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Everything posted by Negatory
I agree. Delaware, Vermont, Rhode Island, DC, Hawaii. All more examples of places that have more voting weight than they should.
That's fine, you guys are cleared to disagree. I still think you're wrong. There are more republican voters in California, whose votes don't matter at all, than those in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and West Virginia combined. If you look into it, you aren't really following the constitutional founding fathers' intentions. The number of electors was always intended to be the number of senators plus the number of representatives. As our society grew from about 35k people / representative to the 700k people / rep that we have now, the impact of the people should have increased proportionally because the number of representatives should have increased. George Washington argued that there should be a representative for every 30k people. But in 1913, # of representatives was capped arbitrarily to 435. This contributed, strongly, to the undue voter weight of extremely small portions of America and the disregard for vast sects of society. Now the tyranny of the minority has resulted in 2 of the last 3 presidents being elected by the minority of voters. Before, this had only happened 3 times. I'm doubtful this was the intent of the constitution or the founding fathers. Or maybe California should just split into 5-10 smaller states so that their voices are heard.
In my mind that's a pretty complicated answer, haha. I think the simplest answer is that there probably isn't significant enough fraud on either side to matter. Not saying it doesn't make sense, though.
Just wait until deepfakes make up 90% of internet content in 5 years. It will only get worse. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/artificial-intelligence-created-deepfake-videos-22761685 Mark my words, in 5 years the same crowd is going to be sending deepfakes of Biden molesting kids or murdering people and share that as truth. And a questionably high % of America will believe it because it aligns with their politics.
It doesn't "absolutely still make sense." There have been over 700 formal proposals to get rid of the electoral college since 1800, with it almost happening in the Bayh-Celler amendment of 1970. Which was only defeated due to a real philosophical and legal marvel - the filibuster. It's not like it is some philosophical truth. In my opinion, it's antithetical to true democracy.
Still looking for your response to the cognitive dissonance question of the hour: Why did dems allow republicans to win the senate if they were controlling everything through massive manipulation? Could it be that Trump actually is unpopular? Maybe when you receive 5 million less popular votes than the other guy, you should lose? And your whole argument still boils down to people's Presidential votes from Wyoming, North Dakota, and Alaska should count 2-3 times as much as someone from California, Florida, or Texas. That's the electoral college, a totally logical thing that definitely makes sense in the modern world.
A shitshow.
Here's what happens when you try to actually look into the bogus lawsuits about dead voters and they actually aren't dead: https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54874120 Also, I know two AD mil folks who legally voted absentee in Nevada. They have since been cited by the Trump campaign, by name, as having committed "criminal voter fraud": https://www.militarytimes.com/pay-benefits/2020/11/13/hundreds-of-military-absentee-ballots-are-likely-on-gops-list-of-alleged-criminal-voter-fraud-votes/
I mean, unfortunately, Rudy Giuliani doesn’t exactly have the highest credibility or like ability. I listened to it, and I agree there could be some things, but unfortunately all of the evidence is entirely circumstantial. All of it. Heres how GOP leadership actually feels about the allegations in each state. Unfortunately it’s not this one sided conspiracy theory: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/11/14/election-2020-gop-officials-swing-states-shoot-down-trump-fraud-claims/6271421002/ Also, still looking for someone to explain how the dems lost the senate when they committed so much coordinated fraud.
Here’s the truth. I don’t want to watch an hour long video on something when it’s not something that has been shown to be very likely a factor. Give me something that’s easier to digest, or something that points to a need to watch this. I 100% believe there was election fraud. There are probably many cases of it. But there are cases of election fraud every year on both sides. Right now, I believe that the order of magnitude of the fraud is the same as it always is - so small that it doesn’t matter. Put the numbers in context, at least. Don’t just say there’s examples of fraud - I know there will be on both sides. One of the examples that really falls on deaf ears is when someone claims that there are dozens of examples of election fraud in a state... and then it’s literally 25 single people who registered incorrectly. It comes across clickbaity, probably wouldn’t ever come close to affecting anything, and makes me less likely to care the next time. When I hear that there is provable fraud that has X impact that actually could affect the election results, I will be interested. Otherwise, it’s noise or propaganda.
Yeah, I know generally A5/A8 are the folks that set requirements. For the purposes of this discussion, that makes them an integral part of acquisitions, as the acquisition process starts by saying “I need something.” If you’re concerned I’m saying that DT/OT are the ones coming up with the next force structure, I’m not. And if we’d like to really dig into it, I think that a lot of the blame for what has happened the last 20 years falls on A5/A8/A9 being run by untrained or unqualified folks that DON’T understand their impact or importance in the acquisitions process. In fact, bump that out to J5/J8/J9.
I mean, that’s acquisitions role. And they could do a better job than not trying at all. I guess my point is that requirements - the first step in the dumb way we do acquisitions - can be done better. Get a more realistic and actually integration focused group from all of the DoD together to come up with how to do this stuff. I’m not hopeless that we couldn’t get close.
The F-35 is a good cautionary tale of how letting congress and the marine corps acquire things that they have no expertise in is bad. So maybe you’re right that the military integrates so poorly, currently, that the Air Force would screw up army stuff and the navy would mess up the Air Force and everyone would mess up space/cyber. Hell, just make a standard that works for 20 years from now and double the bandwidth, # of players, and the data rate. Link 16, on the open source unclassified side, is ~250 MHz and a relatively low data rate (Was decent for its inception). Literally just make that something that would work for multi-service integration for standard hot spots in the world and give it some amount of buffer and you’ll be better off. Maybe 50 years is aggressive, but I firmly believe when it comes to computers you have to do generational upgrades, not incremental. We’re due for a generational upgrade soon, IMO.
This is an easy elephant in the room problem. Make a Mil-STD that will actually work for 50 years from now and allows for growth. Make it include all of the services from submarines to satellites. Then make a joint SPO to manage the US military’s data links. Force everyone to comply to the underlying structure. Stop developing platform specific solutions. Will never happen because DT/OT/acq is so platform/service specific that we shoot ourselves in the foot.
Can you please stop trying to make some moral comparison or argument that Biden will be a criminal? There is legitimately no evidence of that. Guardian, it’s hard to listen to you guys, when you basically get fully on board with conspiracy theories with almost no substance, just because they align with your politics. “But they have 500 affidavits!!” (You actually mistakenly said 11,000 here, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt). Have you read any of them? Almost none of them have any impact, and the vast majority are in the “I got a reminder to register to vote after I registered to vote.” A few allege that someone saw multiple signatures were the same. The biggest one was officially - in the justice system - recanted by a postal worker. In total, there is literally no way that they could affect the vote. It was a blowout. 3% margin. Unfortunate, but true. And with these fake votes, the GOP maintained control of the senate. Pretty bad fake voting, if you ask me. You guys are the same folks that said 5 months ago that the response to COVID was a liberal fraud. A global. Liberal. Fraud. Your ability to disregard aggregate scientific or sociological evidence and put your trust in one or two conflicting opinions is part of why we can’t get on the same page. I recently read a study about conservatives being more likely to overvalue experiential or personal stories, and I literally thought of you. I have spent entirely too much time on this forum. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theconversation.com/amp/conservatives-value-personal-stories-more-than-liberals-do-when-evaluating-scientific-evidence-149132 When it comes down to it, Biden is a super boring politician that has a kid who does drugs. And he’s open about it. It makes the “Hillary-esque” character attacks you guys want to make all the more absurd when you try.
Unfortunately not hard to believe Trump is one of the most unpopular.
Here's another rhetorical question in regards to the fraud. Why didn't dems take the senate? The ballots are the same piece of paper. Those votes are probably bad too?
I missed the meaning. Got it.
There are economics both for and against the minimum wage. I mean, really, there are for almost every argument: https://minimum-wage.procon.org The unions pay for one study, the companies pay for the other. There is probably some amount of truth to both sides, but I firmly disagree that in America the minimum wage should ever be "$0/hr." If you can't pay your employees a living wage, you should lose your rights to be an employer.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/postal-worker-fabricated-ballot-pennsylvania/2020/11/10/99269a7c-2364-11eb-8599-406466ad1b8e_story.html That kinda hurts the message.
I think that’s where you’re confused. Many on the left have lost support for the protests, especially after they have devolved to riots. I know most of the people I’ve talked to feel this way. Youre probably right that more dems would say they support protests. I don’t think almost any of them support burning stuff down. BLM started with reasonable intentions. But it has been brigaded into a shell of itself.
Okay, last example of a conservative movement gone wrong. How about the totally peaceful “Unite the Right Rally” in Charlottesville? Oh, doesn’t count either? If you can’t see the double standard of associating the dem party with rioters, anarchists, and looters while not associating the republicans with white supremacists and domestic terrorists, I don’t have much for you. You don’t get to pick and choose. When it comes down to it, they’re both absurd comparisons. The truth is the average dem and the average rep are both boring, non murdering, non rioting people. I don’t support rioters burning down a store any more than you do.
Your source doesn’t say, out of those that died, whether they were killed by conservatives or liberals. Your source said only 2/9 of those killed at BLM protests were conservatives. This is another straw man that doesn’t say who’s doing the violence. “Nine of the people killed during protests were demonstrators taking part in Black Lives Matter protests. Two were conservatives killed after pro-Trump “patriot rallies”. All but one were killed by fellow citizens.“ I mean, if you wanna keep staying straw man, I’ll just point to Kyle up in Kenosha bringing an illegal gun and killing some folks. The point is that both sides are bad. I don’t think you’ll convince me that it’s one sided.
Ill give you one more source you can try to debunk (with a source): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7%3famp
Now it’s on you to cite a source that proves that leftist “terrorism” or acts are worse than that which I just provided.