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Everything posted by bfargin

  1. Thanks for the reply. I still think a compromise early on would have been best for the world, but I acknowledge both sides have merit (early compromise and all out war to free all of UKR). I appreciate you sticking to the topic rather than name calling.
  2. When one resorts to attempting to disparage those who disagree, they've lost the argument. It was pretty well known that UKR was willing to give a little for peace (early on). We might not have liked the potential agreement, but why interject and directly cause hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians to kill each other with no realistic end game (other than kill Russians)? Your liberal western idealism is obscuring your ability to see the nuance in all of the long history of UKR vs. RUS relationship and of course the current conflict. I've not heard any cheerleaders for Putin, but many of us see the historical cause and effect of US and other western "powers" actions, and "situations" all over the world. We've screwed the pooch in just about every foreign policy decision over the past 20 plus years. I'm not (and neither is anybody else) cheering for others, but I'd like us as a nation to begin to slow our roll and at least spend a few minutes before making decisions that put our military members in indirect and direct harms way with no clear goals, no clear threat, consideration of 3rd and 4th order consequences, etc.
  3. He meant the DNC. Biden hasn't made a decision in years.
  4. Our country is currently being run by DNC leftist elites. So really it won't matter at all to them if they have Dementia Joe Stalin or some other braindead numbnuts (e.g. Kamala, Gavin, etc) in office as POTUS. As long as the puppet installed falls in line, all is good for the leftist and haters of our country. I can bitch and moan with the best of us, but I'm usually a pretty optimistic guy. This election concerns me regardless of who is elected. Four more years of DNC rule and we'll be totally finished as a nation. But, if Trump wins we know there's going to be madness. The lefts propensity to destroy, riot, and kill when they lose will be on full display. Unless lawmakers enable law enforcement to actually keep and enforce order, it could get ugly.
  5. Nice one. It was usually the Nav who called for it on most SAC crews when I was at Pburgh. I'd call sometimes if the Nav needed an assist.
  6. sadly, truth
  7. At the risk of being labeled a Putin propagandist, Ukraine has been ruled/controlled by Russia since the 18th century and then by the USSR until very recently. Before that, Poland, Lithuania, and Russia alternatively controlled most of Ukraine throughout most of the 14th through 18th centuries. Using historical reasoning, the land belongs to Russia and should be turned back over to them. Any land Ukraine keeps should be considered a bonus to them(tongue in cheek). I'm all for a Ukraine independent of Russia and think Russia shouldn't have invaded the nation they gave independence to. However we (NATO countries) are largely to blame for much of whats happening including Russia deciding we were continuing to FA and we needed to FO. I blame piss poor U.S. leadership and decision making (both covert and diplomatic interference) for much of what's going wrong around the world.
  8. I can't believe that lying douchebag isn't in prison. He should be for what he did.
  9. I'm sorry to see this. That was a great spot for us 60 day wonders (ETTF) at Mildenhall to relax and have a cold pint or two after a flight. It was the first English pub I ever visited, and while over the years I visited many more (some better and some far worse), it was always a relaxing and fun place to hang out with the crew. It was also convenient if one didn't have transportation readily available.
  10. What kind of legs does the A37 have with internal tanks? And, with the 2 drop tanks on each side? In ACE flying the regular tweet, we'd shoot for around 350 miles or so and sometimes stretch to 400nm legs. You'd have to go high 23 to 25K to be safe on the 400 mile plan. I'd imagine the A37 is a little more thirsty so even with more fuel it might not go much over 450nm or so? Thats gotta be a blast Huggy.
  11. Classic. This would be righteous justice if the whole thing wasn't so ridiculous.
  12. The dumbasses in NYC are managing well too. I saw a video of one of the leftist city council members who ranted about locking up Daniel Penny when he saved lives on the subway. She was complaining that men aren't stepping up to defend women who are getting assaulted (sucker punched, molested, pushed down stairs, etc) in the streets. A rational person won't interfere if they know they'll get in trouble for taking out the criminal.
  13. I'm old, I need a backstory? What does "SODO" on name tag mean? What's the hidden meaning behind this patch?
  14. bfargin


    Silly but still pretty funny if you've listened to any of Jordan Peterson's talks/lectures.
  15. Another bump to encourage watching "What We Saw". Here's Mike Rowe (dirty jobs) talking with Bill Whittle about the series mentioned above. This should get you primed and excited to watch the series as well as the earlier ones too (Apollo 11 and Cold War).
  16. That pier on the Gaza coast should fix everything in the Middle East.. I realize the whole speech was complete feces, but that one really made me laugh. I’m embarrassed for that old demented douchebag who has been a disgrace for decades and is just further cementing his legacy of dumbassery.
  17. Bill Whittle, yet again, crushing it with a new Video Documentory/History series on the USSR. It’s called “An Empire of Terror”. First episode (just over an hour in length) is now available on the Daily Wire, it.s found under the “What We Saw” link. If you have access, I’d recommend all of his series (Daily Wire or BillWhittle.com). They are well researched and documented histories (“The Cold War; What We Saw”, “Apollo 11; What We Saw, and now “An empire of terror”).
  18. bfargin

    F1 Thread

    This might change the viewer experience for those not able to attend live. Pretty amazing that a drone can mostly keep up.
  19. bfargin


    The greatest band in human history off of one of their epic albums. So many great tunes, starting in 1973 through the late 70's, but this is one of my favorites. I realize the 70's also ushered in disco, so not everything was good back then.
  20. Gang load the oxygen regulator, you’re suffering hypoxia. The people “tasked with doing something” is the current administration who’s ignored the law and opened the “door” and told every douchenozzle in the world to “come on in”.
  21. 1. I know half of you heathens won't care, but what the heck is bidens DOJ doing trying to throw 6 Christians who sang and prayed in the hallway of an infanticide facility in jail for 11 years. This administration is a complete dumpster fire but they are also incredibly evil at their core. The DOJ has never even attempted to investigate the numerous fires set at churches and pregnancy crisis help centers over the last 3 years but sing at an abortion center and get charged under the FACE act. Unfrickenbelievable. 2. Polk County Iowa charging the navy vet for knocking the head off of a satan statue with a "hate" crime. YGTBSM ... just evil to its core (plus completely full of feces on both charges).
  22. Skitzo, exactly right. I'm def not a Taiwan expert but we spent a semester in HS on Taiwan history so know more than the average American. I was there under martial law so was told not to discuss these type issues with any Taiwanese. Back then the KMT had full power under CKS (1949-1975) and then his son Chiang Ching kuo through the 1980s. Severe punishment/control was exercised over any dissenters during that time period. CKS screwed Taiwan in the long run insisting that Taiwan was part of China and he/they would take back all of China eventually with him as leader. When that failed, it trapped Taiwan into their current position of limbo between full nation status and a claimed province of China.
  23. It's been more than 100 years since China had anything like control or even a cooperative relationship with Taiwan. I lived there from 1970 through 1980 (HS graduation) while it was still under marshal law with the US protection and support. Before we were there, Japan ruled them for 50 years from 1894/5 through 1945 when we liberated Taiwan. Before that the Dutch, Portuguese, and several other countries had brief periods of "control". Before that the Qing dynasty had some control but really even back then it was its own ruled island (rough terrain, numerous people groups, largely untamed). China has no right to claim Taiwan at all.
  24. Trump is a douchebag liberal and sadly he and Biden are what we deserve as a country fascinated by pop culture and lifting up our most depraved, ignorant, and mentally disturbed as heros and people to emulate. DeSantis is who we need. Rational, sane, and from all reports moral. He was able to cross the aisle in FL and get things accomplished that fosters human flourishing by strengthening the family and protecting the most vulnerable among us. He's only a man and couldn't have done miracles, but I think he could have been the grownup we've been missing at the national level lately. Our society has been damaged by the ever increasing move to the left over the past 40 years (or more). We no longer strive for excellence, law and order, morality, and goodness. Even the classical liberal ideas (that I still reject for the most part in favor of conservative principles) have washed away and been replaced by the more radical leftist ideology that permeates the social/political landscape. We even too often embrace radical libertarianism which doesn't work in community. In a vacuum, "live and let live" might sound good, but in a society it falls apart quickly. Our actions impact all of those around us, and nobody is ever truly that island some declare each of us to be. The "Law" informs and even shapes societal norms and cultural behavior/expectations. Once we completely abandon law and order, which in some jurisdictions we seem to be doing, we're in real trouble.
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