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Everything posted by di1630

  1. Geeezus...but have you planned an Xmas party? This would be like Apple telling the engineers who design the next iPhone that they have a statistically worse shot at advancement than the person who line up food services or orders copy machine paper for the company. I'm appalled. I've been telling pilots on the fence to stick around as things are improving. I'm thinking I might be out to f-cking lunch. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  2. Really shows which positions we value for promotion and how poorly DOING the mission counts. Poor CSO's and ABM's need to get planning more Xmas parties to compete with the 7:30-4:30 crowd. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  3. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  4. Numbers are out there now. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  5. Ops was out-promoted by support....I have no words. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  6. Pilots are all going to be offered continuation. If you took the bonus and get passed over, usaf doesn't have to let you out of your commitment from what I understand. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  7. Does not matter for me. Management should have applied to pressure to prevent this long ago. I understand it's out of USAF management control at this point. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  8. Every day they delay the bonus costs the bonus takers $98 in loss due to proration. No big deal. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  9. No, not a F-35 joke. It's a combination of not caring about CAS and not understanding the fundamentals. Other missions as well such as CSAR, SCAR etc. I'm not real sure what BAI is. Most training I see in Europe is perfect if the cold war 1986 kicks off. Really frustrating, depressing/ eye opening. The really scary thing is that they don't know how bad they are. They assume they are doing the same thing how the USAF does. 75% focus is on A/A, 20% airshows and 5% on supporting ground troops. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  10. Ha, will this plane look good at air shows? Can it take a good photo at sunset with afterburners? Then, no, our international partners will not care. You guys need to understand the U.S. Is about the only NATO country serious about supporting a ground force from the air. I just got back from 2 weeks of working with foreign ground forces/navy, and multiple NATO aircraft types. Nobody has a clue. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  11. Is BAI becoming a standard term? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  12. I'm curious on this also. Why not just get some better things for the MQ-9? I can't figure out what we are gaining here for the cost. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  13. Geezus, $20M for a single engine light attack plane. Didn't the A-10 cost about $16M in today's $?? Why don't we update the A-10 design with some efficient engines and spend a few bucks more per flight hour to get a capable attack aircraft. We constantly improve A/A pointy nose fighter designs but act like we've never built an attack aircraft before. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  14. Was the main event who could monitor their autopilot the best? All kidding aside, real curious on what a -117 competition consisted of. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  15. Looks like 4 maf pilots to fighters...4 to bombers. Probably all from prev T-38 track to fighters if I had to guess. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  16. I heard old retired dudes are being hired in civilian status to fly A-29s at Moody. Anyone know how they fit in? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  17. 10+ years ago I was assigned to get a never-had-flown T-38 former C-130 with 2000+ hours, ready for IFF as he was transitioning to a new guard unit. He made it...barely thru IFF, struggled in the B-course and I personally spent a shit-ton of spare time helping with extra sims, instruction etc and that's because the guy had a great attitude. A lot of time is spent breaking habits, teaching quick, solo thinking. It's just a different flying mindset. It can be done, he proved it, but it wasn't easy or efficient and nothing comparable to taking a 23 year old and pushing them thru with the right skills and mindset from day 1. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  18. I'm not sure the reg but I remember in '04/'07 I was warned about some trailer issues on the ferry so this is not new. I think both length and number of axles was a factor. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  19. DTS for czte? Can you explain. I deployed dec-mar and am in need of a w-2 amended. The only thing I've seen this far is my fsa pay. No hardship pay, no HFP or czte. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  20. I doubt anyone on here sport-bitching ever thought they'd do anything other than love the USAF flying. Young guys tracking fresh out of UPT are always excited to do the mission. After a while, a job becomes a job, no matter what the cool factor or fun is in the beginning. I've realized my kids are growing up quick and every day I miss, I'll never get back. The other day I flew a 469kt low level down the coast and through the mountains of a foreign country and I was rarely above 300ft no black line. Once upon a time I would have killed to do that, but between my deployment and TDY schedule, I've been with my kids 13 days of the last 90. I would have traded that flight to watch cartoons and cook pancakes with my kids. I know someday when I retire I'll miss those flights, but after 3k hrs mil flying, I realize I can replace that void with other activities I enjoy. I can't replace my lost Christmas or New Years or the two birthdays I missed while I was doing (in my opinion) questionably useful deployed flying but I also realize it's the job I signed for. In a few years it's also a job I can quit. I'd stay if the USAF offered balance. As of now, the lifestyle is too unstable for the family to continue longer than committed. I'll say flat out though that if I were offered to do my career all over flying fighters, I'd still do it even for 1/2 the price. It's been terrific, I can't recommend it enough. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  21. You'll view what you do differently as life circumstances change. My first deployment not too long after 9/11 I was single begging to go. Loved it, felt the mission was legit. A few years back (10 years after the original) I was asked to deploy same place, same mission/jet and I had a choice so I said no. The difference was a wife, 2 kids and 2,000 hours experience where my lack of faith in the mission we were doing outweighed the family impact. I think if a meaningful conflict erupted 96.69% of dudes across the spectrum would love to fight and have family support. I recently missed 2 months of my family over the holidays deploying to do a flying job that I deemed was not worth missing my family to do. 10 years ago, I probably would have volunteered to stay longer to fly but attitudes change. What once was awesome, is now just a job to pay for my lifestyle. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  22. Where have you seen anything pointing to an actual increases in AIP? Keep in mind $1k max....assuming they apply that to the already $840 per month pilots, I'm betting the other lower tiers get a $69 increase which is sh-t in the scheme of things vs inflation. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  23. I was down range with some Marine fighter guys and I started complaining about the USAF pilot issues. Once they told me about Marine flying I felt bad for complaining in the first place. Not sure how/why they put up with it. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  24. That was a pretty good read. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  25. CH are you talking 5th gen in the A/A or A/G set? My point wasn't to rag on 5th gen, but rather bring light to the immense focus we have on the A/A piece. I would have liked to see a better A/G solution than the -35. And if you see a new stealth design with vert iCal stabs, realize we are well ahead of that design era in the L.O. game. A lot of people forget the F-22 is a 31 year old design and the F-35 is pushing 20. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
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