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Everything posted by bfargin

  1. This def belongs here in the woke/wtf thread. At least the Gen was honest … shrugs shoulders and is thinking “i have no idea what the hell a demigender is”. Complete lunacy in action.
  2. I agree. As a many people have observed players on our national team should show appropriate respect or they shouldn’t play on our team. There are plenty of great players who don’t hate our country. The bad apple theme applies here. Some old fashioned discipline would immediately change the character and actions of the remaining players. The coach should lead and set expectations for behavior, or be replaced.
  3. True, the Vietnamese squad was playing to not lose by 13 goals. As ClearedHot said above, they were very aggressive and physical (one could say dirty at times) to disrupt any smooth open play and keep us from getting in a grove.
  4. Ole 500 must have created a new account.
  5. Have fun and fly your butt off. Know your job well and volunteer for every flight or skill improving opportunity available. Press boundaries when and where appropriate. Spend time with maintainers to see what they do to keep you safely airborne. As stated above, look after the Es who are taking care of your planes and life support equipment.
  6. Any of you field fairy fans watching any WC soccer? Vietnam played pretty well against the heavily favored U.S. squad. The Vietnamese goal keeper was pretty aggressive and did a good job of controlling her defense against a strong US offensive group. At the risk of sounding elitist, the women’s game is definitely getting better each year. Volleyball and soccer are my two favorite team sports to watch so I always enjoy watching top notch national teams compete.
  7. Fritz, there are a few numbnuts here who actually think like that. You need eye rolls, or sarcasm emoji or something.
  8. State Dept After Action Report Report: https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/State-AAR-AFG.pdf Damning Article: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/30/politics/state-deparment-afghanistan-withdrawal-report/index.html
  9. https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/17/23797379/mali-ml-typo-us-military-emails-leak Another cyber/intelligence issue the DoD hasn’t addressed in spite of warnings (for years). It would appear my dad was correct, attention to detail is important.
  10. All the posturing makes me desire the simplicity of honesty by world leaders. I know that might create its own set of problems. One of my favorite scenes in movie history.
  11. Anybody watched this. Some info, some speculation, and some analysis. Interesting.
  12. I’ll take the hit on being harsh (even mean at times) against the cause. At the risk of being too defensive, i really don’t hate the individuals, I hate the movement and the championing of destructive behavior. And contrary to some observations i have personally seen close lifelong friends hurt by it, which makes it hurt even more. As for research (back when i did some - 20 plus years ago) it was social science so psychology and sociology. So yeah self reporting, survey type with tons of variance that can’t be fully explained or dismissed easily. But even anthropology and medical research shows that sexual activity outside of monogamous heterosexual relationships have negative implications for those who engage. i stand by my observation that 30 plus years of championing abnormal sexual activity has had seriously negative consequences psychologically for our society.
  13. Sure a lot of people smoking each others poles throwing out “faggot” at me like it’s an insult. I thought you were telling me it’s normal and good. So am i supposed to be insulted or proud to be labeled a bone smuggler. Make up your mind
  14. Oh you got me. Ouch. I just haven’t bought into the 30 years of brainwashing and attempted normalization of destructive behavior. I’ve got some good friends who have a child each who bought into all this crap and it’s ruined both of the kid’s lives. Tons of mental health issues and destructive behavior. It’s just a poor choice and the whole push towards it pisses me off when I’ve seen two families impacted by the whole alphabet crew. Again, there is nothing good for the individual or the family that can come from choosing abnormal behavior.
  15. Homos are 18Xs more likely to be pedos. The three predilections I lumped together, all deny reality and the design of humanity. To engage in any of that behavior is bad for the individual, the culture, and society as a whole. I know when it’s personal it’s more difficult to see the truth but that doesn’t change the facts.
  16. Yeah the pedos/homos/trans are just different delusional clowns in the same insane alphabet circus/freakshow. Nothing beneficial to the individual or to society when encouraged. Should be discouraged just like all bad decisions.
  17. This looks about like what I remember from t-38s back at Willie
  18. I’m guessing I’m one of your examples of hate. I don’t hate or fear the mentally disturbed, confused, and targeted but i have deep disdain for those who mutilate those people, knowing full well of their fragile mental/psych issues. They are destroying lives and mutilating people who need help not encouragement in their delusion. My derogatory language is directed at medical personnel, politicians, deluded family, and supporters and the whole trannie ideology. Screw them all, you’re killing the people you claim to support.
  19. Sadly, I’m not shocked at all. As brabus said, spread the truth far and wide!
  20. Exactly. Any rational, thinking human knows the truth. Those who are torn, usually have a family member who has been deceived by the loud minority trannie mob. They’re in shock and want to support their loved one but not sure exactly what’s going on in this crazy world.
  21. Are you good with surgeons cutting off healthy limbs because the person feels like they should be an amputee? Yes i do think drs should lose their license at the minimum for doing harm (assaulting, maiming) even if the person, who is completely bonkers by the way, (medical term) asks for it. What happened to “do no harm” in the hippocratic oath? Again, dumassery abounds with the whole trying to justify their poor choices alphabet crew (I’ll say again: different clowns in the same circus). No debating with someone indoctrinated in the homo/pedo/trans cult.
  22. Complete dumbassery on display. It’s impossible to transition. You need help not accommodation. The whole idea is preposterous and should be laughed at until the medical community pulls their collective head out of their ass, and is honest about “trannie medicine”. Then we can discuss proper psychological and mental health strategies to help deluded people. Any MD who cuts/practices trans-quakery medicine should lose their license and probably be charged criminally too. No phobia, just recognition of truth.
  23. Jam, I haven’t found any video of the lead up to the actual hands on. How do you know he didn’t threaten anybody. One video i saw, there was one witness who said the wanted criminal was threatening them.
  24. I’m not seeing law abiding citizen out waving their guns at people threatening to kill themselves or the crowd around them. Not quite the same thing.
  25. I’ll engage assuming you’re not being a troll. So in order to defend yourself and others, you have to actually be struck? From what I’ve read from numerous sources, most agree that everyone around felt unsafe and that the criminal was acting unhinged and threateningly. it also appears from the videos I’ve seen is he was trying to control the criminal and not kill him. From what i have seen and read, the most you could say is this was an unintended death resulting from him trying to restore order and control a mad man. If I’m on the grand jury the DA would have to show some serious intent for me to favor prosecuting.
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