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OL Patch

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Everything posted by OL Patch

  1. That is of course absolute horses..t as Rainman states. Had a 3 button ask me over a scotch once: "Why you quitting?" My response: "General, I've served my country honorably for 20 years, I'm not quitting!" Came real close to jumping to a guard job at the 15 year point for all the reasons in previous posts. For me personally, I'm so glad I stuck it out on AD. There is quite a comfort knowing at least I have a mortgage payment + coming in every month. As Evil said, and Rainman reiterated, each of you will face points in your career when your view matures/changes and different influences affect your decisions. For those who served, no matter how long, good on ya. retguy
  2. Couldn't agree more as I'm drinking my 3rd/4th (lost count) Brooklyn Brand--East India Pale Ale...a toast to the folks downrange gittin'r'done! Cheers, retguy
  3. Except for Rainman attempting to, as expected and appreciated, tell it like it was/is/should be....2....I am getting old. retguy
  4. has not set their status

  5. Guys/Gals, Clearedhot speaks the truth. I was a WIC instructor up for 0-4 having done SOS by correspondence because back then in the fighter squadrons the mentality was if you have to do it just take the easy route. Made 0-4 on time without a school selection. Went off to the staff job in the sky, completed my Masters (Embry-Ridiculous)/IDE and was picked up for 0-5 with an SDE select. As a retired guy I can say; "It is what it is!" --Know your jet, be the best tactician, know your limitations (no pun intended), be a steely eyed Mig Killing/Bomb Dropping/Cargo Carrying/Air Dropping/Fuel Passing/Rescuing MOFO---AND also while doing that: --Get your squares filled early before you're overtaken by the job/family/life requirements You will then be postured to affect change where able, and protect the next generation by being one of the good guys that wins within the system! Learn from those before you either in the bar, on the internet, or wherever possible. Retguy Edited for current demographics within my old community "Guys & Gals"
  6. Former...learned his lesson well and became one of the finest FWIC IPs I ever knew. Now on to more scary stories....never, ever, ever try to stick your nose into a circle of Hogs just north of Belted Peak while on a FWIC upgrade ride. As my grizzled IP said; "NOT the correct choice"! Shouldn't this thread be in the bar section, oh never mind.....
  7. BFM--Basic Fighter Maneuvers IPUG--Instructor Pilot Upgrade Eglin--A base in Florida (sarcasm) Tree'd--Stuck in a high low stack Pirouette--Normally a ballet move (suitable for C Model drivers-sarcasm-used to be one) KIO--Knock it Off NESP--Non effective student progession Been awhile, and it may not be considered English, but it was the speak we spoke.. Cheers, Retguy
  8. Circa 1989.....BFM IPUG ride for a dude at Eglin. He gets tree'd with me about 1500' back and working the stabs to get my nose on him....attempts to pirouette our of said situation...swaps ends dramatically and proceeds to fall across the top of my canopy basically down the centerline of my jet close enough to count the rivets on the bottom of his C-model--KIO, go home, great move...NESP..do over! retguy
  9. Understand the angst, but thought I'd share a funny story--circa--1983 timeframe: --Back then you got your physical at the closest USAF base, in this case for Oklahoma State cadets, Vance. We had a guy with a pilot slot who was 5'3 and 3/4". No kidding, the flight surgeon said to get some of those gravity boots, hang upside down, and then have your buddies load you in a car/truck and drive you over for the physical. On the big day, we loaded him in the back of a pickup with a bed topper on a piece of plywood with a mattress and made the trek from Stillwater to Enid. We told the flt doc when we arrived and he let us carry him in for the measurement as the first thing. Don't know how many hours he hung upside down in the weeks preceeding..but he came in at 5'4. Went on to fly Vipers.....back in the day! retguy DISCLAIMER...this won't work today of course.
  10. That AF historian CH mentions was my first Sq/CC at Bitburg. Heard the story many times in the bar. OBTW--if you haven't read the book--do.
  11. "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus",....good to read and see your still kickin Rainman. retguy--formally OL' Patch
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