Plenty of people have had chest pain before the vaccine. Could be related…could not be. Oddly though at my base we’ve had 2x healthy 35sh yr olds with heart attacks recently. Again, could be the vaccine, could be something else.
Advice: AA vs SWA. I need to stay located for family in Phoenix and my priority is scheduling flexibility vs pay and I’ll be a TR reservist. Any words?
Residency question as I move to from AD to a TR position. I live in AZ and will stay here for the TR job. I am an Alaska resident where I hope to live part time eventually. I run a business seasonally in WA Do I need to change residency for tax purposes? AK and WA do not have income tax. AZ does… So we shut down the economy for a 1% death rate in the elderly and a 0.0007% death rate in under 65…..I bet the death rate of healthy people is remarkably low.
We should stay in NATO, let’s just not confuse it with some awesome military alliance. It’s a bureaucratic means to influence where 90% of the combat capability is provided by one member.
Remember when you are talking about NATO military actions, you are really referring to US military actions. NATO is a joke. I spent ~5 years seeing that anything not US led in NATO was essentially a worthless only-for-show effort. Hell, usually NATO actually gets in the way of decent COAs
Bets on the Jusse Smollet trial? You’d think it’d be an easy prosecution but the fact he hasn’t plead guilty makes me think he has confidence he can ride the woke wave to an acquittal.
Maybe it’s because having command in the USAF involves very little actual leadership and rather is more management of bureaucratic norms to not upset the status quo. I know people turning down management opportunities because there are better things to to do in life than be king turd of sh-t island.
I find reading the leftist raw data give me insight. You really have to ignore reality to be on that side of things.
A decade or so ago. A fighter guy at UPT was at the ops desk upset because weather was at mins (alternate was VFR) and he said he wasn’t going to fly. I took his jet instead, never understood why anyone argues a black and white item like mins. You are qual’d or not.
True. I did the math for myself it’s not exact because I don’t have.m a disability rating yet but I figure I’ll net $150 a day after they deduct my pay. But I’d do it for free so it’s not an issue.
I’m doing this…it’s a horrible financial choice. Works out to about $150 a day net extra you work…or about what a substitute teacher makes. DM me if you need info
The biggest thing to preserve from the A-10 community is the CAS expertise. Believe me, when and F-16/F-35/A-10 pilot talk about CAS, its very different among the communities. The A-10 community is unique. Can it be preserved in a different airframe? I doubt it. Does it need to? I’m not sure. I’m all for dumping outdated warfare. I can tell you I’d rather show up to a MCO battlefield in an A-10 loaded with laser mavs than a F-35 in (laughable) beast mode. Maybe sone better weapons will help in the future.
Lots of parties at the club, flotillas on the lake. I’d routinely take a T-38 XC solo on weekends from TX to WA, land at a civilian airport, party with friends, and fly home. Sure, it has its down sides but overall a great experience.
White jets have a terrible reputation. I’ve had great assignments that make people jealous and one to Laughlin that makes people cringe…I loved it. One of the best things to happen to me in life was going there as a young Capt.