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Everything posted by bfargin

  1. Yes, according to what i could find online
  2. Trannies on the attack at SFSU. Collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines was speaking about the unfair advantage that male swimmers (athletes) enjoy in swimming and most other athletic events when competing against women. She was actually hit twice by a trannie and chased into a room by the mob and was barricaded in the room for an hour or more before enough police officers arrived to facilitate her escape. Of course no charges and SFSU faculty and staff are saying it was a peaceful protest.
  3. No doubt, even week long tdy in the PI was shocking. You couldn’t walk anywhere off base without someone trying to sell you their sister. Made me sad to see what a U.S. base attracted around it, even though it did result in some epic stories and folklore.
  4. We wouldn’t really be talking about this stuff if the dems and this administration weren’t so full retard on all the grooming homo/trans stuff. I’ve never seen a more illogical fanaticism for such unhealthy, immoral, and dangerous ideology. There is nothing beneficial to the individuals involved or the society that allows and fosters this type of insanity. And, it’s downright destructive for the kids caught up in the madness. Heck ole demented Joe and that whack job spokesperson were blaming 9 year old kids in Nashville for their own death at the hands of a trannie. Saying the poor trannies had to respond since all of us are trying to kill them. I know we’re a constitutional republic and that allows complete individual liberty, which i wholly support and swore to defend, but that doesn’t mean the government should encourage and incentivize unhealthy and destructive behavior or ideology. And it def doesn’t mean we should let adults screw up our kids.
  5. So much for standing up for women’s rights in college athletics. Dudes in drag will be ballin’ in women’s college sports. https://www.npr.org/2023/04/06/1168460726/biden-title-ix-transgender-sports-ban
  6. Michael Knowles discussing MTG’s recent Leslie Stohl’s interview. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=568426908598784&id=100044546974605
  7. I’m not surprised ole braindead B and his staff are proud of that cluster
  8. The same as every Christians.
  9. it’s a couple of days old now but well said by Gov Lee. He shows more grace than i want to show toward the shooter.
  10. Transurrection in TN today. Call the TBI and FBI to throw them all in federal gulag facilities.
  11. Well, when the alleged mental health professionals have been overtaken by idiots who claim that homo/trans is just another normal choice, no matter how much money you provide, they aren’t going to actually help these mentally disturbed people make rational decisions and regain some cognitive balance. When truth is ignored (men can be women and vice versa) and value for life is minimized (abortion on demand), then we as a society aren’t going to really value truth or life. With no absolute truth, everything is subjective and at the whim of the individual. As shown above by Huggys link, the trans community is blaming normal people for that douchebag’s murder of kids.
  12. Nashville metro police showed how to take down an evil douche. As that Sheriff in FL said, "you can't kill evil too much". One less evil doer roaming around.
  13. Another nutter struggling with mental health problems. At least with this one I feel some sympathy, since his mom totally dicked him over from childhood (-5 yrs old). Went on TV as a 6 yo and became rich so there was no way she (mom) was ever going to let him grow out of confusion.
  14. The wording is confusing. Biological sex is fixed and unchangeable, even the lunatics still admit that. So is this saying that trans people who revert back to their actual biological sex?
  15. Again, we’re letting the leftist lunatics run the asylum. People with serious mental/psychological health issues need help, and until they stabilize, don’t need to serve in the military (maybe in finance or some other backend support role). It should be an immediate disqualification for any role once they start chopping off body parts.
  16. Not a new movie, but for any WW2 buffs on here who haven’t seen it, it’s worth a watch. This was the Allies first bridgehead across the Rhine as we pushed East towards Berlin in early1945. Perspectives shared from US and German participants.
  17. The left in action. An alleged top law school, has a bunch of student numbnuts who can’t even hear any rational ideas without going full retard. The videos show how insane the new left is. But things are getting better here in this country with a strong marketplace of ideas shared and then defended or dismantled based on merit /s. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/faith-freedom-self-reliance/that-tantrum-at-stanford-law-school-and-what-to-do-about-it
  18. That dude is a complete nutjob.
  19. Continuation of DEI from airline thread. I thought this was timely.
  20. Ok Rachel Maddow
  21. Classic article attributed to Hanoi Jane? I’m doubtful she penned it, but it might be the only time I’ve even partially agreed with anything she’s said or written. I guess even Hollywood elites have their hot buttons (DEI and bad chocolate). “Hershey, You Owe Us an Apology Jane Fonda March 2, 2023 I know I’m being highly presumptuous in speaking for the women of the world, but I’m old and I can handle the heat. Shame on you Hershey for slapping half of the worlds population in the face with your latest HerShe campaign. Your misguided decision to highlight a man posing as a woman as your symbol of female empowerment on National Woman’s day is offensive to all of us. With approximately 3.5 billion real women roaming this earth, you decided as a company that Herman Munster in drag best represents the incredible strength, empathy, brilliance, grace, and beauty of us women. In all fairness, I’m guessing that 3 or 4 of your recent DEI hires got together and with their academically rigorous gender studies, women’s studies, queer studies, and/or lesbian dance theory majors (for accuracy’s sake I’m hoping they are Bachelor of Science rather than Bachelor of Arts degrees) decided that a man somehow makes a better woman than a true woman. Then, these seriously confused employees, convinced a group of seemingly rational and mentally stable executives into signing off on the insanity. I’m sure they convinced you of the value of the large green check-mark the company would earn on the annual DEI scorecard. The only positive thing this decision to champion a man as a symbol for woman’s empowerment did, was highlight how unnecessary and divisive the DEI influence on companies is. Truthfully, while it allows the aforementioned worthless degree holders to obtain a lucrative job inciting mistrust and division within companies, DEI makes no positive contribution to the workplace. The DEI label might sound good, but the execution results in decisions like this by otherwise intelligent executives. I’m still hoping you’ll do the right thing as a company and apologize to all of the women of the world for insulting us, but I won’t hold my breath. My final advice for you as a company is to focus on making decent chocolate. Your time would be better spent buying Milka’s or UK Cadbury’s chocolate recipe instead of business as usual selling the brown paraffin wax bars you call chocolate. If you can’t obtain a good recipe, at least let Cadburys North America use the recipe from England so we can enjoy good chocolate on this side of the world.”
  22. He def doesn’t, but then again he has serious mental/psychological issues that just might be clouding his thinking. Why are we letting the lunatics run this asylum?
  23. When we (DOD) don’t even try to secure information/data. https://techcrunch.com/2023/02/21/sensitive-united-states-military-emails-spill-online/
  24. This incident was a local government (state backed though). https://www.military.com/history/time-world-war-ii-veterans-overthrew-corrupt-local-government-tennessee.html
  25. All right, which one of you clowns just had to make it home?
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