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Everything posted by booze

  1. Disappointed/disgusted and triggered are different? I don't think so, but that's just like, my opinion, man. I guess you could call me "triggered," too...but not in a happy way...more of a "who cares about this?" kinda way.
  2. Never. Cuz they're gonna be so rare now that they'll be a collector's item that nobody actually wears on their feet. And if the bible thumpers never got triggered, we'd never even know about this....Irony at its best.
  3. So during my FO days I'm on a long Penang layover with a cool as former F-111 dude captain back in the day...we couldn't see eye to eye on my punk rock/metal taste...he was into country and jimmy buffett....so naturally, I suggested WWJ as we're stumbling back to the hotel. The look he gave me at showtime was priceless...
  4. While I like magazines laden with scantily clad women, if there was a publication to convince my wife to smoke a doobie and chill the f*** out once in awhile, I'd approve of that, too.
  5. Ask your commander. Not sure what the manning situation is where you are, but your leadership is probably interested in keeping folks around. I was asked about a month after my VSP approval if I would be willing to extend beyond my DOS if it was offered.
  6. I thought he was screwing with everyone when he said he was approved…good for him, though.
  7. VSP approved today. '02 11R. UPT ADSC expires at the end of the month.
  8. Did my ATP at RVS in Tulsa this weekend. Went well. PM me for details if interested sts.
  9. AFUOL: All ######ed Up On Landing LIP: Lost In Pattern
  10. Who's Amy Winehouse?
  11. WTF indeed
  12. Nobody said 200 below 10K. Nobody said shit about class B. Oh, and here's one more hint...I'm not a SNAP in real life. But thanks for the airspace briefing.
  13. Oh, okay...me neither. Here's one: Wizard Male Controller: "Merkin 69, Wizard" Wizard Female Controller: "Merkin 69, this is Wizard, go ahead." <obvious silence>
  14. Hint...it has to do with max airspeed below 10K...
  15. Holy shit. I wish I'd never clicked on that link. Skycops and TIB...brothers in arms. Ugh.
  16. I've been saving this email chain for awhile, and it seems to be appropriate for this thread, so I'll remove the names and share. It was entertaining, but I don't recommend the "reply to all" button here. I heard these guys caught some trouble. First reply to all... Second reply to all...
  17. For initial t/o briefings, I don't like the "prop, engine, system, or load" thing. Just say "reject" and tell me in plain English what you see, and I'll make the decision. Example: I'm on the bunk, gray-haired EP is in the right seat, young LT in the left...TIT gage slips out on t/o roll and is hanging there, and only the EP sees it. Gray-haired EP calls reject. Young LT does the right thing and pulls throttles to flight idle, waiting to hear why. Gray-haired EP stares at gage thinking, "is this a prop, engine, system, WTF is this?" What seems like thousands of feet of runway go by. An example of an experienced dude trying to think too much because we tie our hands with the standard briefing and try to put rejects into a category. As SOF HERK says, there are very, very few situations that call for a shutdown in flt idle anyway. Make it simple and just call what you see....as if it's a t&go, but with the "reject" call.
  18. dude, gross...
  19. "...or a foreign national escort." Is that the same as "watch TCNs clean up shit in 130 degree heat?"
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