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Everything posted by di1630

  1. Any southwest guys hear any hiring window rumors?
  2. I know a guy who retired as a MSGT, a few years before he got out, worked on his rating with the GI bill, did flight instructing and 5yrs later he’s at the airlines via the regionals route. Set a goal and go for it. You need to start now though to log hours.
  3. The bonus does matter. Imagine the line pilot working 14 hour days making the same plus measly flight pay as the shoe clerk that barely works. I’d cut the bonus and make flight pay $1k at UPT and then rise $250 a year to $4k. We’d get better UPT candidates I bet and better retention.
  4. Depends where you are at and potential for upside/crash/future rental possibility, how long you will stay etc.
  5. Land as soon as conditions permit…they permitted. And F-ck having a German OG. They are a shell of an Air Force, zero ability except following regs.
  6. ~1 month to go: Fixed wing overall take rate: 32% 11F: 24% 11B: 31% 11M: 29% Ouch
  7. Anyone here in the TR bonus? What are terms?
  8. As of 9 Aug Fighters 24% Bombers 26% Fatties 27% Spec ops 47% Rescue 51% Manned overall 32%
  9. Anyone on here fly for Alaska?
  10. No, at some point the population needs to take responsibility. A whole generation has been raised under our protection, 20 years to learn to fight and govern themselves. F-ck them. They’ll get used to Taliban rule….again.
  11. The afghanis deserve to live under the Taliban. 20 yrs of assistance from a superpower and they still can’t stand. F em
  12. I had Covid, very mild to the point I was flying 3 sorties with it and didn’t know. I got the first dose of moderna (felt worse than actual covid) and then my base ran out so I never got the 2nd shot. From everything I’ve read, one dose gives me 80% effectiveness, some readings say 95% since I already had the virus. I’m not against the 2nd shot, just not a priority. When I’m asked if I’m vaccinated I say yes. Is it official that I need both shots?
  13. Go look at safety archives and check out the engine failures historically vs now. As for tech, I started out in T-37s, and I’ve stepped thru a lot of cockpit tech iterations. We’ve come a long way. I admit I’m just one data point.
  14. FTU so yes I’m seeing the direct result of training.
  15. This is a direct result of sh-tty leadership that doesn’t get it and a poorly managed system. Not bitching, stating fact from seeing the inner workings firsthand.
  16. Plenty, because planes were less safe and tougher to fly. What point are you trying to get at? I’ve flown with kids whose 1st solo in a jet is in the b course. Time to advance the way we train.
  17. I saw the data and UPT 2.5 looks fine. Winging after the T-6…whatever. “But that’s not how I did it!!” I was a UPT IP when fix to fixes went away…the uproar…but we survived. And for data, I have 2x relatives who got wings after original 169kt T-6’s and went on to fly 10,000k hours in everything from prop and jet bombers to Mach 2 fighters.
  18. All we did was create a nation of dependents. I listened on the radio today as Afghanis claimed they have been abandoned. The Taliban want it more, so they will win. This should have happened 15 years ago. We had a reasonable expectation that the Afghans would taste freedom and sustain it with our aid. They let us down, not the other way around. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  19. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  20. How tough is commuting? What if you can’t get a jump seat to where you need to go? Im looking at PHX to maybe LAX, SFO or other Alaska bases. Any gouge appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  21. Any Southwest or American pilots here willing to chime in about pros/cons? Looking to stay in AZ and both have PHX hubs. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  22. I’m not a reservist...AD, although I’m post 20, no bonus with the ability to call it quits anytime I like with 4 months notice and I let that be known. Do you want to allow me to wear the patches I want or do you want to lose a 4,000 hr 11F? I’m usually left alone. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  23. We had a patch crackdown telling us what was allowed/not approved. I showed up Friday with my non-allowed patches. Went to wing level meetings, talked with a visiting DV, no complaints. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  24. I personally really like his act. I disagree with him in topics and have seen him interact with people in the bar who call him out. He’s polite, respectful and will share his view and admit it’s not infallible. Some people just love to hate leadership regardless. I respect the fact he’ll engage with the peasants. That’s more than many generals would do.
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