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fox two

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fox two last won the day on October 13 2020

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Newbie question: I put my apps in and haven't heard anything... my earliest hire date is still many months away so I'm not sweating it, but I'm wondering if having a class 1 medical is a requirement for an interview? I don't have one yet, as I finish AD, but figured it's something I could get quickly if I'm selected. I'm looking at the comparison page of the job targeting page in airlineapps.com and also seeing FCC License required, is that actually needed as well? https://www.fcc.gov/commercial-radio-operator-license-program says you need one unless your aircraft is VHF and domestic only and obviously military flying is neither of those, so what gives? Do I have this equivalent already? Maybe a dumb question but I've literally never heard of this
  2. On the topic of IDE...back when I was a Lt at my first assignment, everyone and their mother was pushing masters degrees as if it was a make or break box to check in my career. However, I had seen the writing on the wall and made the choice not to pursue it since the pendulum seemed to start heading the other way, and cramming masters work in during a deployment just wasn't my cup of tea. Luckily the timing worked out just fine for me. But now I'm being asked if I want to get put in for IDE, and I feel the same way. O4-O5+ manning is weak across the board, there's no way they're going to use it as a discriminator until manning gets too fat again and I know plenty of commanders who didn't check that box. Hell, the AFPC commander at SOS years ago pretty much told us straight up making O6 often comes down to whoever sticks it out long enough to not turn down a 365. 7 day opts shut the door on more O5-O6 promotions than records do. Seems like those who are already groomed for the command track are the ones going anyways and it won't make that much of a difference. Anything I'm off the mark on for the near future?
  3. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/02/18/air-force-t-38-trainer-jet-suffers-landing-gear-mishap-no-injuries-reported.html 18 Feb 2021 Military.com | By Oriana Pawlyk A U.S. Air Force T-38 Talon trainer jet out of Beale Air Force Base, California, experienced a landing gear mishap when touching down at Sacramento's Mather Airport, the service said Thursday. The two pilots aboard sustained no injuries during the accident, base officials said in a release. The aircraft, which took off from Beale for routine training, belongs to the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, the release adds. The twin-engine jet came down at the airport with its landing gear up at approximately 9:00 a.m. The facility, roughly 50 miles from the base, is often used by military aircraft for touch-and-go landings and takeoffs, 9th Reconnaissance Wing spokeswoman Kathryn Miller told Military.com. She said she could not provide further details, citing the ongoing investigation into the incident.
  4. Nerd alert: Star Trek's classic "A Taste of Armageddon" episode explores this. Two societies use computers to simulate the outcome of a war. The winner is declared without any fighting. But the losers are euthanized.
  5. +1 to being community dependent (and somewhat EP dependent, depending on their mood), but from where I'm from it's very hard to get a commendable as a new guy, especially if this was an MQT check. Nothing against FNGs, they just don't have that unconscious competence yet that naturally opens up the door to impress the evaluator in multiple areas. For my criteria, if someone isn't making any mistakes and appears to be earning a clean Q-1, I'll give them a fair chance to earn that EQ and turn up the intensity until I see where their limit is in performance or GK. So good on you, while it doesn't mean much objectively (nor would a downgrade), subjectively it looks very good for strat considerations, quarterly award bullets, TRB early looks, the boss noticing, etc. A great stepping stone, if you keep it up.
  6. "The autopilot entered the go-around mode" That's ambiguous...did someone physically press the GA button? On purpose or otherwise?
  7. Nah, just need another SII and safety video.
  8. Looking for some up to date gouge, was offered an attractive non-flying short tour, claiming off-base oceanside condos. Inputs? Leadership climate?
  9. You mean an SII that says "stop f*cking up" doesn't actually do shit?
  10. Yes.
  11. Honestly this is an extremely common sentiment in this community. Every year I have to have a couple of serious conversations with dudes who broke down at work over some variation of this mentality. The "glory days" of flying your dad experienced are fleeting and today's air force is changing. No easy way to make you feel better but I will say RPAs have some huge advantages: You don't have to deploy for months at a time to get the same mission done. Being able to go home, grab a drink and netflix with your SO every night is an underrated advantage over missing out on your personal life for half a year at a time, even more so if you will have a family. You will utilize new equipment and weapons that actively receive R&D funding...unlike the 20+ year old systems on manned aircraft I used to fly. Unit specific, but you will still face very challenging mission sets and upgrades to train for...I've had plenty of "I should've been a fighter pilot" types completely get their ass kicked in training. I know dudes whose footage was shown to the president, and were part of things that will never be declassified. Their parents are none the wiser, and that's okay.
  12. Quick question: when does the next year-group pin on O-4 and where do I find this information?
  13. Star Wars Rogue One was very good. I give it a 9.5/10, better than The Force Awakens. It wasn't a recycled plot like TFA, and it didn't lean too hard on nostalgic cameos (most were mere seconds long and well placed). The conclusion of the movie segways amazingly well into A New Hope, and actually enhances the story significantly. Has some of the best battle scenes in the franchise. Minor points deducted for some tropey moments, and a somewhat slow, fractured start, but the second half of the movie more than makes up for it. Has the old rustic star wars feel throughout, yet includes some of the best CGI to date. It's a true prequel to episode IV, and how a prequel should be done. I don't have any above average fandom but anyone who likes Star Wars will receive this one well.
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