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OL Patch

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OL Patch last won the day on April 18 2011

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  1. Shout out to the retired petty officer singing the national anthem and the B2 right on time for the AFC championship!
  2. Was talking about the flyby if you didn’t see it number four was way out of position trying to recover towards the end and it looks like the Eagles are gonna be there. To be honest, not much of an NFL fan but interestingly enough, my son is a Clemson grad and was there for their two championships and I did not even know Will Shipley was with the Eagles. Who would of thunk it!
  3. Come on #4….get in position…..old guy here, get off my lawn!
  4. Haven’t posted in 4 years….still a lot wrong with the AF and CAF (carnivores for the youngins). ClearedHot, Huggy, Hoss, M2……anyone know if Rainman is doing well. Happy New Year!
  5. Big fan of Sierra Nevada Brewing:
  6. Gents, I've been off the board for quite a few years....still monitor but rarely post. I'm in complete agreement with Hacker, Huggy, ClearedHot, and Jeremiah. As a really old former pointy nose dude, I'm absolutely livid that this young fighter pilot's life was lost. Besides the total failure of leadership, first time AAR at night--YGTBSM , in the best of conditions with a controlled ejection who knows if he could have recognized, and reacted to manually deploy. This is just heartbreaking. edited trembling typing due to anger
  7. Enough said.....been off the site for a long time due to exactly this.... Know Hawk and LA both and she's a great choice to replace him....you guys have lost perspective. One last comment.... She was highly respected by all the IPs in the barnyard and has only gained more respect as she gained stars...it's about time baseops started having some FWIC (WIC was after my time) debriefs.....
  8. Young ones...its wrong and stupid and a kneejerk reaction. It'll never be the same. But then again that's the opinion of a guy who used to attend strippers/lingerie WED night (Dancing Bears) at the Nellis Club. My father-in-law was a F-4 (Nam era) and F-15 Sq/CC, he has original Dick Jonas (Dos Gringos' Godfather https://www.fighterpi...-jonas-fu-hero/) recordings on reel to reel tape which we will listen to over Christmas and raise a glass. Do your best but realize this "culture" change probably won't reverse. Keep doing what you do to support those young men on the ground....that is the only important thing!
  9. He knows
  10. I thought they were all out at https://www.amarcexperience.com/amarcarticlef15eagle.asp I am officially one of those guys who says, "Son, see that tennis court on a stick...I flew that one." Merry Frickin Christmas WIFE---grab me a Ensure!
  11. Someone call my name....Rodan kicka some Godswiila ass Bigga time.
  12. Amen to that brother.
  13. Skyfall matinee with the wife. Favorite of the entire series...Javier Bardem best villain in awhile: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javier_Bardem Recommend
  14. Finally a movie that embraces all that is right with America. Loved it.
  15. What squadron...doesn't matter. What were their names....doesn't matter. What tail numbers did they not give to the tanker.....doesn't matter. Your need to verify a war story on the internet .....doesn't matter. It probably isn't true. What matters then.....my ice cold Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA. That matters.
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