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  1. Another happy customer for Jon, Roy, and the whole team at Trident!
  2. I knew her, albeit briefly, when she was an O-6. Never met a more toxic, spoiled and entitled leader. This news about a masters should come as no surprise. Also, the grass really is greener on the other side. GET OUT NOW!
  3. Funny, they let me separate without ever offering me a bonus. As for the pilot vs officer first. My ROTC commitment was 4 years. My UPT commitment was 10 years. So which one was keeping me on the hook for the last 2/3 of my career? And they are offended that (many) pilots see themselves as a pilot first. For me, the commission was just a means to an end.
  4. 1x dead 2x injured. Sad.
  5. Form t/o is still a thing. No more form landings...low approach only.
  6. I've done the chat feature and called the total force guys. I am, however, waiting to see how emailing them shakes out.
  7. Does anyone have a good contact info for someone at the separations desk at AFPC? I applied for separation following my UPT ADSC and was told expect 4-6 weeks, which jives with what others have said. The tricky part is I just declined my upcoming PCS ADSC due to some last minute changing events in my personal life. BL: I need to talk to someone to either get my approval fast tracked or at least a verbal so I have a "warm fuzzy" seeking civilian employment without the fear of the rug being pulled out at the last second. Thanks in advance.
  8. According to my in-service recruiter, AD is something like 13K above end strength and AFRC is apparently lower than they were expecting for numbers. She said there is a new found push for palace chase approvals. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Also, how does the whole pilot crisis factor in? FWIW I'm an AETC IP...are they going to laugh at me when I submit a 12-month request?
  9. Think we have problems now with UPT production? Wait until the deployment machine revs up and starts tagging UPT line IPs again. Not sure what other thread to post that little gem, but the rumint is they are coming back like they were before the mythical "fence" went up. Can anyone else confirm or throw BS flags?
  10. How about the dudes that get tagged to go deploy to Afghanistan to fly Cessnas (or some other comparable bad deal), then have to come back and requal into the life they left 365 days ago? Is that a 3 year ADSC for the Cessna, and then a rehack on that 3 year ADSC for the requal back into their MWS upon the completion of the deployment? Disclaimer: I'm not one of those dudes in this situation, just curious.
  11. Just closed on a house with Trident. Marty gave me a wide variety of mortgage options, all of which beat out other leading competitors. Christy processed the loan and was excellent every step of the way. Overall my experience was fantastic and I highly recommend Trident to anyone!
  12. Tanker pilot at McConnell. All of my nav buddies are on a 1:1 dwell. As in literally delaying TACC missions because DAV expires in a few hours from frag'd takeoff. It's that bad. When you are home expect to rot in the office except for the occasional SOAR flight. Navs getting any seasoning other than learning how to find their way from McConnell to Mildenhall to the Deid is completely personality driven in Sq/Gp/Wg leadership - it ebbs and flows. Expect to stay at McConnell as long as the SOAR mission is there; follow-ons are mostly to AMLO/CRG with a few UNT or AFSOC opportunities. Truth be told, more than a few navs ended up going on to be pilots/drone pilots or straight up getting out.
  13. The wife and I are both active duty, not stationed together. We met, PCSd to different bases, then got married. She is separating from AD soon in order to live with me full time. She has been talking to the in service recruiter to become a traditional reservist at March ARB. Her recruiter mentioned the possibility of getting a join spouse assignment for me. I'm a KC-135 pilot (McConnell) and March is an active-associate unit. Is the recruiter full of it, or is join spouse to follow my soon to be reservist wife in the realm of possibilities? Either way, this next PCS (wherever it is) will be my last on active duty, so I'm not too concerned on where to go from March. FWIW, apparently their reserve -135 manning has seen better days; not sure if that would make any difference. Overall it seems too good to be true... Thanks in advance!
  14. I'm in the process of doing my ATP in the next few weeks. Can anyone give any updates on mil friendly ATP courses in the Texas area? I'm not opposed to a type-rating program, but I'm not exactly seeking it out right now due to the SWA perception as mentioned in previous posts. I plan on doing the written through Sheppard Air and taking the actual exam here at DLF. Also, I've heard good things on the guy up in Boston, any updates there as well?
  15. I'm at PIT now, and according to the billeting manager pets are no longer a valid excuse to live off base; I tried that route. Basically, the way I understand it, the only people who are allowed to live off base are those who are married and are accompanied by their family. Single and non-accompanied married are in the dorms.
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