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About Splash95

  • Birthday 11/19/1982

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    flying, sports, music, reading, adult beverages, female company

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  1. This whole debate (to use the term generously) boggles my mind. While I'm sympathetic to Ukrainians' plight, and I certainly don't love, like or trust Putin, it is well past time for the killing to stop and a negotiated peace to begin. Trump and Vance are clearly of that mindset. If Zelensky wants to spurn peace dealings and keep fighting the Russians, despite the catastrophic consequences for his own country, that's his prerogative. Same if he wants to convince Europe to get involved via more funding or even ground troops. However, the perspective I find the most sensible (in brief, a combination of "lives matter" and "America first") holds that our involvement focus on trying to end this war, not pouring billions upon billions of dollars into sustaining it. Like a few others on this forum, I have a hard time understanding what actual outcome the Slava Ukraini/Fnck Russia types here envision or find possible considering the war's current state of play and the occupant of the White House.
  2. So the Captain joined a regional 18 years ago and is still there, though he purportedly did not fail Delta training? How often does that happen?
  3. After a few minutes of the most basic BO.net activity scrub: “ive been trying to log into mypay for over a week. I need to work some math on my taxes and cant. i look forward to never needing this again. I've been on the fence about a Guard retirement right at 20. Stuff like this makes my choice clear.” – gearhog (fka torqued?), December 22, 2017 “all us mid level captains have seen the bullshit...we dropped when there was only one fighter per class, we had RPAs in our -38 drops, we were in the squadrons with the TAMI 21 guys and heard how they got screwed out of their fighters, [long looooong sentence/paragraph which pretty clearly shows quals]...” – BashiChuni, August 15, 2016 Obviously they've both been playing a long con since years before Putin invaded! nsplayr, you look really ridiculous here.
  4. The war sucks and I wish Russia hadn't started it. But they did, and the limits of our ability to get them to "stop" have become quite evident. As someone whose views would likely get me labeled a Putin shill by much of this forum, I in fact think Trump has sounded too conciliatory in talking about a peace agreement, possibly for reasons outlined in the posts above. He and his administration should at least talk tough, as Russia i.e. Putin is a significant geopolitical rival, not someone to trust, and should not get the impression we'll easily hand him what he wants. All that said, it's been clear to me for quite some time that given what we (and to a much smaller extent the Europeans) are and are not willing to throw into this proxy war, it will end in a negotiation which will likely involve Russia keeping Crimea and giving back some portion of the Donbas. The raging against that reality by so much of BO.net has always struck me as a little bizarre. The best time to end this war was before it started, but now is a better time than X years in the future after more death and destruction.
  5. Joe Dirt Nap, if you will.
  6. This reinforces what I said earlier: gearhog has a point. Also it’s a bit astounding, even for a longtime mostly lurker/occasional poster who has read dozens of their posts, how unimpressively nsplayr and Lawman come off in this discussion.
  7. I've listened to the Duran podcast a bit, likely because it got brought up here. It certainly takes the general viewpoint that things are going badly for Ukraine/The West and well for Russia. 99.8% of what I've read, heard and watched since 2022 takes the general viewpoint that things are going well for Ukraine/The West and badly for Russia. Wars will always be accompanied by propaganda on both sides. As someone predisposed to look at news from a pro-American (and certainly not pro-Russian) perspective when this all kicked off, I've become more aware day by day that the news getting blasted to essentially all Americans/Westerners who don't bother to dig deeper is often less reliable than purported. This assessment will not get me many upvotes, but gearhog and Bashi have a point.
  8. What do we think will happen to the active service members who signed this?
  9. I feel your pain man. I also battled for years to get to UPT (to include ETP for age/rank/TAFSC), had periodic struggles while there, but got through Trans, Nav, Form and Mission phase. Then on graduation week, with my parents, retired O-6 uncle and family friends already in town, I hooked the check and the 89, didn't get reinstated and was done. A couple of years later, I still don't truly understand it and I know I never will, so I've found peace through consciously refusing further futile attempts. My advice to you: Whatever your support system is (God, family, friends, girlfriend, etc), lean on it. I got essentially no support from within the USAF, either locally at the UPT base or from my ANG home unit, but my parents and other family members let me know that they loved me regardless, and that helped. I've since transferred to a different unit to do a different job. I may not be "loving life" professionally a la viperdriver's roommate, but I can sleep at night because I know I busted my ass 6 and sometimes 7 days a week for a year and at every juncture I made the best decision I could with the information I had. It seems you have also given it your best shot. I won't BS you: if you're male and caucasian, your time as a student pilot is finished. If not, you may have a shot, but either way it's time to think about, first, how best to navigate the likely upcoming stages of grief, and second, what you'll seek to do for the rest of your career. I commend your willingness to share your difficulties with what can often seem a harsh and not empathetic forum, and I certainly wish you the best moving forward. Last, if it would help you any to have a conversation with someone who has traveled this path, feel free to shoot me a DM.
  10. Guardsman who just finished ACSC in case anyone has questions. I started it in early 2018, so you can infer how much I enjoyed the process!
  11. I truly appreciate you responding. I would in turn submit that your side are often the ones arguing in bad faith. Those of us who want peace in Ukraine, and question the wisdom of massive, open-ended support for an indefinite proxy war which has claimed tens of thousands of lives for little to no benefit of anyone, are (in the aggregate) not disinformation purveyors, Putin shills, etc. My opinions are my own, whether any of them happens to coincide with one held by Russians, Ukrainians, or those of other nationality. I've never been a Trump fanboy, but I think he gets it here: And I certainly don't hold Putin in high esteem, but when he says "The West will fight us to the last Ukrainian" (I can't find the exact quote right now), is he wrong? https://www.cato.org/commentary/washington-will-fight-russia-last-ukrainian
  12. What do you argue for, @Best-22? Or are you content to keep looking like a particularly impotent loser with your ubiquitous and utterly predictable downvotes from the sidelines?
  13. Lol that's not remotely what I said. I even stated flat out that I was not "convinced" it was us. I've read a bit now about Hersh's credibility issues and can understand why some discount his piece. Still, between my original first question, Biden's own words and especially the senate hearing testimony, it's hard not to discount the very real possibility (if not likelihood) that we did this. If true, as @ViperMan pointed out, one doesn't have to even consider it a bad thing. People can take the position that, in this proxy war against the Russians, any action that harms Russia and benefits Ukraine/the West is justified. I simply find the general reaction in this thread disingenuous, and I appreciate @Lord Ratner and @BashiChuni for willingness to share their skepticism.
  14. I must admit I find it a little crazy that virtually no one on this forum other than gearhog even acknowledges the possibility that the Nord Stream culprit isn't whom the West wants it to be. A couple of questions which will hopefully stimulate some thinking, but instead will likely just get me downvoted and dunked on by the BO.net mainstream: 1. Who stands to gain? 2. If there were anything tying the Russians to this, wouldn't the investigating parties (who, being Western, clearly would want to finger the Russians) have found it or at least "found it" after several months? 3. Hersh is an old man. Considering his My Lai and Abu Ghraib work, and even taking CH's word for it that he has also espoused conspiracy theories at times, his legacy seems secure. Why would he throw it away with an in-depth, elaborate fabrication? None of these questions mean that I'm convinced of a heterodox explanation for the blasts. They simply represent that, in my mind, it is absolutely valid for American citizens (among others) to have and express doubts, especially since zero explanation has been on offer.
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