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Posts posted by bfargin

  1. Anybody else watching and enjoying the soccer currently being shown on ESPN? I grew up in Pakistan and Taiwan so played soccer my whole life and really love it when we get some good soccer on ESPN.

    I personally think Croatia was screwed with the extra time in their game/match against Turkey. But how can you not be excited about Turkey and their 3 come from behind victories so far. If you like soccer you've no doubt enjoyed some great soccer so far!

  2. I know this is kind of an old topic but here's a quick story from 1991. One of the guys I was stationed with in Plattsburgh and temporarily assigned to the 1703 ARW during Gulf War I decided to grow a mustache while he was deployed. I think he got to the desert in late August and by the time I showed up in early January (the next year) he had a huge push-broom just above his mouth. That stache was the biggest, thickest stache I have ever seen in person. It was huge and made Gen. Old's mustache look like a milk mustache.

    Whenever Fitz walked into a building everyone would just stop what they were doing and stare. It was classic and our SQ/CC let him keep it until we rotated home (he had to shave it before he reported to duty after getting back home). Our wing commander was less than impressed when we rotated home and one of his pilots jumped out of the airplane looking like Artur Jorge. (I was going to post a picture of Artur but couldn't get it to load right). Fitz had more hair but the mustache was pretty similar.

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