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Everything posted by DFRESH

  1. whoa... I posted something and it dissappeared... was that a no talky talky subject?
  2. I'd be happy to put one in her. Also, I just watched the Leno vid, and it was painful to watch. That guy is barely a functional ra-tard. For those who want to suffer for minutes at a time watching a ra-tard attempt to use his words, but are too lazy to click a link, I will embed it for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srSogVdWcdc
  3. mmmmmm good:
  4. www.conquerclub.com
  5. grassy-ass.
  6. Aight... I don't mean to be a pain... but I may have found the solution: AdminCP (control panel) General Settings > User Profiles If there is already a value for max lines and stuff, can you try changing it?
  7. Thread Bump (revival).... Looking for similar stuff. I found the C-17 cockpit on boeing's site, but was looking for others if anybody had any resources.
  8. @Wolf, Yes that one... I was too damn lazy to find the vid and embed the link. @PapaJu, I didn't say she's not hot, just when compared to Taylor Swift, Beyonce's the side dish to my main meal. Swift FTW. @CA, I'll be sure to let everybody know if she still wears the ring while I'm tappin it. @Stuck... I'd love to teach her a few things.
  9. TIMEOUT! Lockjaw's Number 2 pic shows a wedding ring.... wtf, over? I'll ask her about it when I take her out to dinner tonight. BTW, has anybody seen the video of her rapping? She beats the shit out of Kanye.
  10. Update: Still having the issue. I tried adding an image, and it threw two more codes. One was like you can only have up to images. The other was having to do with the image size. The way I read the errors I'm assuming there's a config file that is missing some data. I imagine this config file is only called whenever a signature change is made as well. Toro, If you want me to look at some code PM me.
  11. I agree that kanye is an assclown, but I think this thread went the wrong direction. We should all be discussing the fact the Taylor Swift is f'n hot and beyonce is not nearly as good looking. If I wasn't at work, I'd try to make this thread NSFW right now.
  12. "Looks like the shoe's on the other foot" is all I was trying to add.... but now that you mention it, I'm considering trying to add in an image, just to see what everybody thinks.
  13. Any attempt to add a signature throws: [#10211] You may only use up to lines of text in your signature. I poked around (sts) the IPS peer to peer support forum, but didn't find this exact error. There was a similar error talked about there for images in the signature block that went back to a simple =0 or =1 or =-1 in a config file for like allowimages or something.... I've seen other people with signature blocks.... so I imagine it can't be a board wide issue unless they had their signatures in before an update and the update isn't allowing any changes. Anybody want to try changing their signature in the name of science?
  14. Site crashed due to traffic. U
  15. https://www.consoleshop.com/product.php?productid=20801 There's tons of other similar products out there. Hope that can help.
  16. In the process of reading the book now. So far it's great.
  17. another good one for google, and related to another thread (I can't remember which one) the google calculator knows the answer to life, the universe, and everything else. Don't believe me.... just google it (sts) On a side note, I met a hottie french chic in a class the other day.....
  18. Verizon has the HTC Touch Pro, similar to the Fuze.... A chic I know has the XV6900, and as gay as it may look, it does kind of fit the specs you requested.
  19. well, there's all kinds of options, but they are all going to be expensive because they're not "on-contract" pricing. The reason stores can sell the phones for so cheap is because the phone company knows they get to the money back out of you for the next two years, so the phone company sends a kickback to the store (I used to get some pretty nice kickback checks). Some of the options include: Newegg Amazon Wirefly but again, you're paying full price basically. Beyond that, you're gonna want something unlocked anyways, so that you can use it over there without getting sand for lube when they're boning the money out of you.
  20. I'm assuming you're going for new rather than used?
  21. I figured I would get some smack talk for hating on the iphone. It's just too simple for me. I know that sounds bass ackwards, but I've used windows mobile since early 06, and I just prefer the flexibility. The big deal with Windows Mobile is that you have to be smarter than your phone. For that reason, a ton of people choose iphones. I'm not saying they're dumb. A lot of people just don't have the time to dig into the windows mobile software to really use it to its full potential.
  22. When I read your post I thought you were playing repeat from Super Troopers..... Anyways, I used to work for Cingular (back before and immediately after they purchased ATT Wireless), and although it would probably work, it is kind of a jacked up way to do things. I would say you are better off jumping on ebay and buying a "jailbroken" ( terms from apple homos) phone. Then of course, while I'm making suggestions, I would suggest not even buying an iphone anyway (just personal opinion, I think they are gay). Edited for too many rainbows, made my post look bad.
  23. Have you decided yet? I mean, it could open new doors for her! Reference "Zack and Miri make a porno" (which, btw, is a freakin funny movie)
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