely on federal and/or state employees in the appropriate agency to write the regulations and policies we all have to abide by. I know the legislature has to delegate some tasks (procedures maybe?) for actual implementation, but not the whole ball of wax like they currently tend to do.  But, I'm as far right politically as JFK so am considered a right winger today.

  15. 1 hour ago, Seriously said:

    First, I don't necessarily think free college is a good idea. I honestly just haven't made up my mind on it. I want to put that out there so that you don't automatically assume that I'm Karl Che Lenin Stalin reincarnated. 

    Second, the label of socialism doesn't apply to the government providing free college for everyone because the state doesn't own the means of production (in this case of knowledge), they're simply paying private institutions for the knowledge. This is a semantics argument which I feel dirty using, but it's important because if you're going to argue that a policy won't work because it's socialism, then you need to apply that label correctly. 

    Last, if free college is socialism, then is free K-12 education also socialism? How is that any different? All we would be doing is taking people from a 12th grade education level up to a 16th grade education level. This could be a complete waste of money, but again, I'm not trying to talk about that merits of free college. I'm trying to get you guys to realize that calling everything you disagree with "socialism" or "fascism" is specious. 


    Part of the definition of socialism pertaining to implementation - "policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism."  So yes, government taking/confiscating money from citizens (taxing their labour) and using it to pay for education, health-care, (insert pet program here) is absolutely in line with socialism. (Tax policy is a different discussion but does come into play) The government or community at large might not actually "own" the education system or healthcare system but by taking our money and buying it they are absolutely "owning" it, as the definition goes on to read " owned or regulated by the community or government as a whole".   We are so far down the path towards complete socialism it frightening. The policies and practice of socialism isn't an ON or OFF switch, its gradients and we all know it.

  16. 2 hours ago, waveshaper said:

    Here's a chance to vote on the new Space Force Logo; Personally, I wish they would use the old USSPACECOM Patch. The original USSPACECOM, which was a Combatant Command back in the day, had a lifespan of 17 years (1985 - 2002). If our leadership is really serious - then maybe this new version of a Space Force/Space Command will last longer then 17 years this round. 

    Image result for space force logo



    No way these will work, not a green man or flying saucer to be found. Unacceptable.

  17. 20 hours ago, drewpey said:

    If the right didn't like Obama, wait until you see what happens over the next several years.  He has and always will be seen as a very centrist political figure.

    This is true only because the whole fricken country has lost its compass. Even JFK was far right of Obama. JFK's words would be considered hate speech by most of the progressive crowds today.

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