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Magellan last won the day on July 27 2016

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Flight Lead

Flight Lead (3/4)



  1. This is great advice. My only caveat would be that not all AF mental health folks are the top of the barrel, but the price is right if you can get in to see them. Don't dismiss the ability to use chaplains as well. Most of them have significant training and experience as counselors that can often times rival the "mental health professionals" and their hours are a lot more flexible. Feel free to try multiple options even if you aren't happy with the first one. There are also online and phone hotline options that are available as free resources as well.
  2. You mean the people that are just trying to keep Gen. Slife happy, or are acolytes of his but not currently in AFSOC? The reality is I can seek confirmation bias from any pocket of the Air Force at any level. Great Power Competition is the reality we need to embrace. We pulled out of the GWOT on terror, and it didn't end it just shifted fronts to Israel. Because the bad actors in that region that want to destroy the west, western values, anyone that isn't a Islamic fundamentalist just shifted to the next closest target. Also, the foreign policy disaster of stopping Saudi from fighting the Iranian (Houthi) proxies in Yemen was idiotic from a Real Politik stand point. There are still a lot of fights in the world were AFSOC is the best game in town, but we aren't playing any more to the extent we were.
  3. Not Applicable in the high end near peer fight if you ask anyone outside of AFSOC.
  4. Really. That would just end up whacking those who speak the truth to power, and further insulate the corruption and cronyism.
  5. I am just wondering how many people will take the Bone Us money this year if/when it gets released.
  6. If it burns lesson learned.
  7. So what is life like for a regional airline pilot? Asking for a friend...
  8. So when I was a casual Lt back before ORE/ORIs ended having a forklift license was useful multiple times as opposed to waiting on loggies or MX folks to move our gear, and it even helped during a short notice ONE tasker. This was back when C-Models started coming apart and where grounded UFN and we needed to pack a bunch of stuff right before Christmas for a CONUS deployment. Honestly, I think it would be awesome if all the Lts waiting for pilot training got trained to drive buses, fork lifts, etc. Because then the ops squadrons can just go to transportation check out the equipment, use it, and return it entirely on their schedule. Plus then it would be easier to screen for buffoonerous personnel before people bend airplanes. If you can't drive a bus or a forklift do we really want to trust you with an airplane?
  9. Just avoid anything east of Fairfax. Problem solved. 😀
  10. https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Docs/perdiem/browse/Allowances/BAH/PDF/2022/2022-With-Dependents-BAH-Rates.pdf https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/bahCalc.cfm By the way the search function is INOP I literally searched for BAH which is in the thread title and got nothing. Cheers to Washington DC going up!
  11. Clearly a victim of the system. Only shitty (can’t say silver) lining is the age of the fatalities was all age 52 plus. Praying for all victims.
  12. Can you pay the mortgage for 15-30 years? Do you want to pay the mortgage for 15-30 years. If not rent.
  13. Retention could tank even further. I think it is a false assumption that those 30% were staying anyway. The IDE, Staff, DO, SQ/CC, School, Staff hustle to stay Tier 1 and survive until 20 years becomes A LOT less appealing if you pay them $245,000 or more less...
  14. Guess they over forecast the COVID-19 retention spike...smooth move Air Force...
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