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About Snirifle

  • Birthday February 13

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    East Coast

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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Is this serious? I cant burn a goddamn flightplan to a data card because of AF Comm, and just this week I lost access to our primary mission planning website with no easy workaround. At work today after waiting 30 minutes for GTIMs to load unsuccessfully someone said we should contract our comm out to the Chinese since they are in every system we have anyway. Chances are they would be more competent in keeping things running and give us a fighting chance against the Russians.
  2. Runr, was the source doc you saw clear that this offer was going to be offered to both Candidates and Selects? Word we got when AFPC came to visit earlier in the year was that this offer to decline school without 7 day opting was only going to be offered to selects, not to candidates who got picked up for school and because of that be careful regarding your 3849 submissions-
  3. Yeah I used crazy Carl's Oakland program. Hard to get a hold of anyone. If you devote a week to the gouge and are ok teaching yourself to fly a seneca in 3 flights with no guarantee of a pass depending on your DPE go for it. Price isn't great, instruction is almost nonexistent but it's a plane to fly for the qual. Send a pm if you want more info.
  4. Did a little searching in the forums didnt find a recent answer regarding Hostile fire pay- Is anyone receiving it for current flight ops in a country who may or may not share a border with Jordan Iraq and Turkey? We are currently being told to record days we fly in theatre so we can receive a pro rated IDP of $7.50 per day. I'm not looking to debate whether or not it is deserved but rather what the norm is for those currently operating in that AOR. Reading through the 7000.14 ch 10 it seems like it could be justified but currently our crews are prohibited from filing for it.
  5. I wonder if the canned ORM sheet we have to do had a way to account for this all female crew or if they just penciled in the extra points on their own-
  6. Because there are no requirements to get promoted from 2 Lt-1Lt-Capt Are you showing respect for their "earned" position or just for the fact that they havent had a DUI or raped anyone since getting in? Just like in the squadrons where the top performer may not be the top guy if he hasnt passed the PT test but the 95% PT avg with 2 Q-3's will still get promoted, so will the shoe clerk christmas oh wait holiday party POC. It seems like rank is more of a statement of the year you've graduated through Capt than a sign of your accomplishments and abilities (and level of responsibility) nowadays. Ok 6 am rant off...
  7. I think anyone who has flown under the Tac C2 in OEF has earned their hostile fire/combat pay, tanker or not. Just going out there every day and not getting killed by ATC or some UAV pilot who doesnt understand how to set his altimeter properly should be enough to warrant the pay. I guess if I had my way if your shop is not manned 7 days a week, no hostile fire pay for you (Just keeping it real for our maintainers)
  8. The experience of pointing with your elbows and willingness to use the phrase kill "container" will pay huge dividends in the U-28 world
  9. Wow reading this thread made me a much better tanker pilot. And by much better I mean I am pretty sure my IQ just dropped about 10 pts. Good thing it wont impact my flying ability since I'll just be in back cooking some frozen pizza and drinking some Yoohoo while an A-10 is whining like a little girl on the boom to slow down some more, lol. J/K I took no offense to this post whatsoever since I know you guys were all talking about 135 pilots... (Let the flames commence...)
  10. As previously said there is nothing written about passing the A/A Tacan over to 2, but technique we've used (In the KC-10) is to assign each cell mate their own A/A freq since we have 2 tacans onboard with A/A capability so long as it is not required for navigation.
  11. Yep, I was there when he went down, worked on the recovery crew on the crash and was around when they renamed the bar. Really sad time. Whats even worse is people thinking it was named for muffins, brits etc. and that tribute to him was lost in the base move.
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