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thanks for the info...I'll update if I find out anything different when I get there
I'm looking for some current gouge at LRAFB for a guard dude going TDY for PIQ with my wife. We'd like to stay off base in a house/condo but don't want to fork out any extra $$ to do so. Here is how I understand it: If I can swing a Non-A letter I get $88/day for lodging $56/day for food/beer. If I refuse gov't quarters I only get $34/day for everything. Does this check? What is the best way to track down the mythical Non-A and what areas of town do y'all recommend these days?
Information on PCS/moves/moving (DITY, TMO, DLA, storage)
165LM replied to SUX's topic in General Discussion
Need some advice here. I will PCS to UPT with the wife in the next couple of months. We are trying to figure out the most "productive" means of doing this. My view of "productive" is DITY $$$$$ while she wants peace of mind and ease. I have heard so many different tactics that I don't quite know where to start. I'm allowed 13,000lbs which we will probably get close to. I'm ANG - not AD if that makes a difference. Here are my options from what I understand: 1. Buy a trailer (roughly 8x16 enclosed) to tow all your crap in it and get paid for the weight of trailer and goods inside. I'm a bit unsure of this. 2. Rent big ass UHaul truck and tow one of our vehicles behind 3. Have someone move it for us. It seems like the JFTR changes constantly and I can't even begin to understand what the heck it really says. I also have a tough time trusting TMO. I want a good excuse to buy a new/bigger truck so what do you guys/gals really recommend here? -
Hey dude, I'm in the 123rd now...great unit. I was a loadmaster for 5 years before getting the call for UPT last year. I loved every second of the job. I would agree that FE or loadmaster are the 2 best enlisted jobs in the game. FE will be tough to get into without prior maintenance experience and the schools for both are pretty long. Life support and intel are both good options as well with a shorter school. We definately tend to hire from within so I would enlist if you can swing it. I'm good buds with your contact...losing a great dude with his move. Shoot me a PM if you want some more info.
Great info...I haven't seen that website yet. Thanks so much for all the help on this subject. I'm pushing to get everything through in time!
I'm hoping for an update here on the waiver process for PRK since this is a bit outdated and I can't find it anywhere else. Quick background - ANG UPT selection going to Brooks in August and hopefully AMS in Oct...its gonna be a tight squeeze. I had PRK July 08 and have a waiver for FCIII (currently loadmaster). When I do MFS at Brooks, do I bring all of my pre and post op paperwork for the eye docs to submit my waiver request at Brooks? Or does my flight doc from my home unit submit this paperwork for me? If they do, can they submit after my 1 yr post op but prior to attending Brooks? Typically how long does it take for the FCI and waiver to be approved? I doubt I can get it all approved prior to Oct 6th AMS but I'm trying. Thanks so much for all the advice/help in this journey of mine.
So I was enlisted aircrew in a local ANG unit when going through my last couple of years of school. I would occasionally have to wear the bag coming or going to fly. I tried not to because it makes you stand out like a sore thumb on a college campus. I hated having to explain that I was not a fighter pilot to the curious passer bys. So one day I come across this ROTC cadet also wearing a bag in my dorm. He proceeded to explain to me how he was going to be a fighter pilot one day and he was some cc or something like that. He might even be my commander one day. Apparantly he had huge responsibilities and was very important. I'm pretty sure he was about to ask me to salute him. I have no clue how ROTC works and I don't f&^#ing care...I'm in the guard. I just told him good luck and was on my merry way. Anyways, wear the bag if you think it makes you cool. Sure the reg say you can wear it. Sure it might motivate those below you. Just don't pretend that you are shit hot because you are a pilot select in ROTC (or any other commisioning source fwiw). You are not rated yet. You've got a long road to navigate before you will have that honor. And please don't act like your shit don't stink even after you're a pilot.
How many generations of flying in your family?
165LM replied to brickhistory's topic in Squadron Bar
Great thread Grandfather X 30: Revolutionary war - probably need to research this a bit more Great Great Great (I think) grandfather: Civil war, Florida Grandfather: WWII Army photographer in Pacific (has melted sand he claimed was from Hiroshima > died of cancer) Grandfather: WWII Navy - Pacific Dad: Navy - surface warfare officer then flew the F-4, A-6 IP, F-18 & C-12. Retired 0-5 after 21 yrs -SWA capt now Brother: Navy Ensign - surface warfare officer - probably going to be 4 and out Me: E5 loadmaster in the guard with a UPT slot to fly the C-130...hopefully heading to school in August I'm Trying to be the second in the family to fly. My baby bro turned down flying in the Navy due to the long commitment. I think he has had enough of the military and is ready to split. -
Not true. However don't make it known that you are only joining to become a pilot. That is the wrong road to go down. If you join, you are a loadmaster first and foremost. If your only goal is to become a pilot you will not be a shining star in the squadron. Do a great job but don't make it seem like it is just a stepping stone to the front seat. If you are the best loadmaster in the squadron, get along well with everyone, and don't screw anything up you should have no problem moving up front. You should plan to put some time in as a load though to build your reputation. I did not finish my 6yr commitment as a load before getting my UPT selection, however by the time I go to school I will be at 5yrs 10months.
That sucks if I can't even go to Brooks prior to the 1 yr mark? I've had other people tell me that I could go to Brooks prior to 1 yr but that I would get DQ. I would then have to submit the waiver and wait until 1 yr post op for the approval. Where is the guidance regarding all this info? Thanks for the responses above! I'm just anxious and can't wait to get to it!
Been browsing all this info for a while now and can't really find exactly what I'm looking for here. I've been a loadmaster for 5 years now and had PRK back in July. Surgery went great, couldn't be more pleased with the results. I need the FCIII waiver so I can return to flying status. The docs in my unit are pretty clueless about the waiver process...hell so am I. How exactly does the process work and what can I do to speed this process up and get back on flying status? Question 2 I was recently picked up for UPT with my current ANG unit in Sept. I need to go to Brooks in the next several months to get my FC1 so I can get my package for the guard bureau approved. I'm obviously going to get DQ due to PRK and will have to apply for that waiver. Will my loadmaster waiver suffice for FC1 or do I need a whole new waiver? Assuming PRK is the only thing that DQs me, can/will the guard bureau approve me pending a waiver approval at the 1yr mark? If so, can I go to AMS prior to waiver approval and then just wait to start UPT? Sorry about the long winded questions here but everybody involved seems to be clueless. I hate to sit back and just let the docs handle this. thanks!
Hey Maggie, My unit has several female loads who love the job. There is no reason in the world why a female couldn't hack it as a loadmaster. It is a great job, very rewarding, and fun as hell. I am sure there are plenty of officer positions that are extremely rewarding that you might want to look into. It is hard to beat being flight crew though. What about being a Nav if you don't want to be a pilot?
Absolutely, as long as you are the best damn load in the shop and don't get yourself in trouble like many young loads tend to do. You interact with flyers every day because you are a flyer! You'll get to go on trips all over the world with some of the best people you've ever worked with and have a blast doing it. I've been a load now for 4 years and just had my first UPT board yesterday...still waiting for the results. In my opinion, being a guard loadmaster is the best kept secret in the Air force.
"2" Fantastic read...couldn't put it down